Support #777
Dear Madam/Sir
I would like to enquire about the US survey. I have been exploring the website but would like clarification on a few points, I am in the midst of preparing an ESRC application and want to make sure that I have the details correct!
1. I have area level data that I would like to match to the individual respondents for 2012, 2016 and 2018. Can you please confirm the matching waves to these years? (ie. 2012 = waves 3 and 4?)
2. I am hoping to use questions on smoking and alcohol consumption. Can you please confirm the waves closest to the years 2012, 2016 and 2018 that will have data on alcohol consumption and smoking practices (for youth and/or adults)
3. I will be using data for Scotland only. Can you let me know the sample sizes (households and individuals) for Scotland for the waves in 2012, 2016 and projected sample for 2018?
4. Can you please confirm when 2018 data will be be released?
Many thanks in advance.