Support #1775
openReason for job change - same employer, different job
I am using UKHLS waves 2-10 to study people changing jobs between waves, using data from the annual event history module.
I want to derive variables indicating which reasons are given when people report a job change (promotion, redundancy etc).
In the employment part of the annual event module, people are asked why they changed jobs and the reasons may be recorded across a number of variables depending on how people are routed through this section (e.g. stendreas, nxtendreas, jbendreas, reasend). The reason questions also became multi-response from wave 7.
I have constructed reason variables for those changing jobs and employer(s) (empchk==1 & jbsamr==2) but I am struggling to identify the reasons for a job change in cases where people report a job change with the same employer (empchk==1 & samejob==2)
Liam Wright provided a helpful sketch of the employment history section of the module in a previous question (issue 957 - This suggests, to me, that the reason question is skipped for people who are with the same employer but in a different job.
Can you confirm if and how those in a different job with the same employer are asked why they have changed jobs (jbsamr==1 & samejob==2)? Which of the reason variables would this be picked up in, and is it asked consistently?