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# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
459 Closed High derived variable for total number of children Alexey Bessudnov 12/09/2015 07:32 PM

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458 Closed High country of birth and derived variable UK born angela potter-collins 12/09/2015 07:32 PM

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457 Closed High ethnicity angela potter-collins 12/09/2015 07:33 PM

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456 Closed Normal comparing across waves Carolina Zuccotti 12/23/2015 10:37 AM

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455 Closed Normal Residential mobility indicators Rory Coulter 12/08/2015 10:24 AM

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453 Closed High Zero value weight with nurse data combined to blood sample and main sample (w2) Gaelle Albertus 12/23/2015 10:37 AM

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452 Closed High identifying same-sex (female-female)partner Nora Alafif 12/09/2015 07:34 PM

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451 Closed Normal Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Boost sample Wave 6 Dharmi Kapadia 12/01/2015 09:07 AM

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450 Closed Normal subpopulation analysis Stefanie Jane 12/23/2015 10:37 AM

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449 Closed Urgent Sexuality Variable Alex Best 12/23/2015 10:38 AM

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448 Closed Normal weights Vernon Hedge 11/20/2015 09:23 AM

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447 Closed Normal Wave 5 Dharmi Kapadia 11/19/2015 03:53 PM

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446 Closed Normal Childcare analysis Ceri Hughes 11/30/2015 05:23 PM

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445 Closed Normal Pain and work Karen Steadman 11/16/2015 03:21 PM

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444 Closed Normal I need help Abdulganiyu Ajani 11/16/2015 03:21 PM

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443 Closed High Orgm variables Olivia D'Lima 12/01/2015 09:08 AM

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442 Closed Normal Weight for longitudinal analysis with BHPS Youth dataset Genevieve Gariepy 11/16/2015 03:22 PM

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440 Closed Urgent Longitudinal Regression Analysis Weights Esther Afolalu 11/10/2015 10:36 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
438 Closed Normal Identifying a change in address Federico Zilio 11/19/2015 03:58 PM

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437 Closed Normal sample design and community establishments Phil Jones 11/10/2015 10:35 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
436 Closed Normal How to identify the Household Reference Person Laura Jones 11/09/2015 01:01 PM

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435 Closed High Question relating to " main reason respondent was away from work last week?" in the UK HLS Ourega-Zoe Ejebu 11/10/2015 10:38 AM

Gundi Knies Actions
434 Closed Normal "None of the above" in `w'_qfhigh Yujung Whang 10/30/2015 11:06 AM

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433 Closed Normal How can I apply for a special license? Yujung Whang 10/30/2015 11:06 AM

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432 Closed Normal Distributions of NS-SEC variables in earlier and later versions of Wave 1 data Sharon Cruise 10/23/2015 07:12 AM

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(1401-1425/1988) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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