Support #332
closedIn ECHP, FC and WFTC are included in pi211mg and deducted to get pi211m?
I wish to kindly ask whether in ECHP (based on BHPS) in the UK the family credit (FC) and the working family tax credit (WFTC) are included in the variable pi211mg (CURRENT WAGE AND SALARY EARNINGS - GROSS (MONTHLY)) and deducted (besides other deductions) to get the variable pi211m (net). I tend to think that this is not the case because these credits are delivered as benefits (and not as tax deductions as, for example, in Sweden). However, I thought that the WFTC might be deducted as mentioned since this benefit is related to work.
Unfortunately I have not found a document with the transformation of BHPS variables into ECHP ones. With this document I could perhaps have a better grasp of what I am asking.
I am analysing the evolution of gross and net wages in ECHP; therefore, as WFTC replaced the FC in October 1999, it is important for me to know what I ask.
Kind regards