From 08/04/2019 to 09/02/2019
06:25 PM Support #1234: Variable for checking if parent has same ex-partner for all children
- For 5. & 6., my numbers are 91 and 97. You are consistently getting slightly fewer discrepancies than I am. Not sure ...
06:07 PM Support #1231: Percentage of young people living with their parents in England
- Hello Louise,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Our team has looked at the ONS report you are referring ... -
02:19 PM Support #1228: Unbalanced panel weight
- Louise,
Yes, we have a general guidance for such situations. Please see below:
Creating your own tailored weigh... -
12:37 PM Support #1235 (Feedback): Country of birth of children aged 0 to 15
- Dear Marina,
We don't have this data for most children. There was a question, f_bornuk, in Wave 6 which asked if a...
11:13 AM Support #1228: Unbalanced panel weight
- Olena,
Thanks a lot. This is a great help!
Unbalanced panel weight might be more suitable for my research. Howe...
04:33 PM Support #1235 (Resolved): Country of birth of children aged 0 to 15
- Hi,
I am struggling to find the country of birth for children under age 16. I thought I could find this variable ... -
02:44 PM Support #1231: Percentage of young people living with their parents in England
- Hi Alita,
I check the figures using longitudinal weight (indpxnub_lw) in a balanced panel today. I found the perce... -
11:31 AM Support #1234: Variable for checking if parent has same ex-partner for all children
- Hi Alita,
Thanks for looking into it.
I was using a merged dataset and looked at it observationally but also chec... -
11:07 AM Support #1234 (In Progress): Variable for checking if parent has same ex-partner for all children
- Hello Charlotte,
I have run a quick check and compared c_exsame e_exsame g_exsame and found:
1. 62 cases where c_...
06:27 PM Support #1234 (Resolved): Variable for checking if parent has same ex-partner for all children
- Hi,
I'm looking at waves 3, 5 and 7 of the individual file and the variable exsame. I noticed something that looks... -
01:00 PM Support #1233: Commuting to work (jsttwt)
- Dear Maddalena,
If you are using BHPS and Understanding Society together it is better to use https://beta.ukdatase... -
12:41 PM Support #1233: Commuting to work (jsttwt)
- Dear Staphanie, I have found the problem: my questions refers to the variable *jsttwt*, but I have copied for you the...
12:06 PM Support #1233: Commuting to work (jsttwt)
- I have also just re-downloaded the following dta:
11:29 AM Support #1233: Commuting to work (jsttwt)
- Dear Stephanie, thanks a lot for your quick reply!
I have tried redowloading the data before wirting to the support ... -
11:12 AM Support #1233 (Feedback): Commuting to work (jsttwt)
- Dear Maddalena,
I have checked several waves of data, including the one you mention here, and I find that the data... -
09:51 AM Support #1233 (Resolved): Commuting to work (jsttwt)
- Hello,
I want to use the variable jsttwt="minutes spent travelling to work" in the BHPS/UKHLS but I am experiencin...
03:41 PM Support #1232 (Feedback): 2015 immigrant and ethnic minority boost and ward level data
03:40 PM Support #1229 (Feedback): Equality Act 2010 definition of disability
03:38 PM Support #1228 (In Progress): Unbalanced panel weight
01:34 PM Support #1231 (In Progress): Percentage of young people living with their parents in England
- Hi Louise,
We are looking into this issue and will get back to you soon.
Best wishes,
Alita -
01:25 PM Support #1232 (In Progress): 2015 immigrant and ethnic minority boost and ward level data
- Yes, the data for this boost sample, IEMBS, is already mereged into all the files. You can identify the data for this...
01:08 PM Support #1232 (Resolved): 2015 immigrant and ethnic minority boost and ward level data
- To whom it may concern,
I don't seem to be able to find the 2015 Understanding Society immigrant and ethnic minori...
02:45 PM Support #1231 (Resolved): Percentage of young people living with their parents in England
- Hi,
I found the percentage of young people (aged 20-34 years old in each wave) living with their parents in UKHLS ... -
02:22 PM Support #1228: Unbalanced panel weight
- Louise,
'91' is the zz part of the weight. To choose it correctly please refer to my ealier message.
Generally i... -
10:22 AM Support #1230 (Closed): Equality Act 2010 definition of disability
- Duplicate issue to issue #1229.
10:21 AM Support #1229: Equality Act 2010 definition of disability
- Hi Onyinye,
Please read the text of the question "disdif" in the questionnaire for Wave 7 to determine if someone ...
05:23 PM Support #1228: Unbalanced panel weight
- Hi Olena,
Sorry for bothering you again.
I just found that '91' weight is only applied to those who participa... -
04:48 PM Support #1228: Unbalanced panel weight
- Hi Olena,
Thanks for your reply.
I am investigating young people aged 20 to 34 years old in each wave. It is a ... -
12:39 PM Support #1228: Unbalanced panel weight
- Louise,
So, I guess you don't care when a perons is 20, in 1991 or 2008 let's say. And I imagine you are doing a l... -
03:35 PM Support #1230 (Closed): Equality Act 2010 definition of disability
- Hi there,
I would like to conduct some analysis on disabled sample members in USoc as defined by the Equality Act ... -
03:34 PM Support #1229 (Resolved): Equality Act 2010 definition of disability
- Hi there,
I would like to conduct some analysis on disabled sample members in USoc as defined by the Equality Act ...
03:16 PM Support #1228: Unbalanced panel weight
- Dear Olena,
Many thanks for your help.
Back to your question, the unit of my analysis is individual in England.... -
12:06 PM Support #1228: Unbalanced panel weight
- Thank you for your question.
Generally you won't go wrong if you use the weight from the last wave in your analys...
11:04 AM Support #1228 (Resolved): Unbalanced panel weight
- Hello. I am working on regression models using fixed effect. It is a longitudinal analysis using all the available da...
05:37 PM Support #1131: Harmonization of retrospective cohabitation and marital status information
- Hi Ashley,
We used the cohabitation and marital history data collated by Pronzato from the BHPS indresp and marita... -
04:24 PM Support #1131: Harmonization of retrospective cohabitation and marital status information
- Dear Alita,
I have a couple of questions regarding "British Household Panel Survey Consolidated Marital, Cohabita... -
01:07 PM Support #1227: Family size
- Dear Ella,
There does seem to be a mismatch betweeen the data, the questionnaire and the online documentation. The...
03:54 PM Support #1227 (In Progress): Family size
- The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Best wishes,
11:38 AM Support #1227 (In Progress): Family size
- To whom it may concern,
I am attempting to generate non-household family size variables for both waves three and s...
10:14 PM Support #1221: Using UKHLS at the quarterly level
- Yes, your understanding is correct. But you multiply the weight from wave B by 2 only because in the first place it i...
03:50 PM Support #1225 (Feedback): Definition of partially productive interview
- Dear Olga,
A partial interview is where someone has completed up to the household finances section, but not finish... -
03:47 PM Support #1223: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) linked dataset release timeline & access
- Dear Karen,
I'm afraid we can't give a timescale for availability of this data at the moment.
Our linked datase...
06:01 PM Support #1225 (In Progress): Definition of partially productive interview
- Apologies for the delay in responsing to this question. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will...
12:17 PM Support #1205: self-completion weight wave 7
- Many thanks for your help and clarification.
Best wishes
Gill -
11:29 AM Support #1205 (Feedback): self-completion weight wave 7
11:33 AM Support #908 (Feedback): Request
11:32 AM Support #1204 (Feedback): UKHLS zero weight in panel data
11:32 AM Support #1212 (Resolved): UKHLS/BHPS Harmonized data set
11:31 AM Support #1208 (Feedback): Identifying step-parent from relationship file
11:31 AM Support #1206 (Feedback): Data linkage to NHS data
11:30 AM Support #1207 (Feedback): Weighting and state benefits
11:28 AM Support #1217 (Feedback): BHPS and UKHLS weights
11:27 AM Support #1223 (In Progress): Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) linked dataset release timeline & access
- Apologies for the delay in responsing to this question. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will...
08:13 PM Support #1225 (Resolved): Definition of partially productive interview
- Dear Sir or Madam,
I am looking for a definition of a "partially productive interview" used in Understanding Society... -
10:13 AM Support #596: employment spells
- Dear Victoria and Nicole:
I find myself in the same situation as Pilar. I would like to construct a panel data wit...
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