Support #2133
openRent increase data
Hi, I'm interested in whether it's possible to use understanding society data to work out these things:
1) how frequently tenants experience in-tenancy rent increases (i.e. how often tenant's get their rent raised by their landlord)
2) how large these in-tenancy rent increases are
3) how these in-tenancy rent increases are distributed across different tenant groups, particularly income levels
Would the variables in the understanding society study allow for this kind of analysis?
Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 7 months ago
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Hi Matthew,
We interview respondents at roughly one-year intervals and, if they live in rented accommodation, we ask about the rent (net amount of last rent payment, and how many weeks it covered ( This data is stored in the hhresp dataset. You can find the list of income variables here:
I hope it helps.
Best wishes,
Piotr Marzec
UKHLS User Support