Support #44
closedWeighting on a restricted sample (outcome=110)
Dear User Support
I am using the Understanding Society data for poverty analysis and would like to ask you if you can confirm whether I am using the weights correctly. These are the steps of my analysis:
- Restrict the sample to only those households where all individuals have responded(a_outcome=110 in HHSAMP).
- Create poverty flag for households below 60% of median income using following stata code:
cap drop poor
generate byte poor = .
summarize eq_inchh [aw = a_hhdenus_xw], detail
replace poor = eq_inchh < .6 * r(p50) if !missing(eq_inchh)
- When calculating the median income for household, I used the household level weight (a_hhdenus_xw) from datafile HHRESP.
- Merge household level data with individual level datafile INDALL to obtain variable for dependent children (a_depchl_dv)
- Calculate proportion of dependent children living in poor households. When doing this, I use the individual level weight (a_psnenus_xw) from datafile HHRESP.
svyset [pw=a_psnenus_xw]
svy: tab poor a_depchl_dv, col
Many thanks,