Support #1746
openreconciling household income between the main survey & covid-19 survey
Hi there,
Can I please get some advice on how to accurately compare household income in the main survey vs. the covid-19 survey?
As I understand, household income is collected differently in the main survey vs. the covid-19 survey. As household income is reported based on different periods in the covid-19 survey, I've first accounted for these periods to obtain a monthly value as follows:
gen covid_hhincome = .
replace covid_hhincome = hhincome_amount if hhincome_period 3
replace covid_hhincome = hhincome_amount*4 if hhincome_period 1
replace covid_hhincome = hhincome_amount*2 if hhincome_period 2
replace covid_hhincome = hhincome_amount/12 if hhincome_period 4
replace covid_hhincome = hhincome_amount*4 if hhincome_period 5
replace covid_hhincome = . if hhincome_amount -9 | hhincome_amount -8 | hhincome_amount -7 | hhincome_amount -2 | hhincome_amount -1
I then use fihhmnnet1_dv from the main survey combined with the above variable to form a total household income variable. Am I using the right income variable from the main survey?
Many thanks