From 04/12/2021 to 05/11/2021
- 05:33 PM Support #1541 (Feedback): Benefit income in indresp and income file: what accounts for the differences between frmnthimp_dv and fimnsben_dv, and how can I retrieve benefit amounts for non-matching records?
- Hello,
Our income team have suggested that the 10,412 cases should be proxy interviews. They do not appear on the ...
- 02:20 PM Support #1542 (Resolved): Health conditions in 2019 mainstage data
- I am working with the 2019 mainstage data (baseline for COVID waves) and want to know which variables to use to ident...
- 09:56 AM Support #1541 (In Progress): Benefit income in indresp and income file: what accounts for the differences between frmnthimp_dv and fimnsben_dv, and how can I retrieve benefit amounts for non-matching records?
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 08:36 AM Support #1541 (Resolved): Benefit income in indresp and income file: what accounts for the differences between frmnthimp_dv and fimnsben_dv, and how can I retrieve benefit amounts for non-matching records?
- Hi,
I am using Understanding Society Waves 1 to 10. I am interested in income from state benefits. Using the inco...
- 04:42 PM Support #1540: Variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying the housing cost
> Hello
> I am trying to identify the variable that identifies the household member ... - 04:38 PM Support #1540 (Feedback): Variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying the housing cost
- rentpN = 1 if PNO=N rents the accommodation, 0 otherwise
hsowrN = 1 of PNO=N owns the accommodation, 0 otherwise
N ... - 04:28 PM Support #1540: Variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying the housing cost
- Hello
I am trying to identify the variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying... - 04:25 PM Support #1540 (Resolved): Variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying the housing cost
- Hello
I am trying to identify the variable that identifies the household member that is responsible for the paying... - 12:45 PM Support #1539 (Feedback): Identifying indivdiual movers
- Hello,
We introduced the variable w_addrmov_dv a couple of years ago which should be suitable for your purposes. S...
- 07:29 AM Support #1533 (Resolved): Adjusting weights when constructing a calendar year from two waves
- 07:29 AM Support #1536 (Feedback): Happiness Questionnaire in Youth Survey
- Hi Amy,
The youth survey happiness/satisfaction questions have been carried forward from the BHPS Wave 4 questionn... - 06:13 AM Support #1539 (In Progress): Identifying indivdiual movers
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 04:36 PM Support #1539 (Resolved): Identifying indivdiual movers
- Dear US User Support Team,
I am working on a project on residential mobility in UK. I need to identify individuals...
- 06:30 PM Support #1538 (In Progress): Comparing health conditions across US waves 1-10
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
- 02:33 PM Support #1538 (Resolved): Comparing health conditions across US waves 1-10
- Hello,
I am attempting track the number of health conditions participants across waves, to examine any correlation... - 12:56 PM Support #1537 (Feedback): query re. b_wlk30min
- You can check the exact wording of the question either using the variable search facility here: https://www.understan...
- 12:55 PM Support #1536 (In Progress): Happiness Questionnaire in Youth Survey
- Hello,
I have passed on your question to the questionnaire team.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Suppo...
- 05:50 PM Support #1537 (Resolved): query re. b_wlk30min
- Hi - could you please advise on the scale for b_wlk30min Number of days walked at least 30 minutes. Did respondents h...
- 11:43 AM Support #1536 (Resolved): Happiness Questionnaire in Youth Survey
- Dear US Team,
Is there more information available how to Happiness Questionnaire in the Youth Survey (10-15 year o... - 07:15 AM Support #1534 (Feedback): b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed
- Please see response to your other post #1535
If you have further quesitons please let us know.
Best wishes,
U... - 07:14 AM Support #1535 (Feedback): b_sf12mcs_dv SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS)
- The SF12 module includes 12 questions - SCSF1 SCSF2A SCSF2B SCSF3A SCSF3B SCSF4A SCSF4B SCSF5 SCSF6A SCSF6B SCSF6C SC...
- 11:54 AM Support #1535 (Resolved): b_sf12mcs_dv SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS)
- Hi can you tell me which questions in wave 2 relate to b_sf12mcs_dv SF-12 Mental Component Summary (PCS) - thanks, Je...
- 11:52 AM Support #1534 (Resolved): b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed
- Hi can you tell me which questions in wave 2 relate to b_scsf6c - last 4 weeks: felt downhearted and depressed - than...
- 03:55 PM Support #1533: Adjusting weights when constructing a calendar year from two waves
- Thank you for the explanation.
Charlotte - 03:48 PM Support #1533: Adjusting weights when constructing a calendar year from two waves
- Charlotte,
Thank you for your question. Our years within one wave are not equivalent in size - year 1 has NI and B...
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