Support #918
openlnprnt - number of children ever had
I am working specifically with the original BHPS sample (hhorig==3) across combined waves 1-25. My question relates to the variable lnprnt: number of children ever had/fathered.
There are a signification number of 'inapplicable' responses to this variable. From what I can gather from reading issues raised previously (cases 459 & 500), individuals with their own children living in the household were not asked lnprnt, at least not in USoc. Is this also the case in BHPS? The advice given in case #500 was to use the variable nnatch (number of biological children in the household) to fill in the missing values on lnprnt. However, this variable does not exist for the BHPS sample. The closest I can find is nchild_dv, but this includes adopted and step children.
Is there a variable for the number of biological children in the household for BHPS sample across combined waves 1-25?
Or, better still, is there any other way that I can derive a variable for the number of children a person has ever had/fathered?
To be clear, I really want a measure of the number of children ever had/fathered, not the number of biological children living in the household.
Thanks in advance for your help!