



From 08/19/2022 to 09/17/2022


07:49 AM Support #1464: Matching household data from parents to children
I would like to have a clarification on nonresident parents. If a child is only observed within a single-p...
Lydia Palumbo


11:48 AM Support #1769: missing values after merging household and individual dataset
Dear Annett,
Thanks for your reply.
Please see attached for the do file.
Many thanks for your help.
Best ...
Shujun Liu
11:28 AM Support #1769: missing values after merging household and individual dataset
Dear Shujun
We like investigate further but in order to do so could you please provide the code so we can see how ...
Annette Pasotti


04:15 PM Support #1769 (In Progress): missing values after merging household and individual dataset
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Annette Pasotti


04:52 PM Support #1769 (Resolved): missing values after merging household and individual dataset
Dear member of Understanding Society,
I am dealing with Inovation Panel data(wave10) and trying to merge the var...
Shujun Liu
02:30 PM Support #1768 (Feedback): Merging the Xsample datafile to the main survey
Hi Amwaj,
Please try the solutions from this statalist thread
Understanding Society User Support Team
01:42 PM Support #1768 (Resolved): Merging the Xsample datafile to the main survey
I am trying to merge (using pidp variable) the xsample datafile from the COVID-19 survey to a preprepared - lo...
amwaj abugamza


12:04 PM Support #1758: Computing variable for distance to mother / father (using pafar, mafar, parmar)
Hi, that's all very helpful thank you! Sorry I misunderstood for whatever reason about the pafar / parmar conditions,... Albert Ward
10:24 AM Support #1765: Weights for unbalanced longitudinal analysis
Thanks Olena and Piotr; much appreciated. Rebecca Benson


07:55 PM Support #1765 (Feedback): Weights for unbalanced longitudinal analysis
Hi Rebecca,
You can access the tailored weights course here:
Understanding Society User Support Team
07:53 PM Support #1766 (Feedback): BHPS linked to Educational Data
Dear Agnes,
When youth respondents turn 16 they are eligible for the adult interview, the BHPS sample members incl...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:28 AM Support #1766 (In Progress): BHPS linked to Educational Data
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
05:40 PM Support #1767 (Feedback): Difference between j_pdvage and j_dvage
Dvage is the information about respondent's age calculated from the household grid, that is, a questionnair...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:28 AM Support #1767 (In Progress): Difference between j_pdvage and j_dvage
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


12:28 PM Support #1759: Differences between figures for tenure_dv and hsownd
Ok, thanks.
From what I can see, the discrepancy is because tenure_dv = 2 includes part-ownership, although this ...
Albert Ward
11:33 AM Support #1765: Weights for unbalanced longitudinal analysis
I am glad you double checked this with us, as this approach indeed relies on the definition related to su...
Olena Kaminska
10:55 AM Support #1767 (Resolved): Difference between j_pdvage and j_dvage
Dear members of Understanding Society,
I'm dealing with the dataset of Innovation Panel. The name of the dataset...
Shujun Liu


10:05 AM Support #1761: Difference between distmov and distmov_dv
Great, thanks! Albert Ward


02:54 PM Support #1760: LVRel
Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying!
Albert Ward
02:07 PM Support #1764: Identifying individual movers consistently across UKHLS and BHPS samples
Thanks for your answer,
Is addrmov_dv a flag for address change, or postcode change? I was just wondering whether ...
Albert Ward


02:49 PM Support #1766 (Resolved): BHPS linked to Educational Data
Dear All,
I wonder whether you could provide some info on the BHPS linked to educational data. Are those linked w...
Agnese Romiti
10:52 AM Support #1760 (Feedback): LVRel
Hi Albert,
This is up to the respondents interpretation, that is to say, it depends who the respondent thinks of ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
10:31 AM Support #1764: Identifying individual movers consistently across UKHLS and BHPS samples
Two variables were created for UKHLS: distmov_dv and addrmov_dv. But these are not available for the moves between Wa... Understanding Society User Support Team


05:29 PM Support #1764 (Feedback): Identifying individual movers consistently across UKHLS and BHPS samples
Hi Albert,
I'd say that adcts offers a fairly reasonable degree of comparability to the BHPS plnew, though the uni...
Understanding Society User Support Team
05:18 PM Support #1765: Weights for unbalanced longitudinal analysis
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
11:55 AM Support #1765 (Resolved): Weights for unbalanced longitudinal analysis
I am planning an analysis using waves 1-11, looking at within-person changes over time. As I understand it, to use th... Rebecca Benson
05:17 PM Support #1756 (Feedback): Creating length of residence variable for BHPS and UKHLS using plnowy4, plnowm, mvyr, mvmnth and mvever
Hi Albert,
1) For the BHPS you should use plnowy4 which is available across all waves, ba_mvyr is actually just a ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:08 PM Support #1747: Weight problem when running regression
Is your dataset in long or short format? What are your units of analysis?
Olena Kaminska


01:44 PM Support #1761 (Feedback): Difference between distmov and distmov_dv
Yes both are in km Understanding Society User Support Team
01:29 PM Support #1757: Computing a travel time to work variable using jsttwt (and jsttwtb_cawi?)
Ah, that makes sense thanks. For some reason, I missed w_jsttwtb.
It seems that w_jsttwtb includes CAWI responses...
Albert Ward
01:16 PM Support #1763: Non-matched records when combining indresp and hhresp files
Ah I see - that makes sense, thank you.
Albert Ward
01:14 PM Support #1762: Matching egoalt files to individual level (indresp) - NA values
Thanks, that's very helpful. Yes, I was looking at both w_indall and w_egoalt - the pno thing isn't relevant for my w... Albert Ward
12:26 PM Support #1758: Computing variable for distance to mother / father (using pafar, mafar, parmar)
A correction to the first answer. LVREL asked about non-co-resident family members ONLY. See the Question text and th... Understanding Society User Support Team


06:12 PM Support #1764 (Resolved): Identifying individual movers consistently across UKHLS and BHPS samples
I'm looking for a simple way to identify whether a participant has moved address in a consistent way for BHPS ...
Albert Ward
04:11 PM Support #1759 (Feedback): Differences between figures for tenure_dv and hsownd
The code for deriving tenure_dv is here
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:55 PM Support #1759: Differences between figures for tenure_dv and hsownd
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
04:07 PM Support #1762: Matching egoalt files to individual level (indresp) - NA values
The pno are assigned as per the list of hh members when the hh grid is being completed. There is no particular order ... Understanding Society User Support Team
03:57 PM Support #1762 (Feedback): Matching egoalt files to individual level (indresp) - NA values
1. There can be cases in w_egoalt not in w_indresp if no adult member from that household completed an adult quesiton... Understanding Society User Support Team
02:56 PM Support #1762: Matching egoalt files to individual level (indresp) - NA values
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
03:52 PM Support #1763 (Feedback): Non-matched records when combining indresp and hhresp files
Yes, there can be mismatched records.
1. Household is in hhresp but no hh member from this household is in indresp...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:56 PM Support #1763: Non-matched records when combining indresp and hhresp files
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
03:42 PM Support #1758 (Feedback): Computing variable for distance to mother / father (using pafar, mafar, parmar)
1. Yes. You can verify this by selecting the cases for which w_mnspid~=-8/w_fnspid~=-8
2. Yes
3. The parent with wh...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:55 PM Support #1758: Computing variable for distance to mother / father (using pafar, mafar, parmar)
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
03:27 PM Support #1757 (Feedback): Computing a travel time to work variable using jsttwt (and jsttwtb_cawi?)
You are correct.
The variable which records number of minutes taken to travel to work for those who are self-empl...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:55 PM Support #1757: Computing a travel time to work variable using jsttwt (and jsttwtb_cawi?)
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
02:55 PM Support #1761: Difference between distmov and distmov_dv
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
02:54 PM Support #1756: Creating length of residence variable for BHPS and UKHLS using plnowy4, plnowm, mvyr, mvmnth and mvever
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
02:54 PM Support #1760: LVRel
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


03:26 PM Support #1763 (Resolved): Non-matched records when combining indresp and hhresp files
I previously asked a question concerning non-matching records when combining egoalt and indresp files, so if t...
Albert Ward
03:12 PM Support #1762 (Resolved): Matching egoalt files to individual level (indresp) - NA values
I'm doing some analysis which involves matching the egoalt files to indresp files in the harmonised BHPS / UKH...
Albert Ward
02:57 PM Support #1760: LVRel
Edit: Sorry, forgot to amend the title. Feel free to change it Albert Ward
02:53 PM Support #1760 (Resolved): LVRel
I'm looking at some composed variables which are conditional on LVRel, but I'm a bit confused as to what the L...
Albert Ward
02:57 PM Support #1761 (Resolved): Difference between distmov and distmov_dv
I'm trying to combine several waves of the harmonised BHPS / UKHLS.
Is distmov (BHPS) the same computed var...
Albert Ward
02:45 PM Support #1759 (Resolved): Differences between figures for tenure_dv and hsownd
I'm trying to compute some variables based on housing tenure, using tenure_dv.
Why are there some small dis...
Albert Ward
12:55 PM Support #1758 (Resolved): Computing variable for distance to mother / father (using pafar, mafar, parmar)
I'm trying to compute a variable measuring how far a respondent lives from their parents, using pafar and mafa...
Albert Ward
12:02 PM Support #1757 (Resolved): Computing a travel time to work variable using jsttwt (and jsttwtb_cawi?)
I'm trying to compute a variable measuring how long it takes respondents to travel to work. To do this, I need...
Albert Ward
11:25 AM Support #1756 (Resolved): Creating length of residence variable for BHPS and UKHLS using plnowy4, plnowm, mvyr, mvmnth and mvever
I'm trying to construct a length of residence variable for several waves from the harmonised BHPS / UKHLS.
Albert Ward


03:53 PM Support #1737 (Feedback): Linkage of Understanding Society (BHPS) data to Cancer Registrations
Dear Laura,
Yes, we will be trying to get cancer registrations data going back in time as far as possible.
The ...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:48 PM Support #1751 (Feedback): Welsh education data linkage query
Dear Hettie,
I am sorry for our late reply - the person responsible for this linkage was away on holiday.
1) Th...
Understanding Society User Support Team


04:01 PM Support #1755 (Feedback): Description of creating weights to adjust for nonresponse bias
Dear Daiga,
Please read the weighting section in the attached pdf document, it discusses in detail how the weights...
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:01 PM Support #1755 (Resolved): Description of creating weights to adjust for nonresponse bias
Dear US team,
I am looking for a document that describes what information and from where was used to create weights...
Daiga Kamerade
03:27 PM Support #1754 (Feedback): advice on creating a variable for number of children in the main & covid surveys
Hi Karen,
1) To get the most precise and accurate measure it is best to construct it using the set of cw_relation*...
Understanding Society User Support Team


12:57 PM Support #1754 (Resolved): advice on creating a variable for number of children in the main & covid surveys
Hi there,
Can I please get some advice on how best to create a variable to denote the number of children in a househ...
Karen Arulsamy

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