From 07/04/2015 to 08/02/2015
12:41 PM Support #397: question about Total personal income annually
- Hi Greg,
the question was part of the proxy interview and there are not that many in Understanding Society.
You ca... -
10:44 AM Support #397 (Closed): question about Total personal income annually
- Hi, I'm trying to look at issues related to income. There is a variable c_prfitba which is the "total personal income...
09:15 PM Support #396 (Closed): Health Condition Variables - heart attack and stroke
- I am currently interested in whether a respondent had any of the provided health conditions in one or more of the 4 w...
04:06 PM Support #393: Weights for unbalanced panel
- Peter Lynn wrote:
> So, it looks as though you are effectively pooling across waves. Your model structure should dea... -
10:50 AM Support #393 (In Progress): Weights for unbalanced panel
01:42 PM Support #395 (Closed): Match income variables from BHPS to UndSoc
- Hello,
I'm working with the BHPS and UndSoc and would like to create consistent income measures for the same under... -
10:46 AM Support #391 (Resolved): job tenure variable in Understanding Society
10:45 AM Support #390 (Resolved): how to deal with inapplicable values
10:40 AM Support #387 (Resolved): Weights when nurse visit is baseline
10:30 AM Support #387: Weights when nurse visit is baseline
- Dear Peter,
Thanks, that is helpful - I'll have a go at using d_indnsub_lw.
Best wishes,
05:08 PM Support #393: Weights for unbalanced panel
- So, it looks as though you are effectively pooling across waves. Your model structure should deal with the clustering...
04:25 PM Support #393: Weights for unbalanced panel
- Peter Lynn wrote:
> Could you clarify what kind of analysis you intend to undertake? Are you thinking of some kind o... -
04:22 PM Support #393: Weights for unbalanced panel
- Could you clarify what kind of analysis you intend to undertake? Are you thinking of some kind of longitudinal model ...
12:46 PM Support #393 (Closed): Weights for unbalanced panel
- I want to use all available data from BHPS and US, rather than restricting my analysis to those who took part in ever...
04:18 PM Support #387: Weights when nurse visit is baseline
- Amanda,
First, apologies for the slow reply. The weighting team has been on annual leave and then away at a confer... -
04:01 PM Support #392 (Feedback): secondary vs. post-secondary distinctions in vocational quals
- Hi Lori (and Jon),
to my knowledge it is not possible to derive ISCED from the Understanding Society data (for the r... -
03:00 PM Support #394 (Closed): Data in Excel?
- Dear Sir or Madam,
I am not able to access the data using STATA or SPSS, since I don't have access to these progra...
09:19 AM Support #392 (Closed): secondary vs. post-secondary distinctions in vocational quals
On behalf of Lori D. Bougher <lbougher@Princeton.EDU>:
We are looking at the relationship between political inte...
09:47 AM Support #391: job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- Dear Jun
we do not presently provide an indicator for the length of employment spells. It is possible to derive this...
06:28 PM Support #390: how to deal with inapplicable values
- Dear Jun,
we differentiate between a number of different sources of missingness. The full listing is reported in Tab...
10:45 AM Support #385 (Closed): EMB sample
10:45 AM Support #389 (Closed): Secure data question
10:44 AM Support #388 (Closed): Weights Northern Ireland UK
03:56 PM Support #391 (Closed): job tenure variable in Understanding Society
- Dear support team
I'm using both Understanding Society dataset and the BHPS dataset to estimate a wage equation. ... -
03:42 PM Support #390 (Closed): how to deal with inapplicable values
- Dear support team
a lot of the variables in the Understanding Society dataset has a high percentage of inapplicable...
10:16 AM Support #389: Secure data question
- Unfortunately, we are currently not able to support analysis that depends on knowing the exact location of both home ...
10:01 AM Support #389: Secure data question
- Greetings Jakob,
We are hoping to define possible routes travelled by participants to estimate what kind of neigh... -
09:37 AM Support #389: Secure data question
- Whilst we don't collect any identifiable data on work places, we do collect employment and commuting-related informat...
11:45 AM Support #389 (Closed): Secure data question
- This is a question about spatial data available in US. I understand that home postcode is available in the secure dat...
04:01 PM Support #378 (Closed): Retirement data
04:00 PM Support #381 (Closed): lvwhy recording
08:40 AM Support #385: EMB sample
- The GPS sample without the NI part, that is, hhorig=1, is representative of Great Britain and selected with almost eq...
08:29 AM Support #388 (In Progress): Weights Northern Ireland UK
- Hi Gretta,
I am not exactly sure from your message, but it seems that you have set up the data in long format and ...
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