





Apply Clear

# Status Priority Subject Author Updated % Done Last updated by
722 Closed Normal end date of union and how the union ended Sait Bayrakdar 02/27/2017 09:53 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
651 Closed Normal tnc variable Sait Bayrakdar 11/22/2016 01:04 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
628 Closed Normal BHPS - isced variable Sait Bayrakdar 09/26/2016 12:34 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
627 Closed Normal isco 88 Sait Bayrakdar 09/26/2016 12:33 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
599 Closed Normal highest educational level Sait Bayrakdar 07/25/2016 12:57 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
590 Closed Normal guests staying with the household Sait Bayrakdar 07/11/2016 12:11 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
767 Closed Normal Work experience in UKHLS Sabine Hübgen 05/02/2017 02:12 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
693 Closed Normal conversion from national educational classification to ISCED Sabine Hübgen 01/26/2017 03:34 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
1690 Resolved Normal jbnssec8_dv Ruth Bickerton 08/22/2023 01:36 PM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
1130 Resolved Normal risk items innovation sample waves 6 and 7 Rui Mata 08/10/2022 11:32 AM

Understanding Society User Support Team Actions
764 Closed Normal Reward variables Roxana Corduneanu 05/03/2017 02:44 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
926 Resolved Normal Education variable hiqual_dv in USOC Rossella Icardi 08/14/2018 04:12 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
925 Resolved Normal Weights for longitudinal analysis Rossella Icardi 08/14/2018 04:11 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
946 Resolved Normal hiqual_dv values Rory Coulter 08/14/2018 04:28 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
678 Closed Normal fimngrs_dv variable Rory Coulter 01/31/2017 09:41 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
1020 Resolved Normal Finding variables in the household data (wave 1) Robin Kramer 10/12/2018 02:38 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
980 Resolved Normal parental occupation variables in BHPS wave r Robert de Vries 08/14/2018 05:43 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
1004 Resolved Normal Ammendment Rita Pereira 08/14/2018 05:48 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
982 Resolved Normal Coding of -vote3- and -vote4- variables in wave 7 of Understanding Society Richard Upward 08/14/2018 05:44 PM

Stephanie Auty Actions
601 Closed Normal cross-sectional weight for xtra five minute sample missing from wave 2 datafile Renee Luthra 08/01/2016 09:55 AM

Victoria Nolan Actions
597 Closed Normal some incorrect value lables - wave 5 Renee Luthra 08/15/2016 03:46 PM

Victoria Nolan Actions
445 Closed Normal Pain and work Karen Steadman 11/16/2015 03:21 PM

Redmine Admin Actions
398 Closed Normal Identifying drop outs and re joiners Gretta Mohan 08/24/2015 09:21 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
366 Closed Normal Work on attrition and non-response Martin Griffiths 11/10/2015 03:07 PM

Gundi Knies Actions
353 Closed Normal fed-forward (_ff_): what does this mean (doesn't always match previous wave) Phil Jones 04/13/2015 09:09 AM

Redmine Admin Actions
(1326-1350/1985) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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