From 03/17/2018 to 04/15/2018
06:39 PM Support #959 (Feedback): Neighbourhood data
- Dear Dora,
we do indeed have plenty of other information about neighbourhoods! We also collect information about nei... -
04:59 PM Support #959 (In Progress): Neighbourhood data
12:41 PM Support #959 (Resolved): Neighbourhood data
- Dear all,
I would like to ask whether there are *any* neighbourhood data available apart from the self-reported qu... -
04:58 PM Support #957 (In Progress): Annual History Routing
- Dear Liam,
Apologies, you're right - the status and assignee were not updated so we didn't see your response to #9... -
04:50 PM Support #958 (In Progress): Wave 6 Innovation Panel - missing risk questions.
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:18 PM Support #958 (Resolved): Wave 6 Innovation Panel - missing risk questions.
- In wave 6 of the innovation panel, there were a series of risk questions added to the survey.
See this paper for a... -
01:38 PM Support #918: lnprnt - number of children ever had
- Dear Alita,
I believe I spotted yet another issue here in the context of generating the number of children ever b... -
11:40 AM Support #947: the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
- Dear Alita,
please no hurry, I just want to write this because I want to have it out there. I am trying to find t...
02:20 PM Support #947: the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
- Dear Alita,
my work is under way, I do have one question before I dive into it. You write above that a_natchild h... -
01:16 PM Support #957 (Resolved): Annual History Routing
- Hi,
I've posted this in another issue (#924), but am not sure whether the status will change so you will be made a... -
01:09 PM Support #924: Derivation of Fed Forward Values
- Hi,
Just writing to see if there was an answer to this?
I'm currently trying to derive consistent work-life his...
03:09 PM Support #956 (In Progress): Height and weight in wave 18
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:31 PM Support #956 (Resolved): Height and weight in wave 18
- Hi,
I am using the harmonised Understanding Society/BHPS data, where I have found height and weight information of...
09:39 PM Support #952 (Feedback): variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint recipient’, on the data file g_income
- Dear Simone,
The error on g_frjtpn will not have affected either of these variables.
Best wishes,
Stephanie Au... -
09:10 PM Support #955 (In Progress): Individual level net monthly income and social benefit income
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:40 PM Support #955 (Resolved): Individual level net monthly income and social benefit income
- Hi,
I am using individual level net monthly income (w_fimnnet_dv) and am looking at the different income componen... -
08:43 PM Support #948: Impevents question transcripts
- Dear Thiemo,
We do not release the free-text responses as it’s possible they would include something disclosive ab... -
01:22 PM Support #951: Deriving alcohol consumption units
- (As another thought: since the DrinkFreq (g_auditc3) categories are measured in proportions of a year - it may be bet...
10:10 AM Support #947 (Feedback): the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
- In Wave 1, a_natchild will have birth year information for all children ever born to the respondent. After Wave 1, w_...
05:13 PM Support #954 (In Progress): Nurse health assessment - bioimpedance measures
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:01 PM Support #954 (Resolved): Nurse health assessment - bioimpedance measures
- I am analysing data from the Understanding society Nurse Health assessment. To evaluate kidney function I aim to use ...
05:13 PM Support #953 (In Progress): Variable on intention to quit/leave current job
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:30 PM Support #953 (Resolved): Variable on intention to quit/leave current job
- Dear all,
I am looking for a variable indicating whether respondents intent to leave/quit their job.
Does UKHLS c... -
05:12 PM Support #952: variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint recipient’, on the data file g_income
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:30 AM Support #952 (In Progress): variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint recipient’, on the data file g_income
10:29 AM Support #951 (In Progress): Deriving alcohol consumption units
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:22 AM Support #952 (Resolved): variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint recipient’, on the data file g_income
- Hi,
A few days ago I received an email from Graham Jolliffe about an error of the variable g_frjtpn, ‘PNO of joint...
11:48 PM Support #951 (Resolved): Deriving alcohol consumption units
- Dear USoc Team,
My research is examining the impact of alcohol consumption on individual earnings.
With regards...
03:51 PM Support #946 (Feedback): hiqual_dv values
- Dear Rory,
Yes, this is because we have re-released the data but the online documentation is not yet updated.
B... -
03:10 PM Support #910: How to download NPD linked UKHLS
- Dear Nirosha,
Please contact the UKDS helpdesk if you believe you are receiving this message in error:
https://ww... -
12:29 PM Support #910: How to download NPD linked UKHLS
Sent: 06 February 2018 12:27
To: usersupp... -
01:21 PM Support #950: IP8 interviewer numbers
- Unfortunately, subtracting 21000000 from all eligible (not missing, -9/-1) h_intnum in the wave 8 household data from...
01:19 PM Support #950: IP8 interviewer numbers
- Jonathan Burton wrote:
> You should be able to fix it by subtracting 21000000 from positive numbers if they are abov... -
12:46 PM Support #950 (Feedback): IP8 interviewer numbers
12:22 PM Support #950: IP8 interviewer numbers
- i_intnum in i_indresp_ip is not correct at all – this will be addressed at IP10 release
12:20 PM Support #950: IP8 interviewer numbers
You should be able to fix it by subtracting 21000000 from positive numbers if they are above 42000000. This will br...-
09:28 AM Support #950 (Resolved): IP8 interviewer numbers
- Hi,
I am raising this on behalf of Dana Garbarski who contacted me directly -
It's a follow ... -
12:58 PM Support #895: data release mental health and social media
- Dear Danilo,
If you read the questionnaire as above, you will see question 27 contains the SDQ variables, and they... -
12:34 PM Support #895: data release mental health and social media
- From: danilo di emidio []
Sent: 12 February 2018 18:16
To: usersupport@understa... -
12:36 PM Support #944 (Resolved): Lowest level reliability with spatial data
- From: Paul Downward []
Sent: 03 April 2018 11:52
To: usersupport@understandingsociety... -
12:35 PM Support #939 (Resolved): Northern Irish Sample
- From: Tara McNeill []
Sent: 23 March 2018 16:00
To: usersupport@understandingsociety... -
12:35 PM Support #919 (Resolved): weights for pooled cross-sections over waves (a)-(g)
- From: Nico Ochmann []
Sent: 14 February 2018 12:24
To: usersupport@understandi... -
12:31 PM Support #906: Highest educational qualification using qfhigh_dv: potential issues with immigrants
- From: Nico Ochmann []
Sent: 07 February 2018 11:47
To: usersupport@understandi... -
10:11 AM Support #949 (In Progress): Total length of interview time for individual interviews
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
05:13 PM Support #949 (Resolved): Total length of interview time for individual interviews
- Hello,
I'm trying to figure out whether there is a variable that gives the total length of time in which an individu... -
03:30 PM Support #948 (In Progress): Impevents question transcripts
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:32 AM Support #948 (Resolved): Impevents question transcripts
- Dear USOC support team,
I am looking to see if its possible to access the transcribed data for the following quest... -
01:20 PM Support #918: lnprnt - number of children ever had
- Hi Alice,
In the BHPS, everyone was asked about all natural children (co-resident or non-resident) in Wave B for t...
05:31 PM Support #918: lnprnt - number of children ever had
- Hi Alice,
I have asked our BHPS experts to answer your question.
In the meantime you could take a look at the ... -
05:29 PM Support #918: lnprnt - number of children ever had
- Hi Nico,
1. Good idea to include ceasarian birth - thanks for spotting that.
2. The number of pregout variables d... -
12:38 PM Support #947 (In Progress): the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:23 PM Support #947 (Resolved): the birthyear of all children (in and outside the household) born by a given female respondent
- Hi Alita,
this is my last question for you for a while, promised. I would like to get your general take on it tho... -
11:52 AM Support #945: total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant)
- Dear Stephanie,
thank you very much for your help.
I think I can do it now.
Best wishes.
Nico -
10:52 AM Support #945 (Feedback): total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant)
- Dear Nico,
The variables you have found give the number of siblings the respondent is not living with, so you will... -
09:50 AM Support #945 (In Progress): total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant)
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:38 AM Support #944: Lowest level reliability with spatial data
- Dear Paul,
Thank you for your question. If you mean a unit of analysis - there isn't any restriction. You can use ... -
09:50 AM Support #946 (In Progress): hiqual_dv values
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:44 AM Support #918: lnprnt - number of children ever had
- Hi Alita,
Thank you so much for the information and code.
I am utilising the original BHPS sample (hhorig==3) a...
03:26 PM Support #937: Merge children to parents
- Hi Stephanie,
Thanks a lot that is very useful. We converted children into wide format and then matched them with t...
09:35 AM Support #946 (Resolved): hiqual_dv values
- Hello,
I am preparing a datafile and have noticed that the frequencies I obtain when tabulating the hiqual_dv vari...
05:40 PM Support #945: total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant)
- My apologies, I must be blind. I did find a_nrelsw12, c_nrels2, e_nrels2, and g_nrels4.
I guess my follow-up ques... -
04:59 PM Support #945 (Resolved): total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant)
- Dear Support Team,
I am looking for the total number of siblings of a given respondent (gender is irrelevant).
08:25 PM Support #943 (Feedback): g_indresp - exercise variable
- Dear Emma,
The variables you are looking at for time spent exercising, g_vwhrs, g_vwmin, g_mwhrs and g_mwmin, are ... -
02:59 PM Support #939 (Feedback): Northern Irish Sample
- Dear Tara,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The description on the UKDS site is out of date and we wi... -
02:44 PM Support #944 (In Progress): Lowest level reliability with spatial data
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
09:39 AM Support #944 (Resolved): Lowest level reliability with spatial data
- I am currently supervising a PhD student who is very interested in exploring the environmental influences on individu...
12:48 PM Support #918: lnprnt - number of children ever had
- Dear Alita,
I am looking at the number of children a women had. For that purpose, I am very interested in the cod...
12:59 PM Support #943 (In Progress): g_indresp - exercise variable
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
12:53 PM Support #943 (Resolved): g_indresp - exercise variable
- Good afternoon,
I'm hoping to use US to look at the correlations between mood and exercise for different cohorts ...
04:15 PM Support #942: Net income of multiple job holders
- nevermind. I couldn't delete this comment but i figured out my problem
04:05 PM Support #942: Net income of multiple job holders
- Thanks for the feedback. I tried out this variable, unfortunately, it didn't work for a panel I'm constructing. When ...
10:22 AM Support #942 (Feedback): Net income of multiple job holders
10:22 AM Support #942: Net income of multiple job holders
- Dear G F,
The following variables should help:
w_j2pay_dv is gross pay in second job (see questionnaire for cla... -
09:37 AM Support #942 (In Progress): Net income of multiple job holders
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
01:44 AM Support #942 (Resolved): Net income of multiple job holders
- I'm a researcher doing a project on income of single vs. multiple job holders in the Understanding Society dataset an...
01:43 PM Support #937 (Feedback): Merge children to parents
- Dear Karl,
You will need to merge this data using the parent identifiers in the child's record. If you are only in... -
09:57 AM Support #941 (Feedback): Industry Concordance | SIC 1980 to SIC 2007
- Dear Amin,
We don't hold this information, but I have found this page on the ONS website:
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