



From 04/04/2012 to 05/03/2012


04:01 PM Support #45: BHPS year first job
Apologies - you need to look at the job history questions asked under "Life Events section": Redmine Admin
03:08 PM Support #45: BHPS year first job
Hi Jakob,
Thank you for your message. Can you please confirm that there is no variable containing the YEAR of first j...
Hannah Zagel
02:18 PM Support #40 (Closed): School Code (Schcode)
Redmine Admin
01:55 PM Support #40: School Code (Schcode)
Ok, thank you for your help.
Best wishes,
Lorraine Waller


12:37 PM Support #47 (Closed): BHPS Question
Redmine Admin
12:09 PM Support #47: BHPS Question
Many thanks, Jakob -- This urban/rural code should work for my study. I've prepared a request as per the ESDS websit... Scott Le Vine
11:13 AM Support #42 (Closed): Imputation flags on gross income
Redmine Admin
10:45 AM Support #42: Imputation flags on gross income
Redmine Admin wrote:
> Mark,
> The flags are are equal to zero when none of the underlying income components are im...
Mark Tomlinson
08:47 AM Support #42 (In Progress): Imputation flags on gross income
The flags are are equal to zero when none of the underlying income components are imputed.
Redmine Admin
09:40 AM Support #46: Review Board
The data access is administered by UK Data Archive. Their website has further details on the "End User Licence":...
Redmine Admin


05:34 PM Support #47 (In Progress): BHPS Question
The "BHPS urban-rural classification look-ups": are available thr...
Redmine Admin
05:24 PM Support #47 (Closed): BHPS Question
Good afternoon –

I’m writing regarding the BHPS. (specifically years 1998 and 2008)

For my purposes (analys...
Scott Le Vine
04:29 PM Support #45: BHPS year first job
The required variables are described under "BHPS Employment History Module":
Redmine Admin
09:42 AM Support #40: School Code (Schcode)
You would in that case need the special license mentioned above. The variable schcode on the general release is simpl... Redmine Admin


09:11 PM Support #46 (Closed): Review Board
Good day! I am at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. We are applying to our Institutional Review Board for de... Amy Thomas
08:44 PM Support #45: BHPS year first job
Ps: Also, I am using STATA. Hannah Zagel
08:17 PM Support #45 (Closed): BHPS year first job
Dear support team,
I am looking for the best way to derive the information of 'year of first job' in the BHPS. Am I ...
Hannah Zagel
06:36 PM Support #44: Weighting on a restricted sample (outcome=110)
This is a summary of a longer discussion via email. The process has two stages and will require two weights: first st... Olena Kaminska
02:15 PM Support #44 (Closed): Weighting on a restricted sample (outcome=110)
Dear User Support
I am using the Understanding Society data for poverty analysis and would like to ask you if you ...
Rigmor Nielsen
12:12 PM Support #43: Weighting-related questions
Thank you for your questions.
1) you should use analysis weights. These also correct for nonresponse. Design weig...
Olena Kaminska
12:39 AM Support #43 (Closed): Weighting-related questions
Hello: I have various weighting-related questions, which I have tried to list by similarity below:
1) What are the...
Sung Park
11:19 AM Support #40: School Code (Schcode)
Hi Jakob,
Thank you for your response.
Unfortunately, the a_schsta variable is not so relevant, because I am in...
Lorraine Waller


02:57 PM Support #42 (Closed): Imputation flags on gross income
We are trying to compute poverty indicators using both waves of the USoc. We have found that there is a significant i... Mark Tomlinson
02:13 PM Support #41: Citizenship question -- only once?
Your request will be considered in this consultation round, which finishes end of May. Redmine Admin
12:36 PM Support #41: Citizenship question -- only once?
Thank you, Jakob. Is there any way of gauging how quickly they are likely to respond/react? (I have some very anxio... David Bartram
12:33 PM Support #41 (In Progress): Citizenship question -- only once?
David, Thanks for raising this. It is a good point and something we will have to consider for future waves. I have fo... Redmine Admin
10:55 AM Support #41 (Closed): Citizenship question -- only once?
Am I correct in perceiving (from the "Content Plan" document) that the citizen question (CITZN) will be asked only on... David Bartram
11:37 AM Support #40 (In Progress): School Code (Schcode)
The quick answer is that we ask about whether the school is a state or a private school;
Redmine Admin


04:26 PM Support #40 (Closed): School Code (Schcode)
Dear User Support,
Could you please tell me whether there are any variables available within the special license v...
Lorraine Waller


10:38 AM Support #39 (Closed): Discontinued derived variable a_jsprof_dv? v2
Redmine Admin
10:38 AM Support #37 (Closed): Discontinued derived variable a_jsprof_dv?
See also #39 Redmine Admin


07:05 PM Support #39: Discontinued derived variable a_jsprof_dv? v2
We have provided two self-employment earnings imputed variables with the latest release:
a_seearngrs_dv: self empl...
Redmine Admin


03:38 PM Support #39 (Closed): Discontinued derived variable a_jsprof_dv? v2
Dear Jakob,
Thank you for your reply in #37.
Has the variable a_jsprof_dv only changed name or is it no longer sup...
Rigmor Nielsen


08:41 AM Support #38 (Closed): Weight to use at benefit unit level
Redmine Admin


07:46 PM Support #38: Weight to use at benefit unit level
Great - thanks for the quick reply. Mike Bielby
03:41 PM Support #38: Weight to use at benefit unit level
Yes! The selection probability of a BU is identical to that of the household to which it belongs (as all BUs in a hou... Peter Lynn
03:08 PM Support #38 (Closed): Weight to use at benefit unit level
Hi, I am constructing a dataset for longitudinal analysis at benefit unit level using b_buno_dv. As there is no dedic... Mike Bielby
03:21 PM Support #37 (In Progress): Discontinued derived variable a_jsprof_dv?
Dear Rigmor, This variable name is no longer used. As mentioned in #36 we are in the process of putting together addi... Redmine Admin
03:13 PM Support #36 (In Progress): Derived variables documentation and OECD equivalisation scale
Dear Meng, We are in the process of putting together additional documentation on the processes used for deriving inco... Redmine Admin

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