Support #500
closedever had/fathered children
In the indresp file there is a variable lprnt: Variable label = ever had/fathered children
I am analysing wave 3 data, and this variable has far fewer answers from female respondents than male, but females have more 'inapplicable':
sex corrected * ever had/fathered children Crosstabulation
ever had/fathered children Total
missing inapplicable refusal don't know yes no
sex corrected male 4 19516 1 2 1689 1576 22788
female 2 25116 2 0 762 1069 26951
Total 6 44632 3 2 2451 2645 49739
I have looked at the questionnaire, and I cannot spot a routing that would lead to fewer female respondents. I also cannot see how the variable gets coded as 'inapplicable'.
Is there another variable for the children females have ever had?
Updated by Victoria Nolan about 9 years ago
- File Charlie Owen - case 500 - table sex corrected.docx Charlie Owen - case 500 - table sex corrected.docx added
- Category set to Data analysis
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Alita Nandi
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Dear Charlie,
Many thanks for your enquiry. I have attached the table here in a word document. We will look into your query and get back to you as soon as we can.
Best wishes, Victoria
On behalf of the Understanding Society User Support Team
Updated by Alita Nandi about 9 years ago
Hi Charlie,
This question is only asked of those who report NO BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN in the household. Given that children are more likely to live with their mothers, it is likely that the % of women who say yes to this question is lower than the % of men who say yes. Also, after wave 1 it is only asked of new entrants and rising 16s. Check the UNIVERSE below LPRNT in the questinniare - where the filtering is specified. Then those who say they have any children in the household (NNATCH>0) and those who say they ever had any children although they don't have any children in the household (LPRNT=1) are asked about the number of these children (LNRPNT). To find out the total number of natural children for a person you will need to use both C_NNATCH and C_LNPRNT. But in wave 3 this will not be asked of those who have already been interviewed in waves 1 or 2. You will need to pick up this information from the first two waves for these people.
Using these two variables for wave 1, you will find that the proportion of women who report ever having a child is 72% while for men the number is 62%.
Best wishes,
Updated by Alita Nandi about 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Alita Nandi to Charlie Owen
- % Done changed from 10 to 90
Updated by Victoria Nolan about 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100