



From 12/16/2018 to 01/14/2019


03:54 PM Support #1128 (In Progress): How to match husbands and wives in USoc without dropping one or the other
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
02:05 PM Support #1128 (Resolved): How to match husbands and wives in USoc without dropping one or the other
Dear Stephanie, it is me again. I need your help with the following. I try to match husbands and wives (spouses) in U... Nico Ochmann
01:22 PM Support #1124: A binary variable for children under the age of 7 in a given household
Dear Stephanie,
thank you very much for your help, your step descriptions were very detailed and I think I unders...
Nico Ochmann
12:30 PM Support #1127 (In Progress): Determing end date of cohabitation spell
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
11:33 AM Support #1127 (Resolved): Determing end date of cohabitation spell
Dear supporter,
In our research, we are trying to compute a variable for duration (in months) since end of cohabitin...
12:29 PM Support #1126 (In Progress): Who owns vehicle
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


09:31 AM Support #1126 (Resolved): Who owns vehicle
Dear All
I see the Understand Society waves 4 to 7 do not have the variable 'x_carown' (who owns vehicle). Is it t...
Rafael Maldonado


10:50 PM Support #1125: Weighting problem
It is hard to judge what goes wrong from your description - the issue could be in many places.
I have ju...
Olena Kaminska
08:10 AM Support #887: Treatment of student sample members
sorry for jumping into this discussion.
I just would like to know if the following of university student...
Lydia Palumbo


03:56 PM Support #1125: Weighting problem
Dear Stephanie,
Thank you for your reply. My initial query was to get general advice about the weights and not sta...
Theodora Kokosi


05:45 PM Support #1125 (Feedback): Weighting problem
Dear Dora,
Our remit at the User Forum is to answer queries related to Understanding Society data and provide gene...
Stephanie Auty
05:35 PM Support #1112 (Resolved): Device variables at the individual level at Wave 8
Stephanie Auty
05:34 PM Support #1119 (Feedback): fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
Dear Yanan,
We are working on documentation for the unique identifiers for each dataset.
In this case, pidp and...
Stephanie Auty
04:35 PM Support #1124 (Feedback): A binary variable for children under the age of 7 in a given household
Dear Nico,
It would be better to start with the w_indall file as all individuals are listed there. Keep the variab...
Stephanie Auty


05:21 PM Support #1121: Variable "plbornc" vs "plbornc_all
As there are only 23 response options for plbornc, many respondents have to choose 97 "other country". They...
Alita Nandi
03:31 PM Support #1125: Weighting problem
Dear Olena,
Thank you for your reply. I am imputing 5 variables. The 3 of them are linked data about air pollution...
Theodora Kokosi
12:55 PM Support #1125 (In Progress): Weighting problem
Stephanie Auty
10:44 AM Support #1125: Weighting problem
Dear Theodora,
Can you just clarify - what are you imputing: is it one specific variable (item nonresponse) or is ...
Olena Kaminska
01:38 PM Support #1119: fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
Dear Yanan,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Some of our team members are looking into it and w...
Stephanie Auty


04:39 PM Support #1125 (Resolved): Weighting problem
Dear all,
Happy new year!
I am facing a problem with the weights from the youth dataset. I am running an analys...
Theodora Kokosi


03:36 PM Support #1120: Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
"a. what is absparno?"
ANS: c_absparno = absent parent code. So, if a respondent has 3 biological childre...
Alita Nandi


05:57 PM Support #1101: Use of social media
Dear Craig,
We are looking into the issue of missingness, and have found from looking at the scanned questionnaire...
Stephanie Auty
01:31 PM Support #1124 (In Progress): A binary variable for children under the age of 7 in a given household
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


05:45 PM Support #1118: f_closenum filtering issues

Thank you Stephanie,
I have now realised I was getting confused at the distinction between AND and OR, from the ...
Ella Moonan-Howard


11:51 AM Support #1124 (Resolved): A binary variable for children under the age of 7 in a given household
Dear Alita,
I hope you had a good holiday season. When you get the chance please help me with this one. I would lik...
Nico Ochmann


10:35 PM Support #1121: Variable "plbornc" vs "plbornc_all
ISER is now closed for the holidays and will reopen on 2nd January. We will get back to you soon afterwards.
Stephanie Auty
10:35 PM Support #1120: Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
ISER is now closed for the holidays and will reopen on 2nd January. We will get back to you soon afterwards.
Stephanie Auty
10:34 PM Support #1119: fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
ISER is now closed for the holidays and will reopen on 2nd January. We will get back to you soon afterwards.
Stephanie Auty
10:31 PM Support #1091 (Resolved): Sampling weights youth self-completion survey
Stephanie Auty
10:30 PM Support #1089 (Feedback): Does the data collection procedure of US fit the rule of randomization?
Stephanie Auty
10:30 PM Support #1047 (Feedback): Weights
Stephanie Auty


04:21 PM Support #1078: Marital change
Dear Lydia,
We have had some issues and the release of this data has been delayed. It should now be released in Ja...
Stephanie Auty
11:35 AM Support #1118: f_closenum filtering issues
Dear Ella,
I have checked the data and do not find this issue. For all respondents where both f_simfam and f_simag...
Stephanie Auty
11:28 AM Support #1112: Device variables at the individual level at Wave 8
This issue is being resolved by email. Stephanie Auty
10:32 AM Support #1121 (In Progress): Variable "plbornc" vs "plbornc_all
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
10:32 AM Support #1120: Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


03:04 PM Support #1121 (Resolved): Variable "plbornc" vs "plbornc_all
I expect that the number of observations for values (countries) 5-27 should be the same for both the "plbor...


03:21 PM Support #1114 (Feedback): Tracking health conditions
Dear Paul,
I want to make sure you're aware of the difference in wording in these questions between BHPS and UKHLS...
Stephanie Auty
02:59 PM Support #1111: Data discepancy? Tenure_dv and movdir / plnew
Dear Chris,
We have some team members looking into this issue and will update you when we have made some progress....
Stephanie Auty
10:42 AM Support #1101: Use of social media
Dear Craig,
The variable c_ypnetcht had been mislabelled and should read "how many hours do you spend chatting or ...
Stephanie Auty
10:35 AM Support #1120 (In Progress): Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
Stephanie Auty
10:34 AM Support #1118 (In Progress): f_closenum filtering issues
Stephanie Auty
10:34 AM Support #1118: f_closenum filtering issues
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty
10:34 AM Support #1119 (In Progress): fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a... Stephanie Auty


06:59 PM Support #1120 (Resolved): Identification of child in the chmain.dta within the third wave of UKHLS
I am merging the chmain.dta across the third, fifth and seventh wave of UKHLS. In the third wave, each row is ...
Yanan Zhang
04:15 PM Support #1119 (Resolved): fiseq_bh and pidp are not unique in the income dataset
I am merging all the income datasets with the 18-wave BHPS and the 8-wave UKLHS. However, the row in in...
Yanan Zhang

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