


Support #1227

Family size

Added by Ella Moonan-Howard about 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

In Progress
Stephanie Auty
Data documentation
Start date:
% Done:



To whom it may concern,

I am attempting to generate non-household family size variables for both waves three and six.

I wanted to clarify which variables denote which type of non-residential family member across the waves. In the family life module webpage nrels3 is number of children, nrels4 is number of brothers and sisters, nrels5 is number of grandchildren and nrels6 is number of grandparents - with nrels7 and nrels8 on great grandparents and great grandchildren only being measured at wave 7.

Yet on the details for these variables in wave three, it appears to be different suggesting that in fact, nrels2 is siblings, nrels3 is grandchildren, nrels6 is great grandparents etc.

If you could let me know which is correct, that would be brilliant. Moreover, in either scenario there are types of family member not accounted for in wave three. In the former it is great grandchildren and great grandparents, in the latter it is children. If you could advise me as to potential other variables I could use to account for these gaps that would be incredibly helpful.

thank you



Updated by Stephanie Auty about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Gundi Knies to Stephanie Auty
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10
  • Private changed from Yes to No

The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team


Updated by Stephanie Auty about 5 years ago

Dear Ella,

There does seem to be a mismatch betweeen the data, the questionnaire and the online documentation. The data team will need to look into this to find out the answer to your question. I will update you when I have more information.

Best wishes,

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