



From 10/12/2022 to 11/10/2022


12:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1802: Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
Thank you for the prompt and helpful response.
That makes sense, and if I incorporate pasoc90 responses, there are...
Robert de Vries
09:21 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1799: query in advance of making data application
Sorry the text associated with that link is out of date. But if you follow the link then the UKDS page shows that it ... Understanding Society User Support Team


02:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1799: query in advance of making data application
Thank you. Can you let me know if school identifiers are available within the mainstage youth self-completion questio... Sandra McNally
12:05 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1799: query in advance of making data application
1. Here is the latest information about linked education data available: Understanding Society User Support Team
02:02 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1781: Identifying House Moves
You are correct w_addrmov_dv variable identifies moves between two consecutive waves using the postcode of the two ad... Understanding Society User Support Team
11:44 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1802 (Feedback): Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
Currently not all reports of parents' occupation are available using SOC 2010 coding frame. Parents occupat...
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1799: query in advance of making data application
Thank you. This is useful and it might be what we need. But I was thinking about mainstage youth self-completion ques... Sandra McNally
01:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1799 (Feedback): query in advance of making data application
Dear Sandra,
This dataset contains school code variables for the Understanding Society COVID-19 study (SN 8644).
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:50 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1802 (In Progress): Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
01:49 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1800 (Feedback): Monthly variable on current labour force status
To get this monthly labour force status variable you will need the employment event history data. This is c...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1801 (Feedback): Belong to religion oprlg variable: many missings
This question is asked of everyone every few years (Waves 1, 4, 8,..) and in the intervening waves it is as...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:38 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1798 (Resolved): Which weight to use for Adults in COVID Wave 6 & 2
We have received your email and passed that on to the weighting team. As the conversation is now continuing via email... Understanding Society User Support Team


11:38 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1802 (Resolved): Missing data for pasoc10 in xwavedat
Hi all,
I'm conducting research which involves looking at social mobility - so I'm looking at data on parental occ...
Robert de Vries
10:21 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1801 (Resolved): Belong to religion oprlg variable: many missings
Dear Understanding Society team,
I am wondering why there is many missing/inapplicable responses to oprlg in later w...
Michaela Kyclova
09:10 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1800 (Resolved): Monthly variable on current labour force status
Dear Understanding Society User Support team,
I am using the variable jbstat "current labour force status". This i...
Luana Marx


01:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Literature on multilevel modelling will help you with your first question.
You can skip scaling if yo...
Olena Kaminska
01:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
sorry maybe I wasn't clear I was more intersted in ways to _account_ for these small households in my model. ...
Caroline Kienast von Einem
12:14 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Yes, there can be other reasons why a model does not converge.
You don't need to specify finite populat...
Olena Kaminska
09:55 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Hi Olena,
I will check the manual yes thanks!
I am only using adukts yes so some of my household clusters are...
Caroline Kienast von Einem
11:44 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1781: Identifying House Moves
Hi Piotr,
Thank you for the suggestion to look at the addrmov_dv variable.
I have a follow up question please...
Caroline Kienast von Einem


12:12 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1799 (Resolved): query in advance of making data application
Dear Sir/Madam,

Together with co-authors I am working on a project about the effect of school closures during the...
Sandra McNally


12:04 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
On the specific melogit command it is best to check Stata manual.
Your non-convergence problem is lik...
Olena Kaminska
07:34 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Hi Olena,
Thank you!
Do you know whether I would need to specify running [pweight=...] instead of svyset and ...
Caroline Kienast von Einem


04:53 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1798: Which weight to use for Adults in COVID Wave 6 & 2
Thanks for letting us know. Could you please email us at and our weighting tea... Understanding Society User Support Team
08:43 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1798 (In Progress): Which weight to use for Adults in COVID Wave 6 & 2
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
08:15 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1798 (Resolved): Which weight to use for Adults in COVID Wave 6 & 2
I could do with some advice re: which weights to use for the COVID module Waves 2 & 6 (that have both web and telepho... Gemma Schwendel
01:07 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Firstly, I can confirm that you need a longitudinal weight. This is because those people who moved but d...
Olena Kaminska
12:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
reading in more depth I am now sure that I will need to include weights at each level of my analysis if I wan...
Caroline Kienast von Einem
08:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Good morning!
Households at the top level and individuals nested within the households at the lower level.
Caroline Kienast von Einem
08:50 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Sorry I sent this too quickly. Are you considering household and individual levels in your multilevel model? Understanding Society User Support Team
08:48 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
What are the different levels that you are considering in this multilevel model? Understanding Society User Support Team
08:44 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1797 (In Progress): Child birth years/fertility histories
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


06:58 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1797 (Resolved): Child birth years/fertility histories
I am trying to create datasets for each wave of the survey which include the date (year) of birth for each ...
Emily Humphreys
09:52 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Good morning,
thank you for your response this is very helpful.
When I run the svy:melogit command with the l...
Caroline Kienast von Einem


01:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1795: Wave 9 COVID-19 data
This has now been corrected. Understanding Society User Support Team
01:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1793 (Feedback): Biomarkers ethnic diversity breakdown
Combining b_indresp_ns and c_indresp_ns there are approx 20,000 individuals. Of these around 1900 are ethni...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
So, you need to include all those who were interviewed in Wave 3, but you also need to observe them in Waves 4, 5 & 6... Understanding Society User Support Team
12:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1783: ff_jbsoc00 not available
Hello Albert,
The employment questions (like many other questions) follow dependent interview, i.e., previously in...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
thank you very much!
Maybe I should explain this better. Let's just focus on the first model to not make ...
Caroline Kienast von Einem
02:29 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Cross-sectional weights make the sample estimates generalizable to the population of that time period while longitudi... Understanding Society User Support Team
01:15 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
thank you for your quick response.
I am hoping to do cross-sectional analysis. I am interested in differe...
Caroline Kienast von Einem
01:08 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
Stata help for xtgee says "iweights, fweights, and pweights are allowed; see weight. Weights must be constant within... Understanding Society User Support Team
12:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794: Weights
this is helpful thank you.
I am looking to use generalized estimating equations (in stata command: xtgee)...
Caroline Kienast von Einem
12:38 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794 (Feedback): Weights
If you want to correctly compute standard errors taking into account the sample design then you should use ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:34 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1794 (Resolved): Weights
Hi team,
I have a question about applying survey weights:
When I am applying the weights do I have to do this v...
Caroline Kienast von Einem
12:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1795 (Feedback): Wave 9 COVID-19 data
There was no Covid19 survey in May 2021. There were three surveys in 2021: January 2021 (Wave 7), March 202...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:51 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1795 (Resolved): Wave 9 COVID-19 data
On the Understanding Society webpage Waves 1-9 are described as having taken place from April 2020 to May 2021, with ... Joel Cooper
12:19 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1787: BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)
In the BHPS questionnaires the Universe description is a little complicated. If you take a look at the questionnaire ... Understanding Society User Support Team


05:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1793 (Resolved): Biomarkers ethnic diversity breakdown
Hi Understanding Society Support team,
I am trying to find out the ethnic diversity breakdown of the wave 2-3 GPS...
India Francis-Crossley
04:33 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1792: Employer changes in BHPS
Understanding Society User Support Team wrote in #note-1:
> Hello,
> From onwards Wave 16 of the BHPS dependen...
Kat R
01:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1792 (Feedback): Employer changes in BHPS
From onwards Wave 16 of the BHPS dependent interviewing was implemented, i.e., questions were asked based o...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:59 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1770 (Resolved): Making best use of the Ethnic Minority Boost Sample
Understanding Society User Support Team


06:18 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1792 (Resolved): Employer changes in BHPS
Dear USoc team,
Like some previous questions, this question is about job changes. In the Understanding Society wav...
Kat R
01:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1770: Making best use of the Ethnic Minority Boost Sample
Dear Piotr and Olena,
Thank you for your help with this. I believe my understanding of the use of weighted/unweighte...
Laurence Rowley-Abel
11:59 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1791 (Feedback): child deprivation questions - youth questionnaire
If you want to know who gets asked a particular question please refer to the questionnaire. If you look at ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1790 (Feedback): Weighting approach in Understanding society
We don't provide a prevalence weighted combined material deprivation score. Only the individual variables a...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1791 (Resolved): child deprivation questions - youth questionnaire
I have read on your website that 'Respondents aged 16 and over take part in the main adult survey and young people ag... Danielle Watson
04:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1790 (Resolved): Weighting approach in Understanding society
Do you take a prevalence weighting approach similar to the FRS to calculate a material deprivation score for relevant... Danielle Watson


12:09 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1787: BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)
Thanks very much for your reply. So rjlsoc00 essentially has the same conditions as jlsoc00? (new entrants, wo...
Albert Ward
10:38 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1789 (Resolved): Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:55 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1789: Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
Ah I see: thanks for your answer, that's incredibly helpful! I wasn't aware of ethn_dv. I think I'm looking for most ... Albert Ward
08:22 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1789: Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
I see.
racel_dv is combined from the information on racel (or racelt*) collected from across all the waves, i.e.,...
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:40 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1709 (Resolved): Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:35 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1723 (Resolved): 'Other qualifications' category in hiqual_dv
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:34 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1725 (Resolved): Variable for region of work?
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:33 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1721 (Resolved): Random effects analysis and weights (no time*person interaction)
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:33 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1724 (Resolved): Weights and accounting for individual clustering
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:32 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1733 (Resolved): Covid Survey - Measuring Internal Migration
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:32 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1745 (Resolved): the equivalent of jbstat in the covid surveys
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:31 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1756 (Resolved): Creating length of residence variable for BHPS and UKHLS using plnowy4, plnowm, mvyr, mvmnth and mvever
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:31 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1757 (Resolved): Computing a travel time to work variable using jsttwt (and jsttwtb_cawi?)
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:30 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1759 (Resolved): Differences between figures for tenure_dv and hsownd
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:29 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1764 (Resolved): Identifying individual movers consistently across UKHLS and BHPS samples
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:29 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1765 (Resolved): Weights for unbalanced longitudinal analysis
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:28 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1772 (Resolved): Start of interview (istrtdaty) for BHPS wave 1
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:27 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1774 (Resolved): adcts not available for UKHLS wave 2
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:26 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1776 (Resolved): Wave6 - Migration history questionnaire module missing
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:27 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1789: Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
Hi Alita,
Not really unfortunately, maybe I'm not understanding something - I'm only talking about the racel_dv va...
Albert Ward
01:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1789 (Feedback): Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
Every adult respondent is asked questions about their ethnic group the first time they are interviewed. Those who are... Understanding Society User Support Team
11:43 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1789 (Resolved): Missing responses for racel_dv at each wave
I'm using the crosswave variable racel_dv: when I match it into UKHLS indresp waves that I am interested in, I...
Albert Ward
04:01 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1703: Time-varying UKHLS identifier
Thanks for pointing this out. This is a data error and we will fix this in the next data release. Understanding Society User Support Team
01:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1703 (Resolved): Time-varying UKHLS identifier
Conversation continued via email Understanding Society User Support Team
01:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1739 (Feedback): Weights when pooling data from different waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1741 (Feedback): Weights - Main Survey Wave 9 & Covid Waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:55 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1747 (Feedback): Weight problem when running regression
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:48 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1787 (Feedback): BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)
Only new entrants who say they are not currently employed are asked about the last job they ever had, while c...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1786 (Feedback): Weights for longitudinal study
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:57 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1779 (Feedback): Calculating persistent poverty
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:34 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1780 (Feedback): Code creator
Thanks for your feedback and spotting the error. Our data team are working on correcting this. In the meantime we hav... Understanding Society User Support Team
11:53 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1771 (Feedback): Computing number of own dependent children for BHPS waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:52 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1771: Computing number of own dependent children for BHPS waves
Yes Understanding Society User Support Team
11:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1777 (Feedback): Creating Longitudinal Weights for Unbalanced Panel
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:56 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1771: Computing number of own dependent children for BHPS waves
Thanks both, that makes sense
From what I can see from the syntax for deriving depchl_dv is that this would still ...
Albert Ward
03:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1772: Start of interview (istrtdaty) for BHPS wave 1
Ah, I see! Thank you
Albert Ward
02:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1786: Weights for longitudinal study
Thank you for your question. The answers are below:
Q1: Weighting represent any subgroup of the populatio...
Olena Kaminska
02:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1783: ff_jbsoc00 not available
Thanks Piotr,
I should have said that I have access to the Special Licence version of the harmonised dataset - I w...
Albert Ward


05:43 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1787 (Resolved): BHPS variables availability and question route (jlendm, rjlend4, rjlsoc00)

I have a couple of questions about variable availability and conditions in the BHPS waves:
1. What is the...
Albert Ward
05:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1786 (Resolved): Weights for longitudinal study
Hi Olena,
I am currently looking to see the effect of government policy on the mental health of people in England,...
Connor Gascoigne


09:07 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #1764: Identifying individual movers consistently across UKHLS and BHPS samples
Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for your help!
Albert Ward


06:40 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1770: Making best use of the Ethnic Minority Boost Sample
Dear Laurence,
Here is the advice from Olena Kaminska, our survey statistician:
"For an analysis with only one...
Understanding Society User Support Team
06:37 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1764: Identifying individual movers consistently across UKHLS and BHPS samples
Hi Albert,
This is postcode change, not the exact address change.
Best wishes,
UKHLS User Support
Understanding Society User Support Team
06:35 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1785 (Feedback): Question regarding geographical data
You can find the list of all available geographic variables here:
Understanding Society User Support Team
05:31 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1785 (Resolved): Question regarding geographical data
My name is Anil Menon. My co-author and I are currently using the Understanding Society data for a project and am won... Anil Menon
06:30 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1784 (Feedback): Questions on Housing Problems
Thank you for your feedback.
If the questions you are interested in are asked every wave than a more up...
Understanding Society User Support Team
06:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1783 (Feedback): ff_jbsoc00 not available
Hi Albert,
This is because that ff_jbosoc00 is a text variable, by definition it is very disclosive and that's why...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:38 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #1779: Calculating persistent poverty
Dear Facundo,
Thank you for your question.
Yes, the weights account for attrition, including that related to inc...
Olena Kaminska

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