From 11/22/2018 to 12/21/2018
- 10:35 PM Support #1121: Variable "plbornc" vs "plbornc_all
- ISER is now closed for the holidays and will reopen on 2nd January. We will get back to you soon afterwards.
With... - 10:35 PM Support #1120: Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
- ISER is now closed for the holidays and will reopen on 2nd January. We will get back to you soon afterwards.
With... - 10:34 PM Support #1119: fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
- ISER is now closed for the holidays and will reopen on 2nd January. We will get back to you soon afterwards.
With... - 10:31 PM Support #1091 (Resolved): Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
- 10:30 PM Support #1089 (Feedback): Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
- 10:30 PM Support #1047 (Feedback): Weights
- 04:21 PM Support #1078: Marital change
- Dear Lydia,
We have had some issues and the release of this data has been delayed. It should now be released in Ja... - 11:35 AM Support #1118: f_closenum filtering issues
- Dear Ella,
I have checked the data and do not find this issue. For all respondents where both f_simfam and f_simag... - 11:28 AM Support #1112: Device variables at the individual level at Wave 8
- This issue is being resolved by email.
- 10:32 AM Support #1121 (In Progress): Variable "plbornc" vs "plbornc_all
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 10:32 AM Support #1120: Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 03:04 PM Support #1121 (Resolved): Variable "plbornc" vs "plbornc_all
- Hello,
I expect that the number of observations for values (countries) 5-27 should be the same for both the "plbor...
- 03:21 PM Support #1114 (Feedback): Tracking health conditions
- Dear Paul,
I want to make sure you're aware of the difference in wording in these questions between BHPS and UKHLS... - 02:59 PM Support #1111: Data discepancy? Tenure_dv and movdir / plnew
- Dear Chris,
We have some team members looking into this issue and will update you when we have made some progress.... - 10:42 AM Support #1101: Use of social media
- Dear Craig,
The variable c_ypnetcht had been mislabelled and should read "how many hours do you spend chatting or ... - 10:35 AM Support #1120 (In Progress): Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
- 10:34 AM Support #1118 (In Progress): f_closenum filtering issues
- 10:34 AM Support #1118: f_closenum filtering issues
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 10:34 AM Support #1119 (In Progress): fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 06:59 PM Support #1120 (Resolved): Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
- Hi,
I am merging the chmain.dta across the third, fifth and seventh wave of UKHLS. In the third wave, each row is ... - 04:15 PM Support #1119 (Resolved): fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
- Greetings!
I am merging all the income datasets with the 18-wave BHPS and the 8-wave UKLHS. However, the row in in...
- 02:56 PM Support #1117: Scottish sample
- Hi Olena,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
Much appreciated,
- 03:15 PM Support #1112: Device variables at the individual level at Wave 8
- Dear Olga,
The data for this variable is received as a String and has not yet been coded. I will look into when it... - 03:01 PM Support #1118 (Resolved): f_closenum filtering issues
- To whom it may concern,
I have been having some issues with understanding the f_closenum variable for the number ... - 02:51 PM Support #1104 (Feedback): Variable "plbornc"
- Dear Olayiwola Oladiran,
Our remit at the User Forum is to answer queries related to Understanding Society data an... - 11:55 AM Support #1110 (Feedback): Uprating Wages for Inflation
- Dear Nhlanhla Ndebele,
The data is not adjusted for inflation but we are not able to provide advice on whether it ... - 11:42 AM Support #1117 (Feedback): Scottish sample
- 11:32 AM Support #1117: Scottish sample
- Matthew,
Yes, as long as you use weights any subgroup is representative. So yes, you can represent Scottish people...
- 09:47 AM Support #1117 (Resolved): Scottish sample
- Hi,
I am currently looking at political engagement in Scotland. Understanding Society waves 3 and 6 provide some...
- 11:17 AM Support #1078: Marital change
- Dear Stephanie,
I would like to understand if the consolidated partnership history for Understanding Society has ...
- 02:41 PM Support #1094: MSOA level data - Scotland and NI identifiers
- Thank you Stephanie, that is just what I needed to know.
best wishes,
Juliet. - 11:51 AM Support #1104: Variable "plbornc"
- Hello Stephanie,
Thank you for your reply. Yes I am using the xwavedat datafile, and it is the free (open access).... - 11:23 AM Support #1104: Variable "plbornc"
- Dear Olayiwola Oladiran,
Are you using the datafile xwavedat? Which releases are you comparing? Which licence do y... - 10:31 AM Support #1114 (In Progress): Tracking health conditions
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 10:29 AM Support #1112 (In Progress): Device variables at the individual level at Wave 8
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 10:13 AM Support #1111 (In Progress): Data discepancy? Tenure_dv and movdir / plnew
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 10:10 AM Support #1110 (In Progress): Uprating Wages for Inflation
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 06:56 PM Support #1114 (Resolved): Tracking health conditions
- Hi,
I am currently working with the harmonised BHPS/US data and looking to chart various health conditions. For ex... - 02:53 PM Support #1112 (Resolved): Device variables at the individual level at Wave 8
- Raised by Olga Maslovskaya:
I just looked at the Wave 8 data and cannot find “device used” variable. I was wonderin... - 02:37 PM Support #1111 (In Progress): Data discepancy? Tenure_dv and movdir / plnew
- Hi,
I want to examine the effect of moving from the private rental tenure (PRS) to the social rental sector (SRS) ... - 12:46 PM Support #1110 (Resolved): Uprating Wages for Inflation
- Can you please assist me with this?
As data collection for each wave in conducted over a 2-year period, when usin...
- 04:01 PM Support #1102 (Feedback): Type of further education (variable: FETYPE) inapplicable
- Dear Simon,
These values are due to the respondents only being asked this question when they join the survey, so t... - 03:53 PM Support #1101: Use of social media
- Dear Craig,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It looks like a labelling issue and our data team are lo... - 03:39 PM Support #1104: Variable "plbornc"
> The variable "plbornc" previously had about 36,904 observations (BHPS and UKLS Waves 1-... - 01:44 PM Support #1104 (In Progress): Variable "plbornc"
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 01:00 PM Support #1104 (Resolved): Variable "plbornc"
- The variable "plbornc" previously had about 36,904 observations (BHPS and UKLS Waves 1-7). I have just downloaded the...
- 04:46 PM Support #1102 (In Progress): Type of further education (variable: FETYPE) inapplicable
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 04:23 PM Support #1102 (Resolved): Type of further education (variable: FETYPE) inapplicable
- Dear all,
I am looking at the data of the individual respondents (INDRESP) of the first few waves, more specifical...
- 07:58 AM Support #1099: Non coresidential relationships
- Ok, thank you.
So do you confirm that there is not the possibility of verifying the non co-residential relationsh...
- 06:20 PM Support #1101 (In Progress): Use of social media
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 11:49 AM Support #1101 (Resolved): Use of social media
- Hi
I'm carrying out research into children's mental health and I'm using data from the youth questionnaire in Wave... - 06:19 PM Support #1099 (Feedback): Non coresidential relationships
- Dear Lydia,
Other questions you may find useful which were asked in the same waves as bw_nrpxpm1 (8, 13 and 18) we... - 12:22 PM Support #1097: YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
- Dear Amy,
If you read the questionnaires you will see that these missing answers are due to routing at ypeveralc. ... - 11:03 AM Support #1097: YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
- Dear Stephanie,
Actually I have another question. See attached, the distribution shows that dklm has a lot more mi... - 10:23 AM Support #1097: YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
- Thanks Stephanie, that resolves my query!
Best wishes,
Amy - 10:35 AM Support #1098 (Feedback): Consulting
- Dear Leonardo,
I'm not sure what you mean by "the form BHPS survey". If you are looking for the questionnaires the...
- 05:35 PM Support #1097 (Feedback): YPDKLM: irregular variable dist.
- Dear Amy,
If you look at the value labels you will see that the sixth response option is labeled "never but q45 an... - 05:26 PM Support #1095 (Feedback): question about sample sizes
- 04:30 PM Support #1100 (Resolved): weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
- 02:27 PM Support #1100: weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
- Thank you so much for your kind assistance with this and my previous questions!
Yours sincerely
Per-Ola Sundin - 01:50 PM Support #1100: weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
- Dear Per-Ola Sundin,
Thank you for your question. Yes, the weight is correct. And for the svy set command you shou... - 10:39 AM Support #1100: weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 10:33 AM Support #1100 (Resolved): weights and 'svy set' using wave 2+3, nurse health assesment and blood samples
- I am evalutaing associations between kidney function (serum creatinine) determined in blood samples at the wave 2/3 n...
- 11:35 AM Support #1094 (Feedback): MSOA level data - Scotland and NI identifiers
- Dear Juliet,
All of our geographies are taken directly from the ONSPD. The version of ONSPD used per Wave is ident... - 11:31 AM Support #1099 (In Progress): Non coresidential relationships
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 08:54 AM Support #1099 (Feedback): Non coresidential relationships
- Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to understand whether there is the possibility of identifying
non-coresidential re...
- 04:30 PM Support #1098 (In Progress): Consulting
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 01:15 PM Support #1098 (Resolved): Consulting
- Dear Sirs:
My name is Leonardo Núñez and I work at the Social Observatory of the Chilean Department of Social Develo... - 04:23 PM Support #1095: question about sample sizes
- Dear Richard Norrie,
Thank you for your question. If you are looking only at Sikhs population you could use W_indi... - 11:30 AM Support #1092: Variables
- Dear Giorgio,
Wave 8 data is due to be released next week. Wave 9 data will be released towards the end of next ye... - 10:41 AM Support #1092: Variables
- Stephanie Auty wrote:
> Dear Aideen,
> It looks like the questions you are looking at are part of the Local Nei...
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