Support #824
closedQuestion on individual saving
Dear Support Team,
I am using the US wave 4 to analyze households' saving decisions. I am looking at the questions d_save and d_saved. The question d_save is:
Do you save any amount of your income for example by putting something away now and then in a bank, building society, or Post Office account other than to meet regular bills? Please include share purchase schemes ISA's and Tessa accounts.
Is there a way to know whether "regular bills" was specified in any way - in particular to include mortgage payments? In other words, I would like to know whether the reported savings include mortgage payments or not. Secondly is there any more detailed description of the d_saved variable - in particular to learn whether it includes payments into personal pension funds?
Thank you very much for your help with these questions.
kind regards,
Lucyna Gornicka