From 05/29/2023 to 06/27/2023
05:05 PM Support #1928 (Feedback): Health condition (hcond) for new entrants and missing values (including -8 inapplicable)
- Dear Alexander,
The definition of new entrants in the routing of the hcond questions is based on the following condi...
01:13 PM Support #1907: Weighting advice for information from previous wave on wave 12 respondents
- You will need a longitudinal weight for your analysis if you are using information from more than 1 wave.
Olena -
11:54 AM Support #1928 (Resolved): Health condition (hcond) for new entrants and missing values (including -8 inapplicable)
- I'm interested in constructing health status and especially certain health conditions over time.
Therefore I have cr...
09:05 PM Support #1927 (Feedback): SF1 and SCSF1 variables
- Hello Rowan,
Thanks for highlighting this. We are very sorry the variable note is not entirely correct. We will re...
09:35 PM Support #1927 (Resolved): SF1 and SCSF1 variables
- Dear sir or madam,
The variables SF1 and SCSF1, in the w_indresp files, are supposed to represent self-assessed h... -
03:48 PM Support #1917 (Feedback): DVLA Data: Untaxed vehicles
- Hello,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
The car registration data was collected at W5 (2013-15) whi...
03:49 PM Support #1907: Weighting advice for information from previous wave on wave 12 respondents
- One more thing, if you are using at least one self-completion variable in your analysis model then the correct weight...
03:47 PM Support #1907: Weighting advice for information from previous wave on wave 12 respondents
- For the example you have described, the correct weight is l_indinui_xw.
Due to staff time constraints, we only ad... -
02:44 PM Support #1907: Weighting advice for information from previous wave on wave 12 respondents
- I'm looking to estimate the probably that a survey respondent is classified as economically inactive in wave 12 based...
03:19 PM Support #1926: Parent-reported variables
- I see. What you are suggesting is correct.
These questions were asked only in the BHPS. Based on the questionnaire... -
10:43 AM Support #1926: Parent-reported variables
- Hi Alita/team,
Thanks for getting back to me. This information will be useful for me later on, but I'm not sure it... -
10:24 AM Support #1926 (Feedback): Parent-reported variables
- Hi Anna,
We provide some of this linking information so you don't need to do this yourself. In the w_indall files,...
04:05 PM Support #1926 (Resolved): Parent-reported variables
- I would like to check whether I have merged some files correctly, please? My aim is to gather parent-reported variabl...
11:46 AM Support #1913 (Resolved): Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
05:03 PM Support #1924: Control for mother/father educ
- Hi Pauline,
The majority of these new entrants will be youth turning 16 and thus becoming eligible for an adult in... -
04:58 PM Support #1925 (Feedback): Importing data to R - converting from wide to long error
- Dear Matthew,
This is a user deposited file, I am afraid we do not provide assistance for these files. Please cont...
10:18 AM Support #1925 (Resolved): Importing data to R - converting from wide to long error
- I've been trying to read in data (a stata file) in R, tidy and convert from wide to long format using the code shared...
01:51 PM Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- ok, thank you so much Olena, this has been incredibly helpful.
all best,
Laura -
12:27 PM Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- Laura,
Yes, good point. For a single parent household use the parent's weight (regardless of gender). But for both... -
10:23 AM Support #1924: Control for mother/father educ
- Yes but that info is not available for the wave 11 entrants no? It's only for people up until wave 6?
10:18 AM Support #1924 (Feedback): Control for mother/father educ
- Hi Pauline,
It's best to link this information from xwavedat, use the maedqf and paedqf variables.
Best wishes,...
12:48 PM Support #1924 (Resolved): Control for mother/father educ
- Hi team,
In Wave 11 of the UKHLS- is there any variables to control for father/mother's education?
Thanks, Pauline
05:06 PM Support #1923 (Resolved): Utilising questions from UKLHS as national benchmarks in Wales
- The question was answered over email.
10:09 AM Support #1923 (Resolved): Utilising questions from UKLHS as national benchmarks in Wales
- I am a Research Fellow at Cardiff University working on a project funded by Healthy Working Wales (HWW) of Public Hea...
05:05 PM Support #1922 (Feedback): Care Home
- Hi Joshua,
To see if the household is in an institution, use dweltyp (hhsamp) for CAPI, and whether the respondent...
01:42 PM Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- Thanks Olena,
One final question - why do you suggest using the father's weight as opposed to the mother's? Since mo... -
12:19 PM Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- If both parents need to respond to a full personal interview, we don't have a weight for this combination. You could ...
04:35 PM Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- to clarify the above - children's eligibility depends on *both* of their parents incomes (assuming they live in a two...
10:24 AM Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- Thanks so much for your response Olena.
I am a little confused as to how that would work in practice given that many... -
12:22 PM Support #1908 (Feedback): Weights using the BHPS Consolidated Marital, Cohabitation and Fertility Histories
11:28 AM Support #1921 (Feedback): Non-Covid affected data
- When you don't weight our data your estimates will be biased in certain ways, please see the weighting section of the...
10:37 AM Support #1921: Non-Covid affected data
- I am actually confused about the weights?
What is wrong/what happens if I use for example Wave 11's data only with... -
09:03 AM Support #1922 (Resolved): Care Home
- Understanding Society states, 'Sample is not selected from institutions such as care homes but if sample members move...
07:20 PM Support #1921 (In Progress): Non-Covid affected data
- Hi,
In wave 10 there 145 respondents (j_indresp, count if j_ienddaty==2020 & j_ienddatm>=3) who completed their i... -
07:11 PM Support #1920: Create a Schooling years variable
- Sorry, I missed your further posts.
Re 2, the advice is the same, the most efficient way is to link that informati... -
05:13 PM Support #1920 (Feedback): Create a Schooling years variable
- Hi,
1) I am afraid I can't help you with this one, that depends on you research problem and we leave such decision... -
05:03 PM Support #1919 (Feedback): Marital status (mastat_dv & marstat_dv)
- Hi Luis,
mastat_dv is more detailed and has slightly less missing values than marstat_dv. The reason behind is tha... -
04:41 PM Support #1918 (Feedback): Controlling for residence/county
- Hello,
You need to apply for one of the geographical identifiers datasets. These datasets include only the househ... -
02:21 PM Support #1908: Weights using the BHPS Consolidated Marital, Cohabitation and Fertility Histories
- Dear Natalia,
Thank you for your question. All the weights we provide are probability weights (pw in stata).
If y...
03:51 PM Support #1920: Create a Schooling years variable
- Here is the code I have tried for query 2) using the xwavedat file but I still get only 1081 observations...
use x... -
02:50 PM Support #1920: Create a Schooling years variable
- Note: I am confused about a 3) thing
3)When recoding the -8 and -1 as misisng in wave 11 for both scend and feend,... -
02:39 PM Support #1920 (Resolved): Create a Schooling years variable
- Hi team,
I need help with some Stata coding...I want to create a schooling years variable to get the number of yea... -
02:59 PM Support #1921 (Resolved): Non-Covid affected data
- Hi team,
If I want the most recent data unaffected by Covid, what wave should I use? I started using 2019-2020 but...
06:07 PM Support #1919 (Resolved): Marital status (mastat_dv & marstat_dv)
- Dear colleagues,
I'm wondering which of the derived variables of maritat status to use for my analysis.
When I ... -
01:39 PM Support #1918 (Resolved): Controlling for residence/county
- Hi team,
I am looking to control for the region where respodents live/work at. I have found variables that allow t...
03:48 PM Support #1917 (In Progress): DVLA Data: Untaxed vehicles
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:37 PM Support #1916 (Feedback): xwavedat vs xwaveid
- Hello Alexey,
Universe of xwavedat is all sample members who have ever been enumerated in any household in the BHP... -
02:49 PM Support #1913 (Feedback): Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
01:39 PM Support #1913: Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- Laura,
What you need is the weight of the parent individual full interview, like indinui_xw. Technically, you comb...
07:14 PM Support #1917 (Resolved): DVLA Data: Untaxed vehicles
- Hello
I would be greatful if anyone could explain this aspect of the DVLA dataset. I’m looking at the proportion o... -
04:21 PM Support #1916 (Resolved): xwavedat vs xwaveid
- Hello,
What is the difference in the universe between the xwavedat file (150,393 rows) and xwaveid file (128,036 r... -
09:07 AM Support #1914: job title and descriptive information in the covid wave
- Hello,
These variables were dropped due to some inconsistencies we had discovered. There is a plan to release them... -
08:58 AM Support #1912 (Feedback): Merging newborn and child data Waves 11 & 12
- Hello,
w_child - that file is at the child level, there are two unique identifiers, pidp and the combination of w_...
04:10 PM Support #1914 (In Progress): job title and descriptive information in the covid wave
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:25 AM Support #1914 (In Progress): job title and descriptive information in the covid wave
- To who it may concern,
I am currently using UKHLS covid wave 7,8,9 to conduct research. In the questionnaires, jbs... -
04:08 PM Support #1912 (In Progress): Merging newborn and child data Waves 11 & 12
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:40 PM Support #1913 (In Progress): Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
05:01 PM Support #1913 (Resolved): Weighting with analysis of a dataset of infants
- Dear US team,
My question is about weighting when carrying out analysis with infants (0-2).
I want to carry out... -
04:30 PM Support #1910: Information about NHS and purchase of private health isurance
Hi Piotr,
Thank you for your timely response.
Yeah I saw those variables but does private use equal private i...-
12:55 PM Support #1910 (Feedback): Information about NHS and purchase of private health isurance
- Hello,
I am assuming you are asking about the hlcvr question which has been discontinued in UKHLS. You can find so... -
06:20 AM Support #1910 (Resolved): Information about NHS and purchase of private health isurance
- Hi,
I am conducting a longitudinal study on factors that predispose individuals to purchase private medical insura... -
01:56 PM Support #1912 (Resolved): Merging newborn and child data Waves 11 & 12
- Hello,
I am trying to look at breastfeeding data for waves 11 and 12, and note there is breastfeeding data in both k...
03:31 PM Support #1909 (Feedback): Cognitive ability
- Hi Luis,
In addition to the raw data from this module a set of derived variables is included, you can find the lis... -
12:54 PM Support #1909 (Resolved): Cognitive ability
- Dear colleagues,
I am a Sociologist at the DemoSoc Research Group (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) I'm currently doing r...
05:00 PM Support #1908 (In Progress): Weights using the BHPS Consolidated Marital, Cohabitation and Fertility Histories
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:49 PM Support #1905 (Resolved): Inapplicable codes on the W12 hhresp helpbuy questions
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