





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
370 Closed Normal Local authorities Noah Carl 05/22/2015 12:27 PM

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326 Closed Normal Revised weights Noah Carl 12/22/2014 08:49 AM

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263 Closed Normal Ethnic Boost Noah Carl 06/02/2014 10:02 AM

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113 Closed Urgent multiple recrods for each individual - EGOALT Nicola Pensiero 01/28/2013 10:41 AM

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107 Closed Normal households in low income Nick Coleman 01/24/2013 08:55 AM

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223 Closed Normal Understanding Society Waves 2 & 3 Jobhist Files Nathan Hudson-Sharp 12/03/2013 05:31 PM

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204 Closed Normal Linked administrative data Morag Treanor 10/21/2013 09:53 AM

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454 Closed Normal BHPS hhch12 variable in INDRESP files Mike Wilson 12/09/2015 07:33 PM

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330 Closed Normal current hh income - negative figures Mike Wilson 02/17/2015 12:36 PM

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89 Closed Normal variable bjBSECT (sector of current job) appears to be corrupt or anomalous with two thirds of employees being coded not applicable. Is there an explanation please? Michael White 11/05/2012 11:04 AM

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36 Closed Urgent Derived variables documentation and OECD equivalisation scale Meng Lu 12/14/2012 07:35 AM

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59 Closed Urgent Linking BHPS - Understanding Society Melanie Luhrmann 06/26/2012 12:20 PM

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102 Closed Normal Aggregarting results for numbers of users in the sample to user in the population using probability weights Matthew Swannell 01/04/2013 01:02 PM

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101 Closed Urgent Weighting in BHPS Matthew Aldrich 01/04/2013 01:02 PM

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92 Closed Normal Origin of deprivation indicators Matt Ford 11/16/2012 05:50 PM

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386 Closed Normal Using BHPS / Understanding Society for CNEF Martin Schröder 07/16/2015 11:38 AM

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361 Closed Normal variables about house's type Maria Katia Orteca 05/11/2015 09:31 AM

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331 Closed Normal grid variables Maria Katia Orteca 01/05/2015 12:41 PM

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244 Closed Normal GHQ-12 measures in wave 3 Marcus Green 03/18/2014 10:05 AM

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170 Closed Urgent Unable to access full sample size Madeline Crosswaite 07/19/2013 07:47 AM

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384 Closed High NS-SEC variable M Bourne 06/18/2015 03:31 PM

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74 Closed Normal a_hiqual_dv derivation Lorraine Waller 08/06/2012 09:06 AM

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68 Closed High SOC90 reliability flag and parental occupation when the respondent was aged 14 years Lorraine Waller 07/17/2012 03:35 PM

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429 Closed Normal Calculation of Benefits Income in BHPS and USoc Lori Bougher 10/30/2015 11:07 AM

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162 Closed High How to get data? Lisa Reuter 07/04/2013 07:41 AM

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(1426-1450/1984) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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