Support #754
closedThree Class NS-SEC - jbnssec3_dv
I try to make use of jbnnsec3_dv variable. According to the value labels, three categories are (1) management & professional, (2) intermediate, and (3) routine & never worked & long-term unemployed. That said, for around 40% of the individuals in each wave, this question is coded as "inapplicable". This sounds a bit weird to me, given that unemployed and inactive individuals are coded as 3.
I went a bit further and checked the code book to see how filters work for this variable. I think, as it is a derived variable, there is no filter information. Then I realise that the value labels in the code book are different from those in the data (i.e. 3=routine).
Can you please let me know what are the correct label values for this question, and also for whom this question is considered as "inapplicable"
Many thanks,
Best, Sait