Support #924
openDerivation of Fed Forward Values
I am interesting in using data from the Annual History Module from Waves 2-7 in Understanding Society. I'm particularly interested in the variables relating to annual employment (job and status) history.
The universe, routing and form the questions take in the Annual History Module are dependent on four fed forward variables: ff_everint, ff_ivlolw, ff_jbstat, ff_emplw.
I was wondering if you have any information on how these variables are derived? I have been trying to see whether they are related to previous variables (ff_ivlolw=ivfio; ff_jbstat=jbstat; ff_emplw=(jbhas==1 | jboff==1)), but can't get the figures to match up.
Updated by Liam Wright almost 7 years ago
I am interesting in using data from the Annual History Module from Waves 2-7 in Understanding Society. I'm particularly interested in the variables relating to annual employment (job and status) history.
The universe, routing and form the questions take in the Annual History Module are dependent on four fed forward variables: ff_everint, ff_ivlolw, ff_jbstat, ff_emplw.
I was wondering if you have any information on how these variables are derived? I have been trying to see whether they are related to previous variables (w_ff_ivlolw=w-1_ivfio; w_ff_jbstat=w-1_jbstat; w_ff_emplw=(w-1_jbhas==1 | w-1_jboff==1)), but can't get the figures to match up.
Updated by Gundi Knies almost 7 years ago
- Category set to Data documentation
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Liam Wright
- Target version set to X M
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
- Private changed from Yes to No
Hi Liam,
the variables starting with the ff prefix are not technically derived variables. They report the value of that variable that has been recorded during the last interview with that person. This last interview may have taken place in the previous wave but it could also be from before then, e.g. a proxy interview [_ivfio=2] may not count as the last interview. Generally it should be noted that the feed forward file is typically compiled at a time when the data processing has not concluded. That is, it uses unedited data that has not yet undergone the plausibility testing we apply before we release the data. We provide ff variables to allow users to replicate the routing used in the interview.
An implication of all this is that it is possible that a fed forward variable indicates that there is, e.g., a valid job description b_ff_jbsoc00>=0 in the data file b_indresp but the person's value in the a_indresp data file indicates that the description is missing or wild, i.e., a_jbsoc00==-9.
We hope this helps,
Updated by Liam Wright almost 7 years ago
Hi Gundi,
That is helpful, thank you.
Am I right in saying the variables are calculated as I thought above (data cleaning aside)?
w_ff_ivlolw=w-1_ivfio; w_ff_jbstat=w-1_jbstat; w_ff_emplw=(w-1_jbhas==1 | w-1_jboff==1)
Also, I have another question about the routing in the Annual History Data. From what I can tell, it is possible that participants can be asked both w_notempchk and w_empchk, which means w_cjob can refer to (and be routed from) two different jobs given by participants where w_nxtst==1 and (w_jbsamr==2 | w_samejob==2). Do you know what happens in the module where participants are asked both w_notempchk and w_empchk? (I have attached a diagram of the routing for Wave 2, as I understand it.)
Updated by Liam Wright almost 7 years ago
Just writing to see if there was an answer to this?
I'm currently trying to derive consistent work-life history files, but the routing in the questionnaires is unclear. Participants can be (and are) asked w_notempchk and w_empchk if they have ff_jbstat>2 & ff_emplw==1 (i.e. in last wave, self-defined as neither employed or self-employed, but also stated having paid work). If w_notempchk==2 and w_empchk==2 (in Wave 2 this was 188 participants), then what, for example, is the question asked for empstendd? The text in the questionnaire file is "On what date did you stop being [ff_JBSTAT] {if NotEmpChk = 2} / working in the job you were doing on [ff_IntDate] {if EmpChk = 2} ?" Also, where w_nxtst==1 & (jbsamr==2 or samejob==2), what would cjob refer to?
Updated by Stephanie Auty almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
This issue continues in #957.