



From 01/06/2021 to 02/04/2021


07:13 PM Support #1494 (Resolved): Weights
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:31 PM Support #1494: Weights
Yes, Olena. That indeed helped.
Thanks very much.
Lydia Palumbo
01:46 PM Support #1494: Weights
Yes, all the steps described above are correct.
The scaling fractions on the whole population or just you...
Olena Kaminska
07:12 PM Support #1501 (Feedback): xtreg and fixed effects
Dear Leilah,
Your question is about Stata and more generally about statistics/econometrics. That is beyond the rem...
Understanding Society User Support Team
06:21 PM Support #1501 (In Progress): xtreg and fixed effects
Hi Leilah,
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to...
Understanding Society User Support Team
06:16 PM Support #1501 (Resolved): xtreg and fixed effects
I have been trying to estimate a panel regression using xtreg, fe in Stata. My observations are at the level o...
Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
06:20 PM Support #1500 (In Progress): Definition of "living as a couple"
Hi Leilah,
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:16 PM Support #1500 (Resolved): Definition of "living as a couple"
Could you please confirm whether "living as a couple" in mastat_dv means living with a partner as someone who ...
Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
03:54 PM Support #1491: advice on constructing ISCED variable
Hi Gundi,
Indeed I had only looked in the mainstage questionnaire for wave 6.
Thanks for your advice, it has be...
Clara Mascaro
01:57 PM Support #1491: advice on constructing ISCED variable
We are glad to hear you find the flowchart useful.
Regarding f_qfhighoth, the IEMBS had a separate questionnaire a...
Gundi Knies
11:28 AM Support #1491: advice on constructing ISCED variable
Dear Gundi,
Thanks for this answer - it seems that w_qfhighoth was only asked (in wave 9, it does not appear in th...
Clara Mascaro


09:59 PM Support #1494: Weights
Sorry, Olena.
Let me just add a question to the previous post re: 1).
1) Calculate the weighted sample size f...
Lydia Palumbo
02:10 PM Support #1494: Weights
Thank you for your answer. I would like to check if I follow the correct procedure.
Following the instructions you ...
Lydia Palumbo
12:15 PM Support #1494: Weights
Then it's yes to both questions: use cross-sectional weights, and rescale them to take into account larger ...
Olena Kaminska
01:20 PM Support #1498: Create child id in BHPS and assign them their parents' work status
Step 1: create the step/adopted/natural parent pidp using the egoalt files. This was covered in the workshop...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:09 PM Support #1498: Create child id in BHPS and assign them their parents' work status
Hi Sir or Madam,
Many thanks for your the kind of response - the Do.file has really helpful information.
Mario Martinez-Jimenez
08:06 AM Support #1498 (Feedback): Create child id in BHPS and assign them their parents' work status
Hello Mario,
If you want to link children with their parents information you can do it for the waves they were liv...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:24 PM Support #1495: Zero weights in the extra five minutes sample
Some of these participants are TSMs-from-wave1. These are non-eligible for boost people who live with eth...
Olena Kaminska
09:05 AM Support #1490: Top-coding of net income
As fimnnet_tc doesn't exist, how would I know if fimnnet_dv observations are top-coded? fimnnet_dv is comprised of 6 ... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
08:00 AM Support #1490 (Feedback): Top-coding of net income
Hello Leah,
Currently the only way to identify the cases where income has been topcoded is using the _tc variable...
Understanding Society User Support Team


06:06 PM Support #1496 (Feedback): data merge
Hi Rachel,
1) I am assuming you want to merge a household level file (such as w_hhresp) with an individual level f...
Understanding Society User Support Team
11:04 AM Support #1496 (In Progress): data merge
Dear Rachel,
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:42 PM Support #1481 (In Progress): Missing values vs negative income
Piotr Marzec
03:31 PM Support #1494: Weights
Dear Olena,
thank you for the answer. Yes - I am pooling observations. Individuals might be observed more than on...
Lydia Palumbo
12:49 PM Support #1494: Weights
Thank you. Are you pooling all the information together and using it in one model?
Are you studying a cros...
Olena Kaminska
02:18 PM Support #1495: Zero weights in the extra five minutes sample
Hi Olena
Thanks for your help. I have already removed all participants who are not part of the extra five minutes ...
Natalie Bennett
12:43 PM Support #1495: Zero weights in the extra five minutes sample
Extra 5 minutes are questions meant for ethnic minorities - so all ethnic minorities are asked them, but ...
Olena Kaminska
01:57 PM Support #1498: Create child id in BHPS and assign them their parents' work status
Thanks for your quick answer.
I would like to add a better way to create children id:
foreach w in $W ...
Mario Martinez-Jimenez
10:57 AM Support #1498 (In Progress): Create child id in BHPS and assign them their parents' work status
Dear Mario,
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back t...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:30 AM Support #1498 (Resolved): Create child id in BHPS and assign them their parents' work status
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have managed to create a mother, father, and children identifier using the EGOALT file in BHP...
Mario Martinez-Jimenez
11:51 AM Support #1491 (Feedback): advice on constructing ISCED variable
Piotr Marzec
11:36 AM Support #1493 (Resolved): negative income
Understanding Society User Support Team


08:39 PM Support #1486: Constructing a reference group using weights
Thank you. Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
10:37 AM Support #1486: Constructing a reference group using weights
Hi Leilah,
as you are looking for the population mean, you can use summarize which allows aweight, but not pweight. ...
Gundi Knies
05:28 PM Support #1496 (Resolved): data merge
Sorry if this has been asked before!
How can i merge variables from one dataset to another from the same year. on...
Rachel Bridge
02:23 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Hi Olena,
Thank you so much for your detailed reply and suggestion for even more accurate analysis. I will probabl...
Marie Mueller
01:21 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
One more point. If you want to skip postal sectors and go with the lower LSOAs it is theoretically possible...
Olena Kaminska
01:11 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
You do need to go with the highest level of clustering in the model (other levels are optional). But indeed...
Olena Kaminska
12:59 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Hi Olena,
Yes, thank you very much!
As for the clustering, I was wondering: when I am interested in neighbourho...
Marie Mueller
09:33 AM Support #1495 (In Progress): Zero weights in the extra five minutes sample
Hi Natalie,
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back t...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:31 AM Support #1494 (In Progress): Weights
Dear Lydia,
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back t...
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:41 PM Support #1486: Constructing a reference group using weights
In addition, how would I know which population weight to choose for the mean income calculation? When calculating mea... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
05:08 PM Support #1486: Constructing a reference group using weights
Hi Gundi, why do you use an aweight? I am trying to construct the mean income of a reference group weighted by popula... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz


06:49 PM Support #1491: advice on constructing ISCED variable
Hi Clara,
the variable isced11_dv is a recode of the variable w_qfhighoth. To understand the inapplicable -8, please...
Gundi Knies
05:49 PM Support #1493 (Feedback): negative income
Dear Rachel,
Negative values result from self-employed respondents reporting losses. This question comes up quite ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:07 PM Support #1493 (In Progress): negative income
Dear Rachel,
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:38 PM Support #1493 (Resolved): negative income
I am using the ‘total household net income - no deductions’ variable but it has several negative values ranging from ... Rachel Bridge
05:47 PM Support #1492 (Feedback): USoc Interview dates 'slotting' into financial year
Dear Babar,
"my concern is that a person could be interviewed on 5th April 2013 (end of 2012/13 FYR) and then 20th...
Understanding Society User Support Team
05:10 PM Support #1495 (Resolved): Zero weights in the extra five minutes sample
Hi, I am using wave 3 extra five minutes sample participants in my analysis only. I am using the specific cross secti... Natalie Bennett
03:51 PM Support #1494 (Resolved): Weights
Dear USoC team,
I am doing an analysis on young adults which comprises wave 12,13,17 of BHPS and 2,3,5,7,9 of UKH...
Lydia Palumbo


04:19 PM Support #1492 (In Progress): USoc Interview dates 'slotting' into financial year
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi
03:32 PM Support #1492 (Resolved): USoc Interview dates 'slotting' into financial year
I'm running a model on SAS which uses financial year, i.e. from 6 April to 5 April, so I want to see how USoc ...
Babar Neyazi
04:18 PM Support #1490 (In Progress): Top-coding of net income
Alita Nandi
04:17 PM Support #1490: Top-coding of net income
Thank you. Could you please ask the Income Team how I can identify which individual observations have been top-coded? Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
03:47 PM Support #1491 (In Progress): advice on constructing ISCED variable
Many thanks for your inquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi
12:37 PM Support #1491 (Resolved): advice on constructing ISCED variable
Dear support team,
I am looking to construct an ISCED variable from UKHLS data (waves 2-9) for comparison with GSO...
Clara Mascaro
10:18 AM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Sample design is described here:
Olena Kaminska


03:05 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Dear Olena,
I am now at the stage of trying to get a deeper understanding of what PSUs, strata, and weights actual...
Marie Mueller


08:42 PM Support #1474: Covid-19 weighting
Hi Alita,
Thanks so much for your reply. I have noted down your suggestions.
Thanks again!
Laura Silva
02:38 PM Support #1490 (Feedback): Top-coding of net income
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Based on the user guide description of topcoding, all these variables...
Alita Nandi


11:03 PM Support #1487 (Resolved): Clarification on fuel expenditure
Alita Nandi


06:32 PM Support #1482: Top-coded income
Thanks. Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
12:22 PM Support #1490 (In Progress): Top-coding of net income
Hi, how would I find out if observations of the following variables have been top-coded?:
Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz


07:06 PM Support #1489: SDQ Total Difficulties Score - too many 'inapplicable'
Sorry I meant age 5 or 8. If you take all adult respondents in c_indresp who completed the interview face-to-face (c_... Alita Nandi
06:25 PM Support #1489 (Feedback): SDQ Total Difficulties Score - too many 'inapplicable'
Hello Giorgio,
This file includes all children (0-15 year old). These questions were asked of parents of 3 and 5 y...
Alita Nandi
10:18 AM Support #1489 (Resolved): SDQ Total Difficulties Score - too many 'inapplicable'
Dear all,
I would like to know your opinion on the following issue (maybe silly, but I am pretty new to this data...
Giorgio Piccitto


02:40 PM Support #1487: Clarification on fuel expenditure
Dear Alita,
Thank you so much for taking the time to check this and for helping me understand this matter. I reall...
Christina Nascimento
02:34 PM Support #1487: Clarification on fuel expenditure
I have checked the routing on all these questions (as specified in the questionnaire) and these are ok.
cou if fuel...
Alita Nandi
01:45 PM Support #1487: Clarification on fuel expenditure
Dear Alita,
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
I am specifically interested in fuel expenditure, so I ha...
Christina Nascimento
10:40 AM Support #1487 (Feedback): Clarification on fuel expenditure
Dear Christina,
We will look into this. Could you please provide exact variable names and waves you are looking at...
Alita Nandi
08:42 AM Support #1487 (Resolved): Clarification on fuel expenditure
I am conducting analysis on several waves of the UKHLS. I have noticed that, when looking at expenditure on...
Christina Nascimento
01:56 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Yes, if the weight is at an individual level. Olena Kaminska
01:27 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Hi Olena,
Thank you very much for your detailed reply. This is super useful!
As for the weight, in a longitudin...
Marie Mueller
11:51 AM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
The enumeration weight is the same for everyone in a household (with very few exceptions in EMB sample) onl...
Olena Kaminska
09:48 AM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Hi Olena,
Thank you very much - this is very helpful!
Does this mean that the enumeration weight is the same fo...
Marie Mueller
01:37 PM Support #1482: Top-coded income
Our income team has pointed out that the fimnlabgrs is a variable which is the sum of variables, and it is these comp... Alita Nandi
12:44 PM Support #1473 (Resolved): keyworksector variable missing from pdf documents
Alita Nandi
12:42 PM Support #1481 (Resolved): Missing values vs negative income
Alita Nandi
12:06 PM Support #1485 (Resolved): Is multi-level modelling needed when using information at the LSOA level
Alita Nandi
10:15 AM Support #1485 (Feedback): Is multi-level modelling needed when using information at the LSOA level
Hi Martin,
This is an analysis question and it is not within our remit to provide analytical help as we don't have...
Alita Nandi
10:44 AM Support #1484 (Resolved): Covid-19 Survey Wave e weights
Alita Nandi
10:09 AM Support #1486: Constructing a reference group using weights
There are multiple methods. For example, you can also use collapse:
Open your data
save temp, replace // collapse...
Alita Nandi


08:33 PM Support #1484: Covid-19 Survey Wave e weights
Many thanks for your explanation! It is very helpful.
05:34 PM Support #1484: Covid-19 Survey Wave e weights
Sorry, I see what you mean.
The weights are scaled so that they add up to the sample size and not the UK populatio...
Alita Nandi
04:20 PM Support #1484: Covid-19 Survey Wave e weights
Hi Alita,
Many thanks for your reply. Please find my result table in the attachment. The command that I mentioned ...
03:40 PM Support #1484 (Feedback): Covid-19 Survey Wave e weights
I repeated your code and then estimated your model without weights (option 1), with weights and survey desi...
Alita Nandi
08:23 PM Support #1486: Constructing a reference group using weights
Thanks Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
08:21 PM Support #1486: Constructing a reference group using weights
Hi Leilah,
to generate the mean in a group you do not need to use the svy suite of commands.
Simply generate a new ...
Gundi Knies
08:17 PM Support #1486: Constructing a reference group using weights
Great, thank you for your help! Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
08:10 PM Support #1486 (Resolved): Constructing a reference group using weights
Hi Leilah,
to generate the mean in a group you do not need to use the svy suite of commands.
Simply generate a new ...
Gundi Knies
06:42 PM Support #1486 (Resolved): Constructing a reference group using weights
Hi, I am trying to construct an income reference group for each individual in each wave but am having issues incorpor... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
06:05 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
If the last wave used in your analysis is wave 12 (i.e. you have at least one variable from wave 12 in your...
Olena Kaminska
05:34 PM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Hi Olena,
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you mean by ...
Marie Mueller
04:54 PM Support #1482: Top-coded income
Thank you Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
03:46 PM Support #1482: Top-coded income
I have asked the income team to get back to me about this, and will let you know when I have a response from them. Alita Nandi
03:57 PM Support #1483 (Feedback): The use of weight "indscui_lw" reduces the number of observations. Is it correct?
Alita Nandi
03:56 PM Support #1474: Covid-19 weighting
(b) In that case there is no appropriate weights. If you were to use Main survey Wave 9 + Covid waves for DID (pre an... Alita Nandi
03:50 PM Support #1477 (Resolved): clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Alita Nandi
10:58 AM Support #1485 (Resolved): Is multi-level modelling needed when using information at the LSOA level
I am aiming to look at the impact of residential age structure on a range of health and well being outcomes by linkin... Martin Hyde


05:48 PM Support #1483: The use of weight "indscui_lw" reduces the number of observations. Is it correct?
Thank you for your question. You are using the correct weight if your model includes longitudinal information (i.e. a... Olena Kaminska
12:08 PM Support #1477: clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Dear Alita,
I can confirm that this solved the problem completely!
Thank you again!
best wishes,
Marion Lieutaud
10:05 AM Support #1484 (Resolved): Covid-19 Survey Wave e weights
I would like to explore the relationship between internet use (ce_netpusenew) and mental health status (ce_scg...


09:44 AM Support #1481: Missing values vs negative income
That would be helpful, thank you. Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
09:03 AM Support #1481 (Feedback): Missing values vs negative income
Alita Nandi
09:00 AM Support #1481 (In Progress): Missing values vs negative income
Alita Nandi
08:59 AM Support #1481: Missing values vs negative income
I don't think we have encountered this issue yet as it is very unlikely to have income amount exactly -7 or -9. But i... Alita Nandi
09:41 AM Support #1482: Top-coded income
I used the following Stata code to summarise by wave and topcoding: bysort wave fimnlabgrs_tc: su fimnlabgrs_dv
I t...
Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
09:03 AM Support #1482 (Feedback): Top-coded income
Alita Nandi
08:56 AM Support #1482 (In Progress): Top-coded income
Could please you add which wave you are looking at? I did not find this issue when I looked at Wave 1 data....
Alita Nandi
08:39 AM Support #1483 (In Progress): The use of weight "indscui_lw" reduces the number of observations. Is it correct?
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi


03:59 AM Support #1483 (Resolved): The use of weight "indscui_lw" reduces the number of observations. Is it correct?
I’m currently doing some analysis about immigrants’ subjective well-being, so in my regression models, I us...
Jing Shen


01:15 PM Support #1458: Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
Your option 1 is the best: it goes back to the most recent of our weights and then models nonresponse in o...
Olena Kaminska


05:37 PM Support #1482 (Resolved): Top-coded income
I've been looking at summary statistics for fimnlabgrs_dv and have noticed that individuals with no top-coding (fimnl... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
04:34 PM Support #1481: Missing values vs negative income
So suppose income were actually -7. Would you enter income as -7.00 to differentiate it from the missing values? Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
01:02 PM Support #1481 (Feedback): Missing values vs negative income
The negative values -9 -8 -7 -2 -1 are set aside for missing values. Other negative values are actual negative values... Alita Nandi
01:11 PM Support #1474: Covid-19 weighting
Sorry for bothering again with this! I still have this doubt regarding the longitudinal weight.. we have two ...
Laura Silva
01:03 PM Support #1476 (Resolved): Calculating Equivalised Income Deciles AHC
Alita Nandi
01:02 PM Support #1472 (Feedback): Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Alita Nandi
10:38 AM Support #1458: Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
Dear Alita and Olena
Thanks for alerting about the release of the new longitudinal weights.
I have been reading t...
Manuel Serrano


06:45 PM Support #1481 (Resolved): Missing values vs negative income
Hi, when looking at income variables (e.g. fimnlabgrs_dv) and I see negative integer values, how do I know whether th... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz


11:07 AM Support #1472: Weighting youth analysis across waves 1–8
Thank you for your question.
On weights: we do not have a specific weight for your analysis. Please do no...
Olena Kaminska


02:22 PM Support #1477: clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Hi Marion - We have identified that the value of strata=122 should be changed to 130 if hhorig=4. Please make this ch... Alita Nandi


06:11 PM Support #1477: clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Dear Understanding Society support team,
a thousand thanks for identifying the problem - that explains it all!
I ha...
Marion Lieutaud
01:39 PM Support #1477 (Feedback): clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Hello Marion,
My colleague has checked your code and that is ok. We have identified that for 2 cases in b_indresp,...
Alita Nandi
01:55 PM Support #1479 (Resolved): mismatch merging indall m:1 using hhresp (merge=1)
Alita Nandi
12:14 PM Support #1479: mismatch merging indall m:1 using hhresp (merge=1)
Thank you for the clarification, Alita.
That was very useful.
Best wishes,
Pilar Zueras
11:53 AM Support #1479 (Feedback): mismatch merging indall m:1 using hhresp (merge=1)
While all individuals in indall must be in a responding household, the households in the file hhresp are on...
Alita Nandi
11:51 AM Support #1480 (Feedback): Who was sampled for question ca_timeshare in the COVID-19
In the cW_indresp_w files, no responses were removed because of this reason (and that includes the timchcar...
Alita Nandi
11:13 AM Support #1480 (Resolved): Who was sampled for question ca_timeshare in the COVID-19
I am working with the April 2020 COVID-19 web survey dataset ( ca_indresp_w ) and was wondering if the questio...
Johara Meyer


07:47 PM Support #1479 (Resolved): mismatch merging indall m:1 using hhresp (merge=1)
Hi there,
I was merging household-level variables onto individual files (indresp) and found mismatches, so to make ...
Pilar Zueras
05:51 PM Support #1474: Covid-19 weighting
Thanks so much for your detailed and prompt reply.
Just a note around (b). We are not doing a separate an...
Laura Silva
04:10 PM Support #1474 (Feedback): Covid-19 weighting
(a) For cross-sectional analysis use the weights cW_betaindin_xw for Covid waves 1-4 (W=a,b, c, d), W_indin...
Alita Nandi
04:19 PM Support #1477: clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Thank you! Perhaps I should mention that I use the special license data. So the first line of the code is actually:
Marion Lieutaud
03:59 PM Support #1477 (In Progress): clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Sorry I didn't notice that you had included the lonelypsu correction. We are looking into this. Alita Nandi
02:32 PM Support #1477: clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
Dear Understanding Society team,
Thank you for your reply.
I am surprised because I had registered for and had lo...
Marion Lieutaud
02:26 PM Support #1477 (Feedback): clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)
This is possible because of single PSU strata. While this is not the case by design, for a particular analy...
Alita Nandi
11:16 AM Support #1477 (Resolved): clusters not nested in b_strata (using R and svydesign object)

Dear Understanding Society team,
I have an issue with the combination of clusters and strata in the Wave 2 dat...
Marion Lieutaud
02:48 PM Support #1462 (Resolved): respondents without a record in the jk data weights and representativeness
Alita Nandi
02:47 PM Support #1465 (Resolved): Highest qualifcation variable
Alita Nandi
02:46 PM Support #1466: Determining which observations have been answered by a proxy
If you exclude proxy respondents then you will use the weight for full respondent. For cross-sectional analysis that ... Alita Nandi
02:44 PM Support #1467 (Resolved): Website links not working
Alita Nandi
02:44 PM Support #1468 (Resolved): Tracking category labels over time
Alita Nandi
02:43 PM Support #1458: Weights for Covid longitudinal sample
If you are using Wave 9 + all Covid waves, and conducting a longitudinal analysis, you should use the longitudinal we... Alita Nandi
02:29 PM Support #1455 (Resolved): Inapplicable responses to GHQ-12 and SF-12 in the extra five minutes sample
Alita Nandi
02:22 PM Support #1473: keyworksector variable missing from pdf documents
Many thanks! This is very useful.
Theocharis Kromydas
02:20 PM Support #1473 (Feedback): keyworksector variable missing from pdf documents
The question is the same as in the JUly questionnaire so please take a look at that for now, while we updat...
Alita Nandi
01:57 PM Support #1473 (In Progress): keyworksector variable missing from pdf documents
We are looking into this and will get back to you asap.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support...
Alita Nandi
02:01 PM Support #1476: Calculating Equivalised Income Deciles AHC
Thanks very much for your helpful reply.
Reviewing the documentation I see that to be consistent with HBAI after ...
Henry Parkes
01:30 PM Support #1476: Calculating Equivalised Income Deciles AHC
Hi Henry,
it is not possible to say why the results look different across the two studies; you'd have to compare t...
Gundi Knies
12:14 PM Support #1476 (In Progress): Calculating Equivalised Income Deciles AHC
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Alita Nandi


07:37 PM Support #1468: Tracking category labels over time
Okay, thank you for the clarification. Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
07:36 PM Support #1467: Website links not working
Thanks, it's working now. Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
07:34 PM Support #1466: Determining which observations have been answered by a proxy
Thanks. If I take a subsample of the individual-level data (which happens to have no proxy respondents), would I use ... Leilah Plant-Tchenguiz
01:28 PM Support #1476 (Resolved): Calculating Equivalised Income Deciles AHC
Dear USOC User Team,
I've written some code which seeks to work out people's equivalised household income decile af...
Henry Parkes
10:03 AM Support #1474 (Resolved): Covid-19 weighting
Good morning,
I have checked the guide and previous issues on weighting for Covid-19 study but I am still unclear...
Laura Silva

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