Support #762
closedinconsistency between xwavedat and indresp on parental occupation?
I am a bit puzzled with the parental information contained in the indresp file and in the xwavedat file.
The xwavedat variables are supposed to be based on indresp data, but I am not sure why I find the following inconsistencies. (Perhaps this is my mistake too)
Let me give an example, base don data I am using. I have added parental information in xwavedat to b_indresp.
I have the following variables:
. sum b_masoc90_cc b_masoc00_cc masoc00_cc masoc90_cc
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
b_masoc90_cc | 1,734 54.04268 25.38314 10 99
b_masoc00_cc | 1,734 551.8899 260.5772 111 925
masoc00_cc | 19,497 580.8958 269.3696 111 925
masoc90_cc | 23,434 57.34847 26.26591 10 99
I next do the following tests, with these results:
- tab masoc00_cc b_hhorig = this only has values for the UKHLS sample
- tab masoc90_cc b_hhorig = this has values for both UK and BHPS sample, but BHPS NI is missing
- tab b_masoc00_cc b_hhorig = this has values for both UKHLS and BHPS sample
- tab b_masoc90_cc b_hhorig = this has values for both UKHLS and BHPS sample
I would have expected that the variables from the xwavedat include more cases, and not less.
But there is even a more strange thing in this data:
tab b_masoc90_cc if masoc90_cc==.
I would have expected a "no observations" sign, assuming that masoc90_cc is based on the indresp files (as it is stated here:; however, I get 1731 cases with a valid value. This means that there are only 3 cases that have a value in both indresp and xwavedat.
Can you explain why this is the case? It seems as if in order to get full parental data I need to merge the values in indresp with the values in xwavedat.
I then tested another variable, to double check this: b_racel and racel_dv
. sum b_racel racel_dv
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
b_racel | 3,892 4.763361 11.60202 1 97
racel_dv | 52,065 3.03609 7.31321 1 97
. tab b_racel if observations
- This is what I expected.
I would be very grateful if you could clarify what is included in the xwavedat file in terms of parental information, or if there is a document where I could find more information.
Many thanks in advance!!!
And please let me know if you need further clarification; or if I am doing the wrong tests :)