



Support #465


Immediate - BHPS data access help

Added by Christopher Booth about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Data analysis
Start date:
% Done:



Dear Understanding Society User Support,

I have registered for the UK Data Service and acquired BHPS data for my dissertation. However, I have found it difficult to find data on household’s wealth, financial and housing assets and consumption. Looking at the summary table I noticed that waves 5,10 and 15 include information on wealth, assets and debt.

I would be very grateful if you would be able to help me find and access information on the following variables or others of a similar nature from at least 3 waves or more:

Household makeup / structure / type
Household income
Household wealth
Household financial assets
Household housing/property assets

Actions #1

Updated by Redmine Admin about 9 years ago

  • Category changed from Data documentation to Data analysis
  • Assignee set to Alita Nandi
Actions #2

Updated by Alita Nandi about 9 years ago

All household level questions are asked in the household questionnaire. You can search for these variables by looking at the useful online documentation:

Click on the MENU button on the top right corner and you will see different options of searching/finding these variables:

"Questionnaires and Survey Documents" - access the questionnaires, secifically look at the household questionnaires.
"Thesaurus" & "Index Terms" - search by key words and themes
"Record Types" - this will show you the list of all data files. If you click on any file you will find a list of all the variables within that file and a short description of that variable. Look at the files "whhresp" - ahhresp, bhhresp, chhresp etc. These include the variables corresponding to the questions in the household questionnaire. Also take a look at "windall" - it is an individual level file which includes some basic demographic information on every household member of responding households (including non-responding adults and children).

Best wishes,
On behalf of the team.

Actions #3

Updated by Alita Nandi about 9 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 90
Actions #4

Updated by Alita Nandi about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #5

Updated by Victoria Nolan about 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Alita Nandi to Christopher Booth
Actions #6

Updated by Victoria Nolan about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

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