From 10/22/2017 to 11/20/2017
04:33 PM Support #878 (In Progress): employment histories
- Dear Marco,
I'll assign this to Peter for some weighting advice.
Best wishes,
Stephanie Auty - Understanding S... -
04:04 PM Support #878: employment histories
- Dear Stephanie,
My sample includes people aged 65-74 in wave 1 (n=5,371). 3,705 respondents have information about t... -
03:03 PM Support #878 (Feedback): employment histories
- Dear Marco,
The first six months is a representative sample, but does not include the Ethnic Minority Boost sample... -
03:17 PM Support #875 (Feedback): Veterans employment
- Dear David,
There is not a specific variable which identifies these people. You can start with job codes 1171 and ... -
03:04 PM Support #876: Cross wave (xwave) variable for parents occupations NSSEC 5 cats?
- Dear Nicola,
w_manssec5_dv and w_panssec5_dv are available in the w_indresp files. Individuals are asked for their p... -
02:57 PM Support #872 (Resolved): Weights of the continuation of the BHPS sample into UKHLS
02:57 PM Support #871 (Resolved): Confirmation Wave 1 -9
02:56 PM Support #868 (Resolved): wealthassetsanddebt
02:56 PM Support #867 (Resolved): Wave 6 f_hhnetinc1 set to zero rather than missing for iemb sample
02:56 PM Support #866 (Resolved): Stratification information
02:55 PM Support #865 (Resolved): Change in question on occupation in Questionnaire in 2005 and 2006
02:55 PM Support #864 (Resolved): filterring
02:55 PM Support #863 (Closed): People living in Multi-generational homes in the UK
02:54 PM Support #862 (Resolved): interviewer identification numbers
02:53 PM Support #861 (Resolved): number of questions respondents are asked
02:53 PM Support #860 (Feedback): Length of time for interview
02:52 PM Support #859 (Resolved): Adoption status
02:52 PM Support #858 (Closed): Date of Birth variables
02:51 PM Support #856 (Closed): how to deal with contradictory records
02:51 PM Support #853 (Closed): Self-esteem measure in Youth Questionnaire
02:51 PM Support #852 (Resolved): Empstat / employment history
02:50 PM Support #851 (Closed): Components of net monthly income
02:50 PM Support #849 (Resolved): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
10:14 AM Support #880 (In Progress): Genetic data linked to NPD
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:13 PM Support #880 (Closed): Genetic data linked to NPD
- Is genetic data available for individuals with linked National Pupil Database Wave 1 data, if so, what is the sample ...
11:26 AM Support #873 (Feedback): Westminster constituency identifiers
- Dear Quinton,
Thank you, we are aware of this issue. The information is not currently available but we are conside...
10:47 AM Support #879 (In Progress): macob_all and pacob_all in xwavedat_protect are not available
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:47 AM Support #878 (In Progress): employment histories
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:54 PM Support #879 (Closed): macob_all and pacob_all in xwavedat_protect are not available
- Dear Alita,
I hope you are doing well. I have noticed that macob_all and pacob_all are not available in xwavedat_...
05:01 PM Support #878 (Closed): employment histories
- Hello,
I try to reconstruct employment histories in wave 1 to analyse implications on health in the later waves. Sin... -
04:48 PM Support #877: weights for pooled cross-sections over waves (a)-(f)
- Nico,
1. The provision of weights requires the ability to estimate probabilities of continuing to respond over mul... -
02:55 PM Support #877 (Resolved): weights for pooled cross-sections over waves (a)-(f)
- Dear Peter,
I have a few more questions with regard to my original support #758.
1. When I generate my new weight... -
03:23 PM Support #876 (In Progress): Cross wave (xwave) variable for parents occupations NSSEC 5 cats?
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:26 AM Support #876 (Closed): Cross wave (xwave) variable for parents occupations NSSEC 5 cats?
- Hi
Is there a cross wave (xwave) derived variable available for father's and mother's occupation when respondent ...
04:19 PM Support #848: Clinical Depression H_COND variables
- Luca,
I will try to answer some of your questions in terms of weighting. But please if my response is not sufficie... -
09:53 AM Support #869 (Feedback): Unexpectedly strong gender homophily in Understanding Society compared with the BHPS
- Dear Till,
There are several differences in the way these questions were asked from Wave 18 of the BHPS to Wave 3 ...
06:32 PM Support #870 (Feedback): Change in boundaries of Local Authority Districs
- Dear Jascha,
There is a pdf document called “Understanding Society Innovation Panel Geographical Lookup Tables”, w...
02:33 PM Support #860: Length of time for interview
- Dear Dana,
There are three timings files included in the data download of the IP data, one for the household grid,...
04:32 PM Support #875 (In Progress): Veterans employment
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
04:09 PM Support #875 (Closed): Veterans employment
- I hope to use US to identify the labour market experience of former members of the UK armed forces, with a particular...
04:31 PM Support #874 (In Progress): try to link the birthweight to each child
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:30 PM Support #874 (Closed): try to link the birthweight to each child
- There is a file called a_natchild containing the information about the natural children including birth weight, gesta...
01:11 PM Support #872 (Feedback): Weights of the continuation of the BHPS sample into UKHLS
12:21 PM Support #867 (Feedback): Wave 6 f_hhnetinc1 set to zero rather than missing for iemb sample
- Dear David,
It is correct that all IEMB household income values should be missing on the wave 1-6 release. On the ... -
11:11 AM Support #867: Wave 6 f_hhnetinc1 set to zero rather than missing for iemb sample
- Hi,
Is it possible to advise when I might hear back on this?
07:43 PM Support #873 (In Progress): Westminster constituency identifiers
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
06:18 PM Support #873 (Closed): Westminster constituency identifiers
- I am looking for information that will allow me to identify the individual parliamentary constituencies that responde...
05:40 PM Support #861 (Feedback): number of questions respondents are asked
- Dear Dana,
You could calculate this by removing any derived variables, weights and linking identifiers, only keepi... -
04:05 PM Support #862 (Feedback): interviewer identification numbers
- Dear Dana,
The interviewer numbers are consistent across waves, so the answer to your question is yes. However, at... -
03:48 PM Support #863 (Resolved): People living in Multi-generational homes in the UK
03:47 PM Support #858 (Resolved): Date of Birth variables
03:47 PM Support #857 (Closed): Merging datasets
03:47 PM Support #856 (Resolved): how to deal with contradictory records
03:46 PM Support #855 (Closed): Drinking variables in wave 2, adult self-completion
03:46 PM Support #854 (Closed): Ethnicity and Socio-economic group - inapplicable data
03:46 PM Support #853 (Resolved): Self-esteem measure in Youth Questionnaire
03:45 PM Support #851 (Resolved): Components of net monthly income
03:45 PM Support #849 (Feedback): universe of indall files in BHPS UKHLS
03:44 PM Support #842 (Closed): Marital status variable - mlstat
10:34 AM Support #871 (Feedback): Confirmation Wave 1 -9
- Dear Victoria,
The currently available published data is waves 1-6, but in a few weeks the next data release is du... -
10:32 AM Support #868 (Feedback): wealthassetsanddebt
- Dear Jia,
Please refer to the long term content plan, which you can download here: https://www.understandingsociet...
12:14 PM Support #866 (Feedback): Stratification information
- Dear Dora,
We have an exercise of how to deal with this problem in example 6 in our training materials, which you ... -
12:03 PM Support #863: People living in Multi-generational homes in the UK
- From: Charlotte Pierzchniak []
Sent: 20 October 2017 15:44
To: usersupport...
12:15 PM Support #872: Weights of the continuation of the BHPS sample into UKHLS
- Lawrence,
For analysis of BHPS members who have participated since 1991 you should use the relevant weight with zz...
04:15 PM Support #852 (Feedback): Empstat / employment history
- Dear Emily Marie,
Apologies for the late response on this issue.
1. There may be various reasons why a person ... -
02:38 PM Support #870 (In Progress): Change in boundaries of Local Authority Districs
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
10:52 AM Support #870 (Closed): Change in boundaries of Local Authority Districs
- Hi,
I am working on a project linking survey respondents to Local Authority Districts (LAD). I have access to the ... -
02:37 PM Support #872 (In Progress): Weights of the continuation of the BHPS sample into UKHLS
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
02:23 PM Support #872 (Closed): Weights of the continuation of the BHPS sample into UKHLS
- To whom it may concern,
I am using the BHPS sample, from its first wave (1991) through to the most recent wave of ... -
02:37 PM Support #871 (In Progress): Confirmation Wave 1 -9
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
11:46 AM Support #871 (Closed): Confirmation Wave 1 -9
I just want to confirm - that to date there are only waves 1-6. The information on the website which shows waves 1-...
04:38 PM Support #869 (In Progress): Unexpectedly strong gender homophily in Understanding Society compared with the BHPS
- Many thanks for your enquiry. The Understanding Society team is looking into it and we will get back to you as soon a...
03:46 PM Support #869 (Closed): Unexpectedly strong gender homophily in Understanding Society compared with the BHPS
- h1. Summary
I am interested in homophily effects that can be derived from the social network questions in waves B,...
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