



From 08/06/2016 to 09/04/2016


03:21 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #622 (Closed): hcost, hsyr04, mgold, mgtype
Please could you advise what the situation is with these variables. In BHPS they (or their equivalents) were initiall... david rhodes


08:58 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #617: "Lost CAPI intvw" in e_ivfio, f_ivfio and g_ivfio
Thank you very much! Helena Retamal


04:32 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #620: Interviewer paradata
Dear Mollie,
we have different types of interviewer paradata. From what you write I assume you are after interview...
Gundi Knies
03:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #617 (In Progress): "Lost CAPI intvw" in e_ivfio, f_ivfio and g_ivfio
E_IVFIO=9 cases
Our data team has investigated and this is their response: Our understanding is that “CAPI LOST” m...
Alita Nandi


11:12 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #621: Weights - biomarker data
Hi Olena,
Many thanks for answering.
Best wishes,
Claire Niedzwiedz
09:56 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #621 (Feedback): Weights - biomarker data
Victoria Nolan
09:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #619 (Resolved): Cost of obtaining the data at Local Authority level
Dear Maire,
Many thanks for your enquiry. Details about charges can be found here:
Victoria Nolan
09:51 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #618 (Closed): W5 mainstage: NS-SEC for all respondents?
Victoria Nolan
09:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #616 (Closed): LSOA Data in Understanding Society Survey
Victoria Nolan
09:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #615 (Closed): Derived variables
Victoria Nolan
09:49 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #614 (Closed): Occupation codes
Victoria Nolan


09:17 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #621: Weights - biomarker data
Yes, that's right.
The indbdub_xw weight is designed for the analysis of blood information together with wave 2 and...
Olena Kaminska


01:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #621: Weights - biomarker data
Hi Olena,
Thanks for your reply. I will be using the blood data too. Will using the indbdub_xw weight also take int...
Claire Niedzwiedz
01:20 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #621: Weights - biomarker data
Hi Claire,
If you are using only nurse information with mainstage (but not information from blood) use indnsub_xw ...
Olena Kaminska
12:28 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #621 (Closed): Weights - biomarker data
I am hoping to use the biomarker data (and associated nurse data) from the GPS and BHPS samples and their longi...
Claire Niedzwiedz
11:28 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #620 (Closed): Interviewer paradata
I would like to examine the interviewer paradata from the Understanding Society surveys.
I understand that the re...
Mollie Bourne


02:19 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #619 (Closed): Cost of obtaining the data at Local Authority level
I work as a researcher at Centre for Cities and we're interested in using data from Understanding Society in one of o... Maire Williams


02:36 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #618: W5 mainstage: NS-SEC for all respondents?
Hello Gundi,
These details are very helpful, thank you. Due to these limitations we've decided against constructi...
Dan Philo
11:36 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #616 (Feedback): LSOA Data in Understanding Society Survey
Dear Karyn,
Many thanks for your enquiry.
The data are not robust at the LSOA level. We have no more than a han...
Victoria Nolan


03:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #602 (Closed): BHPS pid versus Understanding Society (UKHLS, with BHPS hhorig) pidp
Victoria Nolan
03:46 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #597 (Closed): some incorrect value lables - wave 5
Victoria Nolan
03:45 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #613 (Closed): how do I transform waves as time measurement into years?
Victoria Nolan
03:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #610 (Closed): Information on Educational Attainment and Sample Size
Victoria Nolan
03:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #608 (Closed): Housing benefits' variable: coding
Victoria Nolan
03:44 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #605 (Closed): IMD
Victoria Nolan
03:41 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #618: W5 mainstage: NS-SEC for all respondents?
Hi Dan,
we cannot comment on which is "the best way" to derive your desired indicator seeing as that is something on...
Gundi Knies
02:11 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #618 (Closed): W5 mainstage: NS-SEC for all respondents?
I am after a W5 derived variable giving ns-sec for all respondents, including retired people and other 'econo...
Dan Philo


02:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #617: "Lost CAPI intvw" in e_ivfio, f_ivfio and g_ivfio
Helena Retamal wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to know if the the individual interview outcome with code 9 (Lost CAPI...
Helena Retamal
02:06 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #617: "Lost CAPI intvw" in e_ivfio, f_ivfio and g_ivfio

Just one more thing... if these cases answered, were they proxy interviews or full interviews? Thanks!!
Helena Retamal
01:42 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #617 (Closed): "Lost CAPI intvw" in e_ivfio, f_ivfio and g_ivfio
I need to know if the the individual interview outcome with code 9 (Lost CAPI intvw) is a complete intervi...
Helena Retamal
08:28 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #611: longitudinal weights or cross-sectional weights for descriptive with index constructed with longitudinal weights
Dear Olena,
Sorry for this late reply. Thanks a lot for your advice.
Best regards,
Rita Bussi


02:25 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #538 (Closed): missing proxy interviews in wave 1
Victoria Nolan
02:24 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #611 (Closed): longitudinal weights or cross-sectional weights for descriptive with index constructed with longitudinal weights
Victoria Nolan
02:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #600 (Closed): qualoc variable, qualification from the UK or not
Victoria Nolan
02:22 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #596 (Closed): employment spells
Dear Pilar,
I will close this issue now but please do get in touch if you have further queries.
Best wishes, Vi...
Victoria Nolan
01:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #615: Derived variables
You're right... just me being an idiot then. Sorry.
Thanks for your help and patience.
Hannah Fountain
01:07 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #615: Derived variables
it looks like you included " " in the search term. Have you tried searching for just the following: *_dv Gundi Knies
12:17 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #615: Derived variables
Screenshots attached...
Hannah Fountain
11:55 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #615: Derived variables
Hi Hannah,
searching for *_dv does work fine in my Internet browser, see jpeg attached. I am not sure why it does no...
Gundi Knies
11:46 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #615: Derived variables
Thank you for your quick reply.
The tip about the dv files being at the end is useful, thanks, though I was ideally ...
Hannah Fountain
08:54 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #615 (Feedback): Derived variables
Hi Hannah,
to find derived variables that end on "dv", try looking for "*_dv", or to find pointers look for "*pno"...
Gundi Knies
11:37 AM Understanding Society User Support Support #616 (Closed): LSOA Data in Understanding Society Survey
Dear USS Team,
I wish to develop indicates of social cohesion at the small are level, preferably the LSOA level. If ...
Karyn Morrissey


10:00 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #615 (Closed): Derived variables
Hi. Is there anywhere I can see a list of derived variables and their definitions? I'm search across the site and in ... Hannah Fountain
12:23 PM Understanding Society User Support Support #614 (Feedback): Occupation codes
Hi Emma,
we do not (yet) have plans to code occupations held in W1-W3 to SOC 2010, and, as you say, there is to our ...
Gundi Knies

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