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# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
1128 Resolved High How to match husbands and wives in USoc without dropping one or the other Nico Ochmann 03/02/2021 03:54 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1155 Resolved Normal What variables to use to construct hourly gross labor wage that accounts for overtime Nico Ochmann 03/02/2021 03:52 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1010 Resolved Normal Cognition tests from wave 3 planned for wave 9 as well? Nico Ochmann 08/21/2018 03:28 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
945 Resolved High total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant) Nico Ochmann 08/14/2018 04:28 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
919 Resolved High weights for pooled cross-sections over waves (a)-(g) Nico Ochmann 04/05/2018 12:35 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
879 Closed Normal macob_all and pacob_all in xwavedat_protect are not available Nico Ochmann 12/18/2017 02:40 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
839 Closed Normal Pooling data from all waves, 1-6, using all subsamples of USoc (GPS, EMBS, BHPS, IEMB) Nico Ochmann 10/16/2017 04:25 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
829 Closed Urgent What is the difference between qualoc_dv from xwavedat and qualoc from wave a,b,c,d,e,f Nico Ochmann 09/11/2017 10:57 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
802 Closed Normal Construction of hourly wage with paygu_dv Nico Ochmann 07/18/2017 11:26 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
758 Closed Normal weights for pooled cross-sections over waves (a)-(f) Nico Ochmann 06/15/2017 03:08 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
692 Closed Normal merging _indresp and _child across all waves Nico Ochmann 02/13/2017 03:32 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
709 Closed Normal how to match spouses across waves Nico Ochmann 02/08/2017 09:42 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
666 Closed High gender of the children under 16 years of age in a given household Nico Ochmann 12/12/2016 09:40 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
613 Closed Normal how do I transform waves as time measurement into years? Nico Ochmann 08/15/2016 03:45 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
600 Closed Urgent qualoc variable, qualification from the UK or not Nico Ochmann 08/10/2016 02:23 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
2193 Feedback High Paygu_dv: difference between EUL and special licence data Nico Ochmann 01/16/2025 10:16 AM

Nico Ochmann Actions
1833 Resolved Urgent Data information necessary for publication in journal Nico Ochmann 11/30/2023 12:44 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1670 Resolved High Local Authority Districts (LAD) from SN 6666 Nico Ochmann 04/27/2022 12:10 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1663 Resolved Urgent How to obtain an approximate measure for UK citizenship across Waves 1-11 Nico Ochmann 03/18/2022 01:15 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1709 Resolved Normal Self-completion questionnaire during Covid-19 Nico Seifert 10/20/2022 08:40 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
113 Closed Urgent multiple recrods for each individual - EGOALT Nicola Pensiero 01/28/2013 10:41 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
752 Closed Normal Weights Nicola Spencer Godfrey 04/24/2017 01:57 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
1289 Resolved Normal What are the values 7 through 12 in the jbnssec3_dv variable Nicole Martin 12/05/2019 05:15 PM

Nicole Martin Actions
1185 Resolved Normal Linking all waves of BHPS and UKHLS: Inconsistencies? Nicole Schwitter 03/02/2021 03:56 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
461 Closed High Was Maternal BMI or Maternal Weigth and Height Data been recorded? Nicoleta Pasecinic 01/14/2016 03:19 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
(1326-1350/1985) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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