Support #1441
openReasons for migration - w6 and w7
Hi there,
I'm interested in the question on reasons for migration asked in wave 6 (migrationhistory_iemb1.mreason) and 7 (migrationhistory_w7.mreason).
Firstly in w6 it looks like this question was only asked of the IEMB sample. Who was asked this question in w7? i.e. was this asked of the whole sample or just the IEMB boost sample? My understanding was that the boost sample was only done in wave 6.
Secondly, I've merged the 2 waves using the pidp and in looking at positive responses to mreason6 I've identified 373 respondents altogether who have answered yes to mreason6 in at least one wave; 292 answered yes in both waves; 25 respondents in wave 7 only and 56 in wave 6 only. Is that correct?
I'm wondering why some respondents have a response under both waves: were they asked the question both times or was their answer in wave 7 carried through from w6?
Hope that's clear.
Many thanks,