Support #1102
openType of further education (variable: FETYPE) inapplicable
Dear all,
I am looking at the data of the individual respondents (INDRESP) of the first few waves, more specifically the further education variable (FETYPE) because I am researching the different determinants to whether or not participate in higher education. However, this variable has a lot of “inapplicables” and I don’t know why?
For example the amount of people that went to a University in 1998 (wave 8, variable: hfetype) was 121, and 10236 people are in the category of “inapplicable”. Can you help me understand why almost everyone (94%) of the respondents has "inapplicable" when it comes to further education? I don't understand it especially because in the survey there is an option "none of the above", which I assume people would mark as their answer if they didn't study after high school.
Any advice/comments are more than welcome!
Kind regards,