Support #985
openWeights for pooled cross-section over all waves
Although this issue has already been discussed a couple of times, I would like to address the selection and use of the appropriate weights when pooling across all waves of Understanding Society once again to avoid any mistakes. I'm very much appreciating the guidance that has been provided so far, but haven't found a clear answer to my question and thus be extremely grateful if someone could help me out.
For my analysis of intergenerational social mobility across labour market entry cohorts, I am using all waves including all samples of Understanding Society in a pooled cross-section. Obviously, I have dropped all duplicates as I want to have each observation only once in my dataset and take the first interview in which the individual has indicated both her first occupation and year of leaving school/further education as my observation of interest. In line with [#758], I have constructed the individual cross-sectional weight as follows:
gen xweight = .
replace xweight = a_indpxus_xw if wave == 1
foreach x in b c d e {
replace xweight = `x'_indpxub_xw if inlist(wave,2,3,4,5)
repalce xweight = f_indpxui_xw if wave 6
replace xweight = g_indpxui_xw if wave 7
Is this the correct way of selecting the cross-sectional weights? And do I need to do anything else such as rescaling to correctly apply them for my pooled cross-sectional analysis (i.e. calculating social mobility rates and proportions of class of origin and destination by labour market entry cohorts)?
Thank you very much!
Nhat An