



Support #2142


query about mental health measures

Added by Foteini Tseliou 6 months ago. Updated 5 months ago.

Data documentation
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I am new to the study and trying to familiarise with available measures. I am particularly interested in mental health especially among children and young people. Due to the volume of the data and the existence of different raters, I was wondering if there is a table of contents/ data dictionary where it is clear when each measure was assessed (e.g. if it was repeated at wave 3, 5 etc) and by whom (e.g. if raters are constant or shift from parent report). Thank you in advance for your help!


# 2142.xlsx (32.6 KB) # 2142.xlsx Understanding Society User Support Team, 09/05/2024 12:09 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 6 months ago

  • File # 2142.xlsx # 2142.xlsx added
  • Category set to Data documentation
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
  • Private changed from Yes to No

Hello Foteini,

There are several variables related to mental health in the dataset, such as hcond, mhcond, etc. Additionally, the survey includes questions from the GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire), which is commonly used to assess mental health, as well as the WEMWBS (Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale) for measuring well-being and the SF-12, a short-form health survey that assesses quality of life, physical, and mental health. These variables appear across different waves and are asked of respondents aged 16 and above.

UKHLS also includes the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for children's mental health. This information is collected from the adults responsible for children aged 5 or 8 as part of the Child Development module in the adult questionnaire. SDQs are also administered to young people aged 10-15, with consent from their parents or carers.

I'm attaching an Excel file with the list of relevant variables, including details about which wave and file the data can be found in. You can also use the "Mainstage variable search" tool at to find more information about these variables.

The data is available through the UK Data Service. Following are some helpful links with more details on accessing Understanding Society data:
• How to access data:
• Data releases:
• UK Data service login:

You may also want to explore the UKHLS New User Pathway, which can be a useful starting point for navigating the data. Here’s the link:

I hope this information is helpful.

Best wishes,
Roberto Cavazos
Understanding Society User Support Team

Actions #2

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team 5 months ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

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