



From 06/08/2022 to 07/07/2022


02:58 PM Support #1722 (Feedback): Quick weight to use check for 7 variables
Hi William,
The list of weights looks alright.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User Support Team
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:49 AM Support #1723 (Resolved): 'Other qualifications' category in hiqual_dv
I can't find any information on what exactly 'other qualifications' consists of in your hiqual_dv variable (ht...
Albert Ward


12:22 PM Support #1722: Quick weight to use check for 7 variables
Yes that is correct. Separately for each wave.
Kind regards
William Shufflebottom
12:20 PM Support #1722 (In Progress): Quick weight to use check for 7 variables
Hi William,
Just to double-check - your analysis is cross-sectional, so you will be running the descriptives for t...
Understanding Society User Support Team
09:54 AM Support #1721: Random effects analysis and weights (no time*person interaction)
Hi Olena,
Thank you very much, this answers my questions (and thanks for your US work on weighting).
All the be...
Richard Belcher


04:05 PM Support #1721: Random effects analysis and weights (no time*person interaction)
1. Yes, use cross-sectional weights in your analysis.
2. You don't need to create your own longitudinal ...
Olena Kaminska
03:17 PM Support #1721 (In Progress): Random effects analysis and weights (no time*person interaction)
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team
02:55 PM Support #1721 (Resolved): Random effects analysis and weights (no time*person interaction)
Dear Support Team,
I am completing an analysis using Understanding Society Waves 1-9, where I would like to genera...
Richard Belcher
03:09 PM Support #1722 (Resolved): Quick weight to use check for 7 variables
We are running some descriptive statistics for a few variables on main USoC waves between wave 8 and 11 (where...
William Shufflebottom
10:49 AM Support #1720 (Feedback): Which children are selected for parent reported SDQ?
Dear Matthias,
The SDQ questions are asked of children aged from 5 to 8 years old. You can see the universe (there...
Understanding Society User Support Team


09:03 PM Support #1720 (Resolved): Which children are selected for parent reported SDQ?
Each wave has a question on children's SDQ to be reported by the parent, available in the 'child' file, but the...
Matthias Pierce


12:32 PM Support #1719 (Feedback): Several inconsistencies for birthy and also mastat
Hi Lydia,
1) I'd recommend using doby_dv from xwavedat. It is a derived variable and our Data Team has tried to ma...
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:12 PM Support #1719 (Resolved): Several inconsistencies for birthy and also mastat
Dear UKHLS Support,
I am currently noticing that there are several differences between the variable birthy in the...
Lydia Palumbo


05:29 PM Support #1717 (Feedback): vote8 variable election coverage
Dear Leonard,
"the last election" may refer to the same general elections in more than one wave, so the same event...
Understanding Society User Support Team


03:04 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
Dear Emily,
I downloaded the data on the 7th of June from here:
Understanding Society User Support Team
02:19 PM Support #1702: Wave 4 GHQ scores
Thanks again for your help and apologies for delay - I've been away for a couple of weeks.
I've redownl...
Emily Humphreys


02:35 PM Support #1711 (Feedback): Identifying care home residents
Dear Jack,
I am sorry for the delay in responding to your question.
1) you can identify if the household is in...
Understanding Society User Support Team
12:28 PM Support #1718: Sexuor Access
Dear Evie,
I checked this with the team responsible for managing levels of access. The change was suggested by the...
Understanding Society User Support Team


05:47 PM Support #1718: Sexuor Access
Thank you for the above information! Would you be able to inform me why this variable (and I notice HIV diagnosis als... Evie Tabor
04:13 PM Support #1718 (Feedback): Sexuor Access
Dear Evie,
This information is now considered to be sensitive and for that reason it was moved to the Special Lice...
Understanding Society User Support Team
04:14 PM Support #1717 (In Progress): vote8 variable election coverage
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Understanding Society User Support Team


03:19 PM Support #1718 (Resolved): Sexuor Access
To whom it may concern,
I have noticed that the sexuor variable has been moved to special licence access via the U...
Evie Tabor
10:32 AM Support #1717 (Resolved): vote8 variable election coverage
I am working on a project on voter behaviour, using variable "vote8" as a dependent. The variable asks for ...
Leonard Mussler


01:07 PM Support #1708 (Feedback): Usual and last pay - question on imputation and missing values
Hi Rebeka,
Thanks for your question. Missing data is unlikely to be missing at random, and so dropping missing cas...
Understanding Society User Support Team


06:57 PM Support #1716 (Feedback): constituency level data
Please check the dataset Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies available under Special Licence Access (h...
Understanding Society User Support Team
08:27 AM Support #1716 (Resolved): constituency level data
To study the rollout effect of universal credit, I need to get the constituency-level data first. However, this data ... huihui song


01:01 PM Support #1715: Longitudinal Weighting of Non-Movers Only from UKHLS (in Wave 1)
Hi Olena,
Well sub-population 1) is the residents who have not moved at all.
However, is it possible to also in...
Sue Easton
12:40 PM Support #1715: Longitudinal Weighting of Non-Movers Only from UKHLS (in Wave 1)
Thank you for your question. Do you mean you want to study the group who has not moved their house in the las...
Olena Kaminska
12:06 PM Support #1715 (Resolved): Longitudinal Weighting of Non-Movers Only from UKHLS (in Wave 1)
Hi, I have searched and can't find these key words in any posts.
Due to limitations of time I need to limit my ana...
Sue Easton


05:03 PM Support #1714 (Feedback): Merge the COVID19 survey waves
Understanding Society User Support Team
05:02 PM Support #1714: Merge the COVID19 survey waves
The problem arises here:
"foreach w in ca cb cc cd ce cf ck cg ch ci {

// find the wave number
local wa...
Understanding Society User Support Team


10:05 AM Support #1714 (Resolved): Merge the COVID19 survey waves
I am trying to merge the COVID19 survey waves into long format using stata based on the syntax provided in the...
amwaj abugamza


06:43 PM Support #1713 (Feedback): fiyrl variable
In principle, many of income variables in Understanding Society are updated in each release of the data (so...
Understanding Society User Support Team
03:50 PM Support #1705: Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
To find more information on PSUs you should look into sampling documents for UKHLS and BHPS.
Olena Kaminska
02:14 PM Support #1705: Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
Hi Olena,
Thanks very much for confirming that PSU is Postcode Sector - I couldn't find this in the User Guides/do...
Sue Easton
01:52 PM Support #1705: Longitudinal Weighting of UKHLS Data in MLwiN
You have to run a correct model with correct specification, though you don't need to interpret all the levels...
Olena Kaminska
09:18 AM Support #1710: Variable for current health status?
Yes, that is correct, users need to derive this variable on their own.
Best wishes,
Understanding Society User S...
Understanding Society User Support Team

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