As there are only 23 response options for plbornc, many respondents have to choose 97 "other country". They are then asked to give the name of this other country and that is recorded verbatim. This is then coded up and the resulting variable is called plbornc_all. But these two variables are not entirely synched up. We are looking into correcting that.
So, you will see for Ireland (5)
(1) there are 15 individuals for whom plbornc=97 & plbornc_all==5 // as plbornc=97, they were asked about other country which they gave as Ireland. So, this is ok.
(2) there are 442 individuals for whom both plbornc & plbornc_all is 5 // as plbornc<97, they were not asked about other country, and the values were synched up. So, this is ok.
(3) there are 280 individuals for whom plbornc==5 & plbornc_all=-9 // as plbornc<97, they were not asked other country, but values were not synched up. This needs to be corrected
Note, this also happens for other countries.
For now you can use the following code to get a complete list of countries of birth:
replace plbornc_all=plbornc if plbornc>=5 & plbornc<97 & (plbornc_all==-9|plbornc_all==997)
Please note that those who said they were born in the UK, that is, ukborn>=1 & ukborn<=4 are not asked plbornc. So, if you want a complete list of countries of birth you should also do:
replace plbornc_all=ukborn if ukborn>=1 & ukborn<=4
Best wishes,