From 07/18/2023 to 08/16/2023
04:44 PM Support #1950: Merging w_hhresp for multiple waves
- Hello Jelle
How to construct a panel will depend on the research you are doing. Could you provide some insight int... -
03:23 PM Support #1958 (In Progress): Inquire about using 2011 Lower Super Output Areas data create Townsend Score and Carstairs Index
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:42 PM Support #1958 (Resolved): Inquire about using 2011 Lower Super Output Areas data create Townsend Score and Carstairs Index
- Dear Sir/Madam,
Hope you are doing well.
My name is Wen Wang, a first year PhD student at ISER of University of... -
03:20 PM Support #1957: Depression diagnosis variable BHPS
- Hello Michael,
Certainly, I understand. This seems feasible. I suggest you take a look at the variables hconda17 ... -
11:17 AM Support #1957: Depression diagnosis variable BHPS
- Hi Roberto,
Thank you for your answer.
Yes, the reason is, that I need a variable which represents windfall incom...
04:07 PM Support #1943 (Feedback): Weights
- Hello Michael,
I'm about to share Pablo Cabrera's response, which I understand he replied directly to you as well... -
03:48 PM Support #1952: Parenting style weights
- Hello Maria,
Your understanding is correct. To conduct your analysis, you'll need to utilize a suboptimal weight.... -
03:11 PM Support #1955: General election voting variables routing
- Hello Albert,
This general election question was asked of respondents who were interviewed around the time of the... -
10:38 AM Support #1955: General election voting variables routing
- Hi Roberto,
Many thanks for your reply. I see my mistake in the question, sorry!
Out of curiosity as well, if I... -
09:52 AM Support #1955 (Feedback): General election voting variables routing
- Hello Albert,
The question (vote7: voted in last general election) may refer to the same general elections in mor... -
12:53 PM Support #1957 (Feedback): Depression diagnosis variable BHPS
- Hello Michael,
Do you have a specific reason for preferring BHPS? If not, I would recommend considering UKHLS. Th... -
11:41 AM Support #1932 (Feedback): Caring Module Covid Study Wave 2
- Hello Laurence
I can confirm we did not release variable carechange2 by itself, instead, the variable was processe... -
11:26 AM Support #1953: Inconsistencies in hcondna1 vs hconda01 and age told had health condition (starting age health condition)
- Hi Alita,
thank you for the clarification.
I'm interested when a health condition (disease) has started, eg. as...
08:10 PM Support #1950: Merging w_hhresp for multiple waves
- Thanks for the help. I succeeded to merge the datasets and waves. Now i'm a bit struggling with putting the data in t...
04:25 PM Support #1957 (Resolved): Depression diagnosis variable BHPS
- Hello,
I am sorry, I think I selected the wrong "assignee".
I am working on my masters thesis on depression and... -
04:12 PM Support #1953 (Feedback): Inconsistencies in hcondna1 vs hconda01 and age told had health condition (starting age health condition)
- Hi Alexander,
Response to your 1st question: The "mc" in the variable label for hconda01 (appears in Waves 4 & 6, ... -
03:25 PM Support #1956 (Resolved): Variable for Depression diagnosis by expert
- Hello,
I am working on my masters thesis on depression and planned to use the BHPS data set (w6-w18). There are qu... -
01:04 PM Support #1955 (In Progress): General election voting variables routing
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:33 PM Support #1951: Zero longitudinal weights
- Hi Roberto,
Thanks for your response. I integrate the survey design weights by extracting the longitudinal weight ... -
12:55 PM Support #1955 (Resolved): General election voting variables routing
- Hi,
I'm wondering about the question routing for vote7.
Just looking at Wave 9, I can see, as far as I understa...
11:53 AM Support #1951 (Feedback): Zero longitudinal weights
- Hello Isabel,
Our team responsible for weights provided us with the following response
To give you a comprehensiv... -
10:03 AM Support #1954 (In Progress): Absent from household
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:17 PM Support #1954 (Resolved): Absent from household
- I am working on a project looking at parental imprisonment. I was interested in the variable in each wave that indica...
12:22 PM Support #1952: Parenting style weights
- Hello,
Thank you for your response.
My understanding is that parenting questions were asked when children aged ... -
10:27 AM Support #1953 (Resolved): Inconsistencies in hcondna1 vs hconda01 and age told had health condition (starting age health condition)
- I work with health condition variables and try to calculate the starting age of a health condition, e.g. asthma.
05:02 PM Support #1952 (Feedback): Parenting style weights
- Hello Maria, if you are interested in newborn questions, please use w_chdnbXX_XX weights. If you are interested in ch...
12:22 PM Support #1952 (Resolved): Parenting style weights
- Hello,
I would like to confirm which weights are appropriate to use for the parenting style questions (in the PEAC... -
09:06 AM Support #1948 (Feedback): variables in secure data
- Hello Tessa,
The dataset SN 8578 Understanding Society: Waves 5 and 11, 2013/14 and 2019/20: Special Licence Access...
05:12 PM Support #1951 (In Progress): Zero longitudinal weights
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:33 AM Support #1951 (Resolved): Zero longitudinal weights
- Hi,
I am running some panel data regressions examining the change in mental health outcomes when an individual moves...
05:09 PM Support #1950 (Feedback): Merging w_hhresp for multiple waves
- Hello Jelle
Households are uniquely identified in each wave by w_hidp, a wave-specific variable with a different p...
03:53 PM Support #1950 (Resolved): Merging w_hhresp for multiple waves
- Hi, I'm currently trying to merge a couple of waves from w_hhresp into one dataset. I'm using stata to do this but wh...
05:07 PM Support #1949: Merging two datasets
- Hi Taiba,
The step 1 is fine, you correctly linked the hhresp to indresp. However, as you are using indresp which ... -
02:10 PM Support #1949: Merging two datasets
- Thank you for getting back to me. I have done a few steps so far.
I merged the individual and household data files... -
01:53 PM Support #1949 (Feedback): Merging two datasets
- This happens because these are individual level files, a lot of individuals live together in the same household there...
01:16 PM Support #1949: Merging two datasets
- I am using Stata
12:02 PM Support #1949: Merging two datasets
- Hi Taiba,
Which statistical package do you use?
Best wishes,
UKHLS User Support -
11:14 AM Support #1949: Merging two datasets
- I am trying to look at parental income and children health. By merging the two datasets I can see the children within...
11:08 AM Support #1949 (Resolved): Merging two datasets
- Hi, I am currently trying to merge g.indresp and g.youth together. I have tried using the household identifier g.hidp...
09:56 AM Support #1945 (Feedback): Using the individual questionnaire
- Hi Joshua,
You should use all individuals in the household.
Best wishes,
UKHLS User Support -
09:53 AM Support #1947 (Feedback): Information on pooled data
- Dear Rosemary,
Please see "Pooling data from different waves for cross-sectional analysis" section in the user gui... -
06:26 AM Support #1947 (Resolved): Information on pooled data
- Hi,
can I kindly request for information on pooled data.
Kind regards
Rosemary -
09:50 AM Support #1948 (In Progress): variables in secure data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:29 AM Support #1948 (Resolved): variables in secure data
- I just wanted to understand in advance whether the USoC dataset that we are hoping to gain access to will have an ind...
01:11 PM Support #1945 (Resolved): Using the individual questionnaire
- When doing analysis at the individual level. Is it valid to do research using multiple members of the same household ...
10:54 AM Support #1944 (Feedback): Sample size in regressions
- Dear Michael,
If I understand your question right, this happens because each additional variable added to your mod...
02:25 PM Support #1688 (Resolved): Linkage Query
02:24 PM Support #1699 (Resolved): BHPS - UKHLS self-completion weight
02:24 PM Support #1700 (Resolved): Interview timing
02:23 PM Support #1696 (Resolved): random effects logistic regression models and weighting
02:22 PM Support #1676 (Resolved): Youth self-esteem measure
02:21 PM Support #1693 (Resolved): household data
02:19 PM Support #1689 (Resolved): Matching Spouses data across waves
02:16 PM Support #1667 (Resolved): Youth self completion longitudinal weight with non-monotone response
02:16 PM Support #1687 (Resolved): Query about Likert variable in ca_indresp_w
02:16 PM Support #1631 (Resolved): Consistencies across gross and net income in BHPS and USoc
02:15 PM Support #1657 (Resolved): Identifying parents of under 5-year-olds
02:14 PM Support #1654 (Resolved): Looking for motherhood status variables
02:14 PM Support #1647 (Resolved): Filter issues of "vote7"
02:13 PM Support #1648 (Resolved): Help with linking data across two waves
02:13 PM Support #1645 (Resolved): How to Deal with Missingness in Health Variables Over Time
02:12 PM Support #1643 (Resolved): Employment history for different samples
02:12 PM Support #1637 (Resolved): Religion in Covid survey
02:11 PM Support #1638 (Resolved): w_fimnlabnet_dv
02:11 PM Support #1640 (Resolved): Onward Social Fabric Index and Understanding Society Wave
02:10 PM Support #1636 (Resolved): Empstat wave 5
02:09 PM Support #1635 (Resolved): Scotland – all UKLHS participants who completed secondary education in Scotland?
02:09 PM Support #1633 (Resolved): Query regarding measurement of food poverty in UKLHS mainstage questionnaire
02:08 PM Support #1626 (Resolved): Who is the respondent parent - SDQ
02:07 PM Support #1629 (Resolved): Merging Variable vote_7
02:04 PM Support #1769 (Resolved): missing values after merging household and individual dataset
11:03 AM Support #1944 (Resolved): Sample size in regressions
- Hi Alita,
I'm running Nested OLS regressions to examine the social class pay gap for each wave of data (I am using... -
09:47 AM Support #1943 (Resolved): Weights
- I am messaging with a question regarding weights. I am using data from the indresp files from waves 1 to 9 of the UKH...
04:16 PM Support #1941 (In Progress): Employee (jbpen + jbpenm) and personal (ppen + ppreg) pensions in Understanding Society - query re. some wave data
- Dear Thomas,
1) I can confirm that wave 6 looks odd, I will investigate this further.
2) I checked the long term ...
05:04 PM Support #1942 (In Progress): Bornuk_dv missing data
- Hi Luis,
Before I can investigate this further, could you please provide a few more details: the name of the varia...
02:19 PM Support #1942 (In Progress): Bornuk_dv missing data
- Dear colleagues,
I have observed that the derived variable "Born in UK" reports a substantial number (8.61% of obs... -
12:58 PM Support #1941 (Resolved): Employee (jbpen + jbpenm) and personal (ppen + ppreg) pensions in Understanding Society - query re. some wave data
- Good afternoon,
I have a query about some of the pensions data in Understanding Society.
Specifically, I have ...
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