From 12/09/2015 to 01/07/2016
11:30 PM Support #463: Job History Data
- Yes, it is called w_gor_dv (w is the wave prefix)
02:56 PM Support #463: Job History Data
- Alita Nandi wrote:
> As the reasons for this decision was not dependant on any individual, household or regional cha... -
04:25 PM Support #478 (Feedback): Sexual orientation in Wave e
- Dear Paco,
Yes, this question was only asked of 16-21 year olds in wave 5. Other adult respondents were not asked ... -
09:06 AM Support #478 (In Progress): Sexual orientation in Wave e
- Dear Paco,
Many thanks for your enquiry - I am just following this up with colleagues and I will get back to you w... -
03:16 PM Support #480 (In Progress): Analysis by highest educational or vocational qualification
- Dear Veronique,
Many thanks for your enquiry.
qfhigh_dv includes vocational qualifications which could not be f... -
10:52 AM Support #480 (Closed): Analysis by highest educational or vocational qualification
- We are planning to analyse some of the Understanding Society variables by highest educational or vocational qualifica...
05:35 PM Support #473: Zero income from labour but high job satisfaction
- Victoria
Thanks for your update. I've been using both BHPS and Understanding Society data. In BHPS, I've been using ... -
03:05 PM Support #477: Childcare module
- Hi Chris,
the w_child.dta files include a number of pointers to the various people who may have provided information... -
08:36 AM Support #477 (In Progress): Childcare module
- Dear Charlie,
Many thanks for your enquiry. I have assigned this to my colleague Gundi who will be able to respond... -
09:16 AM Support #476 (Resolved): Variable LVLONG reoccurence
- Dear Kristina,
I have checked with colleagues and we do not carry that question, or anything about life expectancy... -
08:39 AM Support #476 (In Progress): Variable LVLONG reoccurence
- Dear Kristina,
Many thanks for your enquiry - I am just following this up with colleagues and I will get back to y... -
08:38 AM Support #474 (In Progress): Large income jump between Wave 18 of BHPS and Wave 2 of UKHLS
- Dear Chris,
Many thanks for your enquiry - I am just following this up with colleagues and I will get back to you ... -
06:54 AM Support #479 (In Progress): Urgent - data accesss support
- What data management or statistical softwares do you use? If you use Stata or SPSS then you could download the data i...
05:31 AM Support #479 (Closed): Urgent - data accesss support
- I am looking to download data in a format that I can ideally use in excel. If not, I am willing to download any softw...
10:54 PM Support #478 (Closed): Sexual orientation in Wave e
- Hi there,
I see from the documentation that the variable e_sexuor is available in wave 5 of the panel.
However, i... -
03:44 PM Support #477 (Closed): Childcare module
- Is it possible to find the person number for the person completing the childcare module? The file c_child.sav include...
02:25 PM Support #473 (In Progress): Zero income from labour but high job satisfaction
- Dear Chris,
Thank you for your request.
Firstly for information, the routing information for each variable is ... -
11:51 AM Support #470 (In Progress): Benefit Data
- Dear Megan,
Mnany thanks for your enquiry.
There are different methods of finding variables available in the da... -
11:41 AM Support #476 (Closed): Variable LVLONG reoccurence
- Dear UKHLS support team,
--- Could I please confirm if a specific question that first occurred in the British Hou... -
09:48 AM Support #475: ECHP-SCPR, ECHP-ONS, and ECHP-NI
- Hi Chris,
As Gundi said, the ECHP sample is not part of Understanding Society. However, if you are using the BHPS ... -
09:43 AM Support #475 (Resolved): ECHP-SCPR, ECHP-ONS, and ECHP-NI
- Dear Chris,
the ECHP subsample did not become part of the Understanding Society sample because data collection for t...
05:37 PM Support #475 (Closed): ECHP-SCPR, ECHP-ONS, and ECHP-NI
- I am trying to understand the values of memorig, which codes the subsample in BHPS. I understand the meaning of value...
05:33 PM Support #474 (Closed): Large income jump between Wave 18 of BHPS and Wave 2 of UKHLS
- Hello
I have merged data from the BHPS with Understanding Society and have an issue with income data. In BHPS, two o... -
05:31 PM Support #473 (Closed): Zero income from labour but high job satisfaction
- There are many cases where income from labor is zero, but the respondent has a high level of job satisfaction. Could ...
02:37 PM Support #461 (Resolved): Was Maternal BMI or Maternal Weigth and Height Data been recorded?
02:36 PM Support #463 (In Progress): Job History Data
02:36 PM Support #472 (In Progress): Inapplicable Answers
02:25 PM Support #472: Inapplicable Answers
- Hi Alex,
As you can see from the Universe this was asked only of "proxy respondents" who were in paid work in the ... -
02:36 PM Support #471 (In Progress): Weights
02:30 PM Support #471: Weights
- Hi Alex,
Please see "Example 6: Working with weights and complex survey design" of the "Introduction to Understand... -
02:36 PM Support #465 (In Progress): Immediate - BHPS data access help
06:14 PM Support #472 (Closed): Inapplicable Answers
- Hi,
I looked at the variable c_pjbptft (whether they work full time or part time) in c_indresp (adult self comple... -
05:57 PM Support #471 (Closed): Weights
- I am doing cross-sectional analysis of wave 3 (adult self completion questionnaire), so I am aware I need to use the ...
10:38 AM Support #449 (Closed): Sexuality Variable
10:37 AM Support #450 (Closed): subpopulation analysis
10:37 AM Support #453 (Closed): Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2)
10:37 AM Support #456 (Closed): comparing across waves
10:36 AM Support #460 (Closed): Language variables
10:36 AM Support #464 (Closed): Local Authority Data
10:35 AM Support #466 (Closed): Deprivation scores
- links should have been prepared. Thanks for making us aware of this problem. Jakob
10:34 AM Support #467 (Closed): Ns-sec/UKborn and religion
11:19 AM Support #470 (Closed): Benefit Data
- Hello,
Can you please tell me what information is collected with regards to benefit payments. Is this a simple ye...
09:51 AM Support #453: Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2)
- Thanks Olena, it helps a lot !
Thank you again for the time you take to answer me. I better understand the use of ... -
07:41 AM Support #463: Job History Data
- As the reasons for this decision was not dependant on any individual, household or regional characteristics and as th...
10:35 PM Support #469 (In Progress): cross tabulation question
- Hi Veronique,
when you look at the online variable level description you will see that _jbnssec_dv is derived from _... -
11:48 AM Support #463: Job History Data
- Alita Nandi wrote:
> Hi Anuj,
> You will have to create these variables yourself. We do not provide these derived v...
04:07 PM Support #463: Job History Data
- Hi Anuj,
You will have to create these variables yourself. We do not provide these derived variables as yet.
Best w...
02:23 PM Support #469 (Closed): cross tabulation question
- When I cross tabulate c_jbnnssec_dv (NS-SEC of current job) with c_jobstat (current employment status) , some people ...
05:33 PM Support #463: Job History Data
- Alita Nandi wrote:
> Employment histories were collected for the 1-6 month samples in wave 1 and for the remaining 6... -
03:31 PM Support #468: Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
- Wonderful, many thanks for your response and your help! I am looking forward to analysing the data!
Best wishes,
Ko... -
02:12 PM Support #468 (Closed): Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
- Erroneously, the documentation from the previous deposit is currently the first part of the ducumentation you find. W...
12:32 PM Support #468: Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
- Dear Jakob,
thank you for the information. I will hence apply for the special license datasets to obtain ward iden... -
10:38 AM Support #468: Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
- The most accurate information that we can offer on location is postcode centroids at a single point in time. This inf...
10:25 AM Support #465: Immediate - BHPS data access help
- All household level questions are asked in the household questionnaire. You can search for these variables by looking...
07:17 PM Support #468: Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
- Dear Jakob,
many thanks for the swift response. As I said, I think it would be an easier solution if I could obtai... -
06:58 PM Support #468 (In Progress): Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
- Unfortunately, we are not currently able to grant access to Secure Access data to researchers based outside the UK. W...
12:53 PM Support #468 (Closed): Earlier Version of BHPS consittuency identifiers for SN 6033 needed
- Dear Understanding Society Team mebmers at ISER,
I am currently conducting an analysis of individual voting dynam... -
07:13 PM Support #464: Local Authority Data
- Please see this FAQ:
07:27 PM Support #453: Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2)
- Dear Gaelle,
First, let me answer a question whether you need weights. You don’t need weights if you want to talk ... -
02:15 PM Support #467: Ns-sec/UKborn and religion
- "Whether current job NS-SEC is given by c_j1soc10_cc (NS-SEC 10) or c_j1soc00_cc (NS-SEC 2000)?"
These do not ref... -
02:04 PM Support #467: Ns-sec/UKborn and religion
- ukborn (and other iniital conditions questions) are asked only when first interviewed so they will have a lot of miss...
12:55 PM Support #467 (Closed): Ns-sec/UKborn and religion
- Please could you just clarify(apologies unfamilar with running these in Understanding society and a colleague has que...
08:59 AM Support #466: Deprivation scores
- Thanks for letting us know. The new link is:
08:39 PM Support #466 (Closed): Deprivation scores
- My enquiry is about IMD/Carstairs scores. As I understand they are not included in the data but should be linked to g...
05:22 PM Support #450 (In Progress): subpopulation analysis
- All our weights are designed for analysis of the whole population on any population subgroup. Apologies for taking a ...
04:33 PM Support #465 (Closed): Immediate - BHPS data access help
- Dear Understanding Society User Support,
I have registered for the UK Data Service and acquired BHPS data for my d... -
01:20 PM Support #464 (Closed): Local Authority Data
- Hello,
I am looking to use the Understanding Society data for a project I am involved in. I wondered if the data ... -
12:37 PM Support #461: Was Maternal BMI or Maternal Weigth and Height Data been recorded?
- Please take a look at the variable description in the Online Documentation for the frequency distribution of response...
12:33 PM Support #463: Job History Data
- Employment histories were collected for the 1-6 month samples in wave 1 and for the remaining 6-24 month samples in w...
12:31 PM Support #460: Language variables
- >Can I clarify that there is no question asking if the respondents speaks a language other than English at home?
YES... -
12:21 PM Support #449: Sexuality Variable
- Hi Alex,
Proxy interview: When a person is unable to give an interview, in some cases, their spouse or adult child... -
07:45 AM Support #453: Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2)
- Hi Olena,
Thanks a lot for your helpful response.
I already read the User guide of both main stage and nurse h...
07:34 PM Support #452 (Closed): identifying same-sex (female-female)partner
07:33 PM Support #454 (Closed): BHPS hhch12 variable in INDRESP files
07:33 PM Support #457 (Closed): ethnicity
07:32 PM Support #458 (Closed): country of birth and derived variable UK born
07:32 PM Support #459 (Closed): derived variable for total number of children
07:29 PM Support #462 (Closed): Longitudinal weights
05:38 PM Support #462: Longitudinal weights
- Thanks Olena- this is a great help.
I think the most suitable solution is to continue to just use the longitudina... -
02:30 PM Support #462: Longitudinal weights
- Rory,
Cross-sectional weights will be wrong in this situation simply because you can't observe a move in a cross-s... -
01:45 PM Support #462: Longitudinal weights
- Thanks Olena, this helps a lot.
Just one (hopefully final) clarification regarding pooled analysis. If I were to f... -
11:26 AM Support #462: Longitudinal weights
- To answer your questions:
1. Yes, and this is a safe option;
2. Pooled analysis is a good option if you want to rep... -
05:01 PM Support #463 (Closed): Job History Data
- I've looked at both the BHPS and UKHLS data. Am I correct in saying that BHPS has job history data whilst the UKHLS d...
12:26 PM Support #449: Sexuality Variable
- Thank you!
I was just wondering how do I find out what the "proxy" answers refer to? I assume proxy means other pe...
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