Understanding Society User Support Team wrote in #note-1:
The value labels of jbnssec8_dv do not match the ONS NSSEC 8-cateogorisation, but the categories are the same. If you look at jbnssec_dv you will see these categories and their labels match the categories of the detailed NSSEC as described on the ONS website. Then if you coompare jbnssec_dv and jbnssec8_dv you will see that the cross-walk between these two matches the one recommended in the ONS webpage.
So, categories 1 & 2 of jbnnsec_dv ("Employers in large establishments" & "Higher managerial and admin. Occupations") are categorised into jbnssec8_dv = 1 ("Large employers & higher management").
As per the ONS guidance, NSSEC8 catgegory 1.1 ("Large employers and higher managerial and administrative occupations") represents L1 ("Employers in large establishments") and L2 ("Higher managerial and administrative occupations")
If this does not answer your question, or there are other mismatches you have identified please let us know.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
Thanks for getting back to me. I can see the links between the categories, but wonder why the unemployment category is not included in US. Presumably the responses given are just for those in work, and the 14,256 'inapplicable' responses are those not employed (unemployed, students, retired etc)?
Understanding Society User Support Team wrote in #note-1:
The value labels of jbnssec8_dv do not match the ONS NSSEC 8-cateogorisation, but the categories are the same. If you look at jbnssec_dv you will see these categories and their labels match the categories of the detailed NSSEC as described on the ONS website. Then if you coompare jbnssec_dv and jbnssec8_dv you will see that the cross-walk between these two matches the one recommended in the ONS webpage.
So, categories 1 & 2 of jbnnsec_dv ("Employers in large establishments" & "Higher managerial and admin. Occupations") are categorised into jbnssec8_dv = 1 ("Large employers & higher management").
As per the ONS guidance, NSSEC8 catgegory 1.1 ("Large employers and higher managerial and administrative occupations") represents L1 ("Employers in large establishments") and L2 ("Higher managerial and administrative occupations")
If this does not answer your question, or there are other mismatches you have identified please let us know.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team