Support #1125
openWeighting problem
Dear all,
Happy new year!
I am facing a problem with the weights from the youth dataset. I am running an analysis using the Understanding Society's complex sampling design that takes into account the psu, the strata and the weights.
The weight I am using is the combined cross-sectional youth weight from wave 3 (c_ythscub_xw), however, when I am asking Stata to first run the survey command (svy) and then impute the dataset it doesn't allow me to proceed. I have discovered that if I remove the weight from the analysis it runs fine so I was wondering if there is a problem with it since I am dealing with data from different sources (adults, household, youth and other linked data to the household or the adults).
What is the best way to deal with the weighting when it comes to using data from different levels although my main outcomes are from the youth dataset, hence, I am using the aforementioned weight?
Thank you in advance.