Support #904
openEducational atttainment waves 20-25 - BHPS sample
I am conducting longitudinal analyses with the original BHPS sample (hhorig==3), utilising data from both BHPS and USoc (i.e. combined waves 1-25). I wish to control for educational attainment in my models. The original BHPS education variables (qfedhi qfachi) are not continued in USoc. A significant number of the original BHPS sample are missing on hiqual_dv in waves 20-25. I read the documentation on your website and understand that it is because these respondents were never asked qfhigh. The BHPS respondent missing on hiqual_dv are also missing on the other education variables in waves 20-25 including qfhigh_dv, qualnew1-31 & nhiqual_dv. Do these respondents have any updated information on their educational attainment post BHPS, i.e. post wave 18? Or is my only choice to carry their most recent value on highqual_dv from wave 18 forwards into subsequent waves?
Thanks in advance for your help!