



Support #97


Means-tested income - dervied variable

Added by Alex Hurrell over 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Redmine Admin
Data analysis
Start date:
% Done:




I need to create a variable in BHPS which gives total household income from means-tested benefits. Ideally I need this to correspond as closely as possible to the HHIRBEN variable in the Family Resources Survey (FRS) dataset (which is derived from INIRBEN).

I can find various variables that give total benefit income (e.g. RFIHHMB, RFIHHYB, etc), but no variables that relate to just means-tested benefits.

According to the FRS (2009/10) HHIRBEN variable definition the following are considered as means-tested benefits:
1. Housing benefit
2. Council tax benefit
3. Income Support
4. Pension Credit
5. DWP third party payments - IS/PC
6. Social Fund Loan: Repayment from IS/PC
7. Income Based Jobseekers Allowance,
8. Income Based DWP third party payments – JSA
9. Income Based Social Fund Loan: Repayment from JSA
10. Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
11. Maternity Grant
12. Funeral Grant or Community Care Grant
13. Return to Work Credit
14. Work-related activity premium
15. Child Maintenance Bonus/Premium
16. Lone Parent Benefit run-on/Job Grant
17. Extended HB only or separately and Extended CTB only or separately
18. Extended HB/CTB paid together

So my specific question is, can I use the wINCOME record type to derive total household income from means-tested benefits received in previous month by:
a) identifying the rows corresponding to any one of the 18 means-tested benefits in the list above (plus any that existed previously to 2009/10),
b) then summing the value of these benefits for the specific month prior to the month of interview?

Steps (a) and (b) would need to be repeated for all waves.

Many thanks in advance for your help,

Actions #1

Updated by Redmine Admin over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Redmine Admin
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

It would be possible to sum up the amounts received month by month for responding adults (FRNOW is the routing to this part of the questionnaire). Please note that not all the benefit types found on FRS were asked in BHPS. Household level information can readily be created for households where all adults responded, but not so easily for incomplete households.

Actions #2

Updated by Redmine Admin about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

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