Support #1541
openBenefit income in indresp and income file: what accounts for the differences between frmnthimp_dv and fimnsben_dv, and how can I retrieve benefit amounts for non-matching records?
I am using Understanding Society Waves 1 to 10. I am interested in income from state benefits. Using the income file and this Stata code:
drop if ficode==2|ficode==3|ficode==4|ficode==17|ficode>=24 & ficode<=29|ficode==35|ficode==38
collapse (sum) frmnthimp_dv if frjtkeep_dv==1, by(pidp wave)
I can reproduce the variable fimnsben_dv in indresp. The sum of frmnthimp_dv is equal to fimnsben_dv in indresp, at least for the person-wave observations that are present in both datasets. Yet, many observations in indresp have no match in the income file. For the vast majority of them fimnsben_dv is set to 0, but for 10,412 fimnsben_dv has a positive value but no corresponding record for that person from the income file. I was wondering how these positive values were computed. Specifically, how can I recover the income receipt for each benefit that was then used to compute fimnsben_dv for these person-wave records? I suspect these values are imputed from household members that declare joint receipt, but so far I’ve been unable to reproduce the numbers.
Also, am I correct in assuming that benefit amounts when receipt is joint are always divided by 2, in both the income file and in indresp?
Thanks in advance!