



Support #917


how to merge xwavedat with data from all the other seven waves

Added by Nico Ochmann over 6 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Data management
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Dear Alita,

this seems an obvious procedure, but I obtain a fairly high number of non-matches (60,792), which kind of concerns me.
This is what I do and I cannot detect an obvious mistake.
Your suggestions are highly appreciated, as usual.
Best. Nico
use pidp hhorig sex birthy feend_dv ukborn plbornc_all using "$Stata11_se/xwavedat_protect", clear
save $Mergeddata_master2016/xwavedat, replace

foreach w in a b c d e f g {

use  pidp  `w'_istrtdaty `w'_jbhrs `w'_qfhigh_dv  `w'_dvage `w'_marstat  `w'_jbstat   ///    
`w'_paygu_dv `w'_fimnlabgrs_dv `w'_jbsize `w'_jbsect `w'_jbsemp `w'_nnatch ///
`w'_gor_dv `w'_urban_dv `w'_jshrs `w'_jbnssec8_dv ///
using "$Stata11_se/`w'_indresp_protect", clear
gen wave = strpos("abcdefg","`w'")    
renpfix `w'_
save $Mergeddata_master2016/`w'wave, replace

use $Mergeddata_master2016/awave, replace
foreach w in b c d e f g{

append using $Mergeddata_master2016/`w'wave.dta

save $Mergeddata_master2016/abcdefg_long, replace

merge m:1 pidp using $Mergeddata_master2016/xwavedat, force generate(_wemerge_2)

Result                           # of obs.
not matched 60,792
from master 0 (_wemerge_2==1)
from using 60,792 (_wemerge_2==2)
matched                           334,897  (_wemerge_2==3)
Actions #1

Updated by Alita Nandi over 6 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Alita Nandi to Nico Ochmann
  • % Done changed from 0 to 90
  • Private changed from Yes to No

In this latest release xwavedat includes BHPS cases as well. If you look at the hhorig for these cases you will see that they are exclusively BHPS samples. If this is not the case let me know.
Best wishes,

Actions #2

Updated by Alita Nandi over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
Actions #3

Updated by Nico Ochmann over 6 years ago

Dear Alita,

I have notified you a few weeks ago, but my reply might have gone missing. At any rate, No this is not the case. For some reason, other cases from hhorig are included.

Best wishes.


Actions #4

Updated by Alita Nandi over 6 years ago

Hi Nico,

Could you please provide the frequency distribution of HHORIG for _m==2 cases?


Actions #5

Updated by Nico Ochmann over 6 years ago

Hi Alita,

thank you very much for working on this issue now.
Here we go:

tab hhorig if _wemerge_2==2

Sample origin, household Freq. Percent Cum.

ukhls gb 2009-10 18,519 30.46 30.46
ukhls ni 2009-10 1,165 1.92 32.38
bhps gb 1991 18,063 29.71 62.09
bhps sco 1999 3,393 5.58 67.67
bhps wal 1999 3,465 5.70 73.37
bhps ni 2001 3,943 6.49 79.86
ukhls emboost 2009-10 5,641 9.28 89.14
ukhls iemb 2015 3,751 6.17 95.31
ECHP - SCPR 1,308 2.15 97.46
ECHP - ONS 1,179 1.94 99.40
ECHP - NI 365 0.60 100.00

Total 60,792 100.00

Actions #6

Updated by Alita Nandi over 6 years ago

Hi Nico,

Your code is fine and the data is fine.

As you know XWAVEDAT includes everyone who has ever been enumerated in the study. With the latest release this includes BHPS sample members who are not part of UKHLS as well (these can be identified by xwdat_dv = 2 in XWAVEDAT). So, these wmerge =2 cases are (i) enumerated children and non-responding adults in Understanding Society (ii) BHPS sample members who were never part of Understanding Society).

tab _merge xwdat_dv

| Study enumerated in: UKHLS, BHPS
|             or both
_merge | in UKHLS in BHPS x in both | Total
using only (2) | 31,051 26,906 2,835 | 60,792
matched (3) | 275,156 0 59,741 | 334,897
Total | 306,207 26,906 62,576 | 395,689

Best wishes,

Actions #7

Updated by Nico Ochmann over 6 years ago


you are fantastic, thanks for clearing that up.

Have a great day.


Actions #8

Updated by Stephanie Auty about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
Actions #9

Updated by Understanding Society User Support Team about 1 year ago

  • Category changed from Data analysis to Data management

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