Support #2019
openTailored Weighting Guidance
I'm investigating the effect of mental health on labour market earnings. My dependent variable is fimnlabnet_dv and my independent variable is scghq2_dv. My population of interest is all individuals of working age and I'm using data from waves 1-13 of UKHLS. I will be using a fixed effects regression.
I'm looking to create a weight variable to be included in the regression. I've completed the Moodle course on creating your own tailored weights, have looked at the user guides, and have extensively scrolled through this user forum to see if anyone else has had similar issues but I'm still struggling.
My issues are as follows:
When attempting to predict attrition
xtreg fimnlabnet_dv scghq2_dv $controls if wave==2|3 [pw=b_indinus_lw], fe cluster(pidp)
cap drop nonattrition
gen nonattrition = e(sample)
replace nonattrition = . if wave!=3
All variables are omitted from the regression due to collinearity when the weight is included, why may this be? I have checked extensively and as far as I can tell there is no collinearity present amongst my control variables (NB: $controls is a macro containing my control variables)
Through the moodle course I learned that I should use the longitudinal weight from the earliest wave of analysis as my base weight (b_indinus_lw, since there is no indinus_lw for wave a). I am then to run a logistic regression predicting response conditional on this base weight. However, when attempting to do this using Stata (code: logit resp2 $wave2predictors [pw=b_weight] if b_weight !=0 & b_weight !=.) I get the return code r(2000); outcome does not vary; remember: 0 = negative outcome, all other nonmissing values = positive outcome. I cannot work out why this might be. I have tried several varieties of the code and different predictors and combinations of predictors but I have had no success. Why may this be occurring and how can I remedy the issue?
Additionally, I would you please be able to tell me if my methodology for creating my own weights is correct? I'm using this methodology based off of the teachings in the Moodle page but I found it a little challenging to follow so I would hugely appreciate some clarification.
1. Select a base weight (in my case this would be the product of the design weight for the earliest wave in my analysis multiplied by the non-response
2. Predict response using logistic regression.
When including the base weight in this regression, I get the return code r(2000); outcome does not vary; remember: 0 = negative outcome, all other nonmissing values = positive outcome. This is the issue I have noted above in (2)
3. Predict probabilities
4. Take the inverse of these probabilities (1/prob)
5. Multiply the ipw with the base weight (gen ipwXsampwgt = ipw*b_indinus_lw)
Please note that my panel is unbalanced but I wish for it to remain this way as creating a balanced panel would drop too many observations.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you may have to offer, I really appreciate it. If you need any further clarification please just let me know.