





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
1839 In Progress Normal Combining individual level files across waves with different variables into a long format. Ingrid Storm 02/23/2023 11:02 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
94 Closed High Children living with both birth parents Tony Doherty 12/12/2012 02:56 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
785 Closed High Weighting for a complex sub-merged dataset Emily Lowthian 06/07/2017 03:42 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
1038 Resolved Normal Imputations for savings, investment, debts and housing value Nora Müller 03/27/2019 11:16 AM

Alita Nandi Actions
1942 In Progress Normal Bornuk_dv missing data Luis Ortiz 08/01/2023 10:54 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1167 In Progress Urgent Linking Understanding Society and HESA data Inga Steinberg 06/04/2019 08:37 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
642 Closed Normal LAD Codes Matthias Buser 11/09/2016 02:48 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
1250 In Progress High Identifying transitions from households to institutions (older adults) Tom Snell 10/02/2019 02:12 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
2149 In Progress Normal Age of entry into parenthood Luis Ortiz 09/11/2024 08:41 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
2074 In Progress High Longitudinal weights Joe Mattock 04/17/2024 03:34 PM

Olena Kaminska Actions
1111 In Progress Normal Data discepancy? Tenure_dv and movdir / plnew Chris Foye 03/27/2019 03:44 PM

Chris Foye Actions
893 Rejected Immediate Urgent/ish data mental health and social media danilo di emidio 01/11/2018 10:28 AM

Stephanie Auty Actions
378 Closed Immediate Retirement data Sarah Qu 07/07/2015 04:01 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
569 Closed Normal Repeated child identifer for a given adult in a_natchild file Paulino Font Gilabert 10/13/2016 03:41 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
410 Closed Normal Income in Understanding and BHPS Lori Bougher 11/10/2015 10:45 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
119 Closed High Large values on alcohol consumption variables Kareena McAloney 02/27/2013 09:23 AM

jason morgan Actions
61 Closed Normal HOUSEHOLD INCOME Ethan Greenwood 12/14/2012 07:35 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
327 Closed High Fed-forward employment status at W3 Amanda Hughes 12/22/2014 08:51 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
2202 In Progress Normal Weight Selection Yixuan Chen 02/06/2025 02:29 PM

Olena Kaminska Actions
2129 In Progress Normal Income received from source in BHPS and UKHLS Yiwen Wu 07/23/2024 10:16 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1673 In Progress Normal pensioner_dv seems to be wrong for men Tom Waters 04/29/2022 12:35 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1258 In Progress Normal Housing costs in BHPS Lindsay Judge 10/09/2019 03:45 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
1874 In Progress Normal Issue with religion variable in wave 12 Laurence O'Brien 03/16/2023 09:33 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1227 In Progress Urgent Family size Ella Moonan-Howard 08/16/2019 12:20 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
1627 In Progress Normal Coding of k_ypfhweve in k_Youth Alexandra Turner 03/14/2022 01:25 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
(1951-1975/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

Also available in: Atom CSV PDF