Support #731
closedDe facto marital status and urban or rural area, derived
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I hope you are well.
I am doing a project from using your Wave 5, Individual Adult Interview Data e_indresp. Within the questionnaire I am trying to find the point in which you asked or involved the question of:
e_mastat_dv - De facto marital status
e_urban_dv - Urban or rural area, derived
They both state that they are on this datafile (e_indresp), however, when I try and find them both, they do not seem to be within this. Could you tell me where I could find these in questionnaire form? Is it something to do with them being _dv?
I am putting an appendix together for variables I have investigated and I would very much like for these two to be within this.
Thank you for your time,
Kirsty Tiernan