From 02/26/2018 to 03/27/2018
09:35 AM Support #946 (Resolved): hiqual_dv values
- Hello,
I am preparing a datafile and have noticed that the frequencies I obtain when tabulating the hiqual_dv vari...
05:40 PM Support #945: total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant)
- My apologies, I must be blind. I did find a_nrelsw12, c_nrels2, e_nrels2, and g_nrels4.
I guess my follow-up ques... -
04:59 PM Support #945 (Resolved): total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant)
- Dear Support Team,
I am looking for the total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant).
08:25 PM Support #943 (Feedback): g_indresp - exercise variable
- Dear Emma,
The variables you are looking at for time spent exercising, g_vwhrs, g_vwmin, g_mwhrs and g_mwmin, are ... -
02:59 PM Support #939 (Feedback): Northern Irish Sample
- Dear Tara,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The description on the UKDS site is out of date and we wi... -
02:44 PM Support #944 (In Progress): Lowest level reliability with spatial data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:39 AM Support #944 (Resolved): Lowest level reliability with spatial data
- I am currently supervising a PhD student who is very interested in exploring the environmental influences on individu...
12:48 PM Support #918: lnprnt - number of children ever had
- Dear Alita,
I am looking at the number of children a women had. For that purpose, I am very interested in the cod...
12:59 PM Support #943 (In Progress): g_indresp - exercise variable
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:53 PM Support #943 (Resolved): g_indresp - exercise variable
- Good afternoon,
I'm hoping to use US to look at the correlations between mood and exercise for different cohorts ...
04:15 PM Support #942: Net income of multiple job holders
- nevermind. I couldn't delete this comment but i figured out my problem
04:05 PM Support #942: Net income of multiple job holders
- Thanks for the feedback. I tried out this variable, unfortunately, it didn't work for a panel I'm constructing. When ...
10:22 AM Support #942 (Feedback): Net income of multiple job holders
10:22 AM Support #942: Net income of multiple job holders
- Dear G F,
The following variables should help:
w_j2pay_dv is gross pay in second job (see questionnaire for cla... -
09:37 AM Support #942 (In Progress): Net income of multiple job holders
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:44 AM Support #942 (Resolved): Net income of multiple job holders
- I'm a researcher doing a project on income of single vs. multiple job holders in the Understanding Society dataset an...
01:43 PM Support #937 (Feedback): Merge children to parents
- Dear Karl,
You will need to merge this data using the parent identifiers in the child's record. If you are only in... -
09:57 AM Support #941 (Feedback): Industry Concordance | SIC 1980 to SIC 2007
- Dear Amin,
We don't hold this information, but I have found this page on the ONS website:
04:33 PM Support #941 (In Progress): Industry Concordance | SIC 1980 to SIC 2007
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:53 AM Support #941 (Resolved): Industry Concordance | SIC 1980 to SIC 2007
- Dear Understanding Societ team,
I am looking for a concordance from the SIC 1980 used in the BHPS to more recent i... -
02:44 PM Support #917: how to merge xwavedat with data from all the other seven waves
- Alita,
you are fantastic, thanks for clearing that up.
Have a great day.
Nico -
12:19 PM Support #917: how to merge xwavedat with data from all the other seven waves
- Hi Nico,
Your code is fine and the data is fine.
As you know XWAVEDAT includes everyone who has ever been enume... -
11:58 AM Support #917: how to merge xwavedat with data from all the other seven waves
- Hi Alita,
thank you very much for working on this issue now.
Here we go:
tab hhorig if _wemerge_2==2
Sam... -
10:44 AM Support #917: how to merge xwavedat with data from all the other seven waves
- Hi Nico,
Could you please provide the frequency distribution of HHORIG for _m==2 cases?
Alita -
10:24 AM Support #917: how to merge xwavedat with data from all the other seven waves
- Dear Alita,
I have notified you a few weeks ago, but my reply might have gone missing. At any rate, No this is no... -
11:34 AM Support #932: Weighting
- Wonderful, thanks.
11:32 AM Support #932: Weighting
- Elena,
Yes this is correct. With one exception: the weight should be from the last wave in your analysis - so if y... -
10:42 AM Support #932: Weighting
- Hi Olena,
Again, thanks for your help. One last clarification.
I am using longitudinal data from wave a to f.... -
09:59 AM Support #932: Weighting
- Hi Olena,
Many thanks for your help.
Elena -
08:53 AM Support #918 (Feedback): lnprnt - number of children ever had
- Hello Alice,
No. While the routing into LNPRNT is different in the BHPS and Understanding Society, LNPRNT is asked...
04:26 PM Support #926: Education variable hiqual_dv in USOC
- Many thanks Stephanie,
Rossella -
11:29 AM Support #928: Merging Youth.
- Vicky,
This is a response with regard to weighting. I am not sure about how you are doing your analysis.
If you a... -
10:54 AM Support #928: Merging Youth.
- Dear Vicky,
Apologies for the delay in responding.
There is infomation regarding choosing a weight in the Mains... -
11:22 AM Support #939 (In Progress): Northern Irish Sample
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:31 AM Support #939 (Resolved): Northern Irish Sample
- Hello
I am currently looking at wellbeing inequality in Northern Ireland in conjunction with national, political a...
04:12 PM Support #938: Household HEAD variable in the UKLS data
- Stephanie Auty wrote:
> Dear Olayiwola,
> We don't have this variable in UKHLS, and the closest alternative is ... -
04:00 PM Support #938 (Feedback): Household HEAD variable in the UKLS data
- Dear Olayiwola,
We don't have this variable in UKHLS, and the closest alternative is to use w_hrpid which is the H... -
03:55 PM Support #934 (Feedback): Household representative person
- Hi Martin,
I can see these variables in the latest version of the data, in the datafiles w_indresp, w_indall and w...
03:23 PM Support #938 (In Progress): Household HEAD variable in the UKLS data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:13 AM Support #938 (Resolved): Household HEAD variable in the UKLS data
- Hello,
I am trying to identify the household HEAD variable in the UKLS data. It is coded as "hoh" in the BHPS datase... -
10:24 AM Support #936: Weights for combined BHPS and UKHLS sample
- Many thanks, that's really helpful of you. Best wishes, Gill
05:50 PM Support #886 (Closed): Zero weights and statistical power
05:48 PM Support #884 (Closed): Missing call records for the wave 2 and wave 3 nurse visits
05:47 PM Support #926 (Feedback): Education variable hiqual_dv in USOC
- Dear Rossella,
You can find more detailed qualification responses in the variable w_qfhigh_dv, which w_hiqual_dv i... -
05:45 PM Support #883 (Closed): a_indrep.sav Rel Quality Data
05:44 PM Support #881 (Closed): weighting values of zero
05:44 PM Support #880 (Closed): Genetic data linked to NPD
05:44 PM Support #878 (Closed): employment histories
05:43 PM Support #874 (Closed): try to link the birthweight to each child
04:48 PM Support #934: Household representative person
- We have deleted issue #935 because it is a duplicate of this one.
02:38 PM Support #934 (In Progress): Household representative person
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:41 PM Support #937 (In Progress): Merge children to parents
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:37 PM Support #937 (Resolved): Merge children to parents
- I would like to add children data from child in the parent rows. However, I haven't found a suitable identifier for t...
02:40 PM Support #936 (Feedback): Weights for combined BHPS and UKHLS sample
10:57 AM Support #936: Weights for combined BHPS and UKHLS sample
- Gill,
If your longitudinal analysis starts at w18 of BHPS you need to use BHPS-related weight, in this situation '... -
02:37 PM Support #933 (Feedback): urban rural info for BHPS
10:54 AM Support #925: Weights for longitudinal analysis
- Rossella,
Thanks for the clarification. If you are doing a longitudinal analysis you need just one weight - the we... -
08:59 AM Support #921: Council tax variable
- Thanks Alita. Yes I found those... so there is no 'amount of council tax paid' variable for BHPS?
Thanks for the p...
11:31 PM Support #936 (Resolved): Weights for combined BHPS and UKHLS sample
- Dear User Support
Please may I check with you whether I'm selecting the correct weight to use:
I'm undertaking ... -
05:02 PM Support #925: Weights for longitudinal analysis
- Dear Olena,
thanks for the response. Let me clarify something, I am doing a longitudinal analysis using waves 1991... -
08:56 AM Support #925 (Feedback): Weights for longitudinal analysis
12:50 PM Support #934 (Resolved): Household representative person
- In the dataset documentation (I am using wave 'd') reference is made to two fields d_hrpno and d_hrpid on the d_indre...
10:20 AM Support #930: BMI variables in the youth panel - potential errors?
- Dear Sian,
information about height and weight is collected in a paper-and-pencil interview which children/adolescen... -
08:55 AM Support #932 (Feedback): Weighting
08:10 AM Support #921: Council tax variable
- Sorry Tom, I did not realise you were asking about the BHPS files. This variable is only available in the UKHLS files...
01:55 PM Support #932: Weighting
- Dear Elena,
Thank you for your question. Sample design of UKHLS is not simple random sample, and nonresponse at wa... -
01:43 PM Support #925: Weights for longitudinal analysis
- Rossella,
Thank you for your question. Indeed the choice of weights depends on the type of analysis you are doing.... -
12:23 PM Support #921: Council tax variable
- Hi Alita.
Yes I have the special licence version.
Tom -
10:52 AM Support #921: Council tax variable
- This is only available in the Special License Version. Have you downloaded that?
Best wishes,
Alita -
10:08 AM Support #921: Council tax variable
- Thanks Alita. I still cannot find a council tax variable in the harmonised BHPS, however. Has that been removed?
T... -
11:23 AM Support #933: urban rural info for BHPS
- Hello Sait,
This variable is not available in the UKHLS-BHPS harmonised datafiles. The BHPS harmonisation user gui...
04:07 PM Support #933 (Resolved): urban rural info for BHPS
- Hi,
I am sorry if the answer is obvious but I just cannot find it. Is there a urban_dv equivalent for BHPS data? I... -
01:17 PM Support #921 (Feedback): Council tax variable
- The variable name has been changed to w_ficountax_dv. Please see page 99 of the user guide:
https://www.understandin... -
01:15 PM Support #932 (In Progress): Weighting
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:09 PM Support #932 (Resolved): Weighting
- Hi,
I am using data from different waves to see how job status changes over time (will be mostly working with var... -
11:24 AM Support #928: Merging Youth.
- Hi Alita,
Thanks for your response. I will merge the waves via the pidp. I had noticed there were some issues wit... -
10:38 AM Support #931 (Feedback): twins
- Dear Valentina,
Thanks for your query. Our data team has checked and the data is correct. There are few twins sinc... -
10:34 AM Support #931 (Resolved): twins
- I would like to know how I can identify respondents'children that are twins. I used the variable twinconf in wave 4-7...
11:14 AM Support #929 (Resolved): Youth SDQ Scores Wave 7 Incorrect
- Hello Cara,
As Gundi has responded to you directly I am changing the status as resolved. But if you have further q... -
11:12 AM Support #930 (In Progress): BMI variables in the youth panel - potential errors?
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:10 AM Support #928 (Feedback): Merging Youth.
- Hello Vicky,
Yes, it is ok to merge the data using PIDP. There is a known issue with SDQ scores due to a new missi... -
10:54 AM Support #926 (In Progress): Education variable hiqual_dv in USOC
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:53 AM Support #925 (In Progress): Weights for longitudinal analysis
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:01 PM Support #930 (Resolved): BMI variables in the youth panel - potential errors?
- Good afternoon,
I've come across something strange with the BMI data in the youth panel (available in waves b, d a...
02:39 PM Support #929: Youth SDQ Scores Wave 7 Incorrect
- This is the case for many of the youth questions and should be noted in the user guide or related documentation.
02:39 PM Support #929: Youth SDQ Scores Wave 7 Incorrect
- In wave 7 there is an extra code to many of the variables, 9 which is 'incorrect answer'. I think this is the source ...
12:26 PM Support #929 (Resolved): Youth SDQ Scores Wave 7 Incorrect
- Hi,
The scores for the SDQ total difficulties and subscale scorees in wave 7 are incorrect. At first glance it loo...
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