



From 11/13/2012 to 12/12/2012


05:18 PM Support #100 (In Progress): Occupation variables
The full SOC codes are only released under Special License -
Redmine Admin
03:49 PM Support #100 (Closed): Occupation variables
I want to use the occupational variables in the second wave of understanding society, b_jbsoc00/b_jbsoc90 to be ...
Feifei Bu
05:10 PM Support #99 (In Progress): questions regarding wave 2

> Is there an equivalent in wave 2 for the variable a_swemwbs?
No, the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale...
Redmine Admin
04:45 PM Support #101 (Closed): Weighting in BHPS
I have a problem with weighting the data for BHPS wave 11 which I am hoping you can help me with.

We have created...
Matthew Aldrich
02:57 PM Support #98 (Closed): Number of children
Redmine Admin
02:56 PM Support #97 (Closed): Means-tested income - dervied variable
Redmine Admin
02:56 PM Support #96 (Closed): SN 3954 British Household Panel Survey Combined Work-Life History
Redmine Admin
02:56 PM Support #94 (Closed): Children living with both birth parents
Redmine Admin


02:01 PM Support #99 (Closed): questions regarding wave 2
Hi there,
I wonder if you could help me with a few questions on b-indresp:
* Is there an equivalent in wave 2 f...
Jennifer Brown


11:45 AM Support #98: Number of children
The file INDALL contains different family relationship variables.
A description of these 'pointers' can be ...
Redmine Admin
10:31 AM Support #98 (Closed): Number of children
I only found variables that contained the number of children in a household, however I would like to know the number ... Judith Lupatsch


04:23 PM Support #96: SN 3954 British Household Panel Survey Combined Work-Life History
Your interpretation of the date variable is correct (i.e. 1 represents January 1900, 2 represents February 1900 and s... Hersh Mann
01:14 PM Support #97 (In Progress): Means-tested income - dervied variable
It would be possible to sum up the amounts received month by month for responding adults (FRNOW is the routing to thi... Redmine Admin


12:01 PM Support #97 (Closed): Means-tested income - dervied variable
I need to create a variable in BHPS which gives total household income from means-tested benefits. Ideally ...
Alex Hurrell
11:19 AM Support #94: Children living with both birth parents
> With regards to published figures for this, you would have to contact the authors directly.
Let us know if there...
Redmine Admin
11:17 AM Support #93 (Closed): Significant variation in results running the 'satisfaction with leisure time query in both Understanding Society & British Household panel surveys
Redmine Admin
11:17 AM Support #95 (Closed): Follow up to Variation in responses in British Household Panel & Understanding Society surveys
Redmine Admin


09:35 AM Support #95: Follow up to Variation in responses in British Household Panel & Understanding Society surveys
> Can I check the variable for current job in BHPS, please.
> Ray
The variable names are the same. Please be awar...
Redmine Admin


05:43 PM Support #96 (Closed): SN 3954 British Household Panel Survey Combined Work-Life History

I would like to know how the Date variable is actually calculated in the SN 3954 British Household Panel Surv...
Chris Foster
03:02 PM Support #95: Follow up to Variation in responses in British Household Panel & Understanding Society surveys
> In current. Is there a similar distinction in the BHPS between current and last job?
> Ray
Yes, BHPS is the so...
Redmine Admin


01:03 PM Support #95 (In Progress): Follow up to Variation in responses in British Household Panel & Understanding Society surveys
Are you interested in current (_jbsemp) or last job (_jlsemp)?
Redmine Admin
12:57 PM Support #95 (Closed): Follow up to Variation in responses in British Household Panel & Understanding Society surveys
Many thanks for your suggestion Jakob.
On a related matter, i.e a variation between results
in Understanding Soci...
Raymond Storry


01:46 PM Support #94: Children living with both birth parents
We have now applied the cross-sectional household weights _hhdenus_xw found on the response file _hhresp and w...
Tony Doherty
07:44 AM Support #88 (Closed): about BHPS
Redmine Admin


05:27 PM Support #94: Children living with both birth parents
Once you have a produced a household level dataset based on the household grid information on the individual l...
Redmine Admin
05:10 PM Support #94: Children living with both birth parents
We want to apply the same definitions to our analysis of the data as was applied when the data was first pro...
Tony Doherty
04:46 PM Support #94 (In Progress): Children living with both birth parents
Dear Tony,
To give you the best possible advice, we would have to know a bit more detail about the definitions you w...
Redmine Admin
02:46 PM Support #94 (Closed): Children living with both birth parents
I recently made enquiries about data on the percentage of children living with both parents. National data broken do... Tony Doherty
03:34 PM Support #93: Significant variation in results running the 'satisfaction with leisure time query in both Understanding Society & British Household panel surveys
As a tip: There is a weight for self-completion questions you can use for UKHLS, _indscus_xw (cross-sectional a...
Redmine Admin
02:12 PM Support #93 (Closed): Significant variation in results running the 'satisfaction with leisure time query in both Understanding Society & British Household panel surveys
Dear Sir,
I am in the process of running a query on ‘satisfaction levels with leisure time’
in both the British H...
Raymond Storry


05:50 PM Support #92 (Closed): Origin of deprivation indicators
Redmine Admin
05:50 PM Support #91 (Closed): masoc & pasoc
Redmine Admin
05:49 PM Support #90 (Closed): Innovation Panel Variables and Wave
Redmine Admin

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